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Status Updates posted by Fractured

  1. Diamond Tiara's on the banner... 10/12/2015- Mark this day forever, my brothers. We have arrived.

    1. Nuke87654


      I knew you would be happy

  2. MLP Friends Forever 16 comes out in a few days. It also marks the first time that i'll be paying for an MLP comic, because Diamond is more than worth my $3.99

  3. Does anyone miss old Twilight? I mean Twilight the anti-social jerk who didn't trust anyone, not pre-alicorn Twilight. Times have changed...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SoGxTrixie


      Trixie definitely misses old twilight. Twilight is getting ahead of the show and will become more than her friends alone, she's already doing more than celestia. Twilight pulling out random spells that turns all ponies into butterflies, she definitely didn't study that! Twilight needs a nerf.

    3. Fractured


      Agreed. I'm guessing Trixie will be pleasantly surprised when she comes back and finds that Twilight has wings now, though.

    4. Ice Fox

      Ice Fox

      I do miss that side of Twilight. I actually empathized heavily with her at those times.

  4. Watching the Season 5 opener, and I just noticed something. In the second half, when the Mane Six are in SG's house, Applejack tips the vase over and breaks it, for seemingly no reason other than to be a complete ass; you can even see the satisfied smirk on her face. Know what that means?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fractured


      It means for the remainder of the week, Applejack is best pony, that's what that means.

    3. Miles
    4. SoGxTrixie


      Just for you DT.

  5. So...when are we going to find out Starlight Glimmer is Twilight Sparkle's long lost cousin?

    1. VitalSpark


      Hmmm... that would be good. Or maybe Twilight Velvet's younger sister?

    2. Fractured


      Also possible. That would be an odd mix, though, since she matches Twilight more than Twilight Velvet herself.

  6. Not that I didn't expect to be, but writing Diamond Tiara's actually pretty difficult. I mean, it'd be easier if I just went for the "sad sack" or "absolute monster" version that the fandom's settled on. But I want to at least try to do something different. I hope i'm doing a good job.

  7. Recreating Once Upon a December on the recorder. Writing music by ear is hard!

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