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Vemillia Nightshade

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Posts posted by Vemillia Nightshade

  1. sig-3875903.sig-3875903.11403009_1015353


    Link: https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11403009_10153530041682384_6808268181857068754_n.jpg?oh=97de4da83608a4abc4832551ccdf332b&oe=55ED0340


    It's offical. Disturbed has returned after a long hiatus. They are currently making Immortalized and they recently posted their Official Music Video, The Vengeful One, to tease the album. For dedicated fans like myself, this has been long awaited. Here's to the new album and hopes that it'll be successful. May the beast rise once more~

    • Brohoof 5
  2. As a standalone drink, coffee, hot or cold.


    With a meal, cold sweet tea.


    Yeah. Coffee in it's hot and cold forms are both rather good if made well. I typically have coffee with whatever meal of the day depending on when I wake up. Breakfast is the best time for me to drink it, but I sometimes have it with my lunch of I really slept in.


    As for tea. I'll agree, it's good with most fairly big meals. I personally only drink brewed tea for stress relief and god know I get a lot of stress too from day to day bull.

  3. oh okays, i guess i remained ignorant to this info, since my first impression was just the Cupcakes fanfic, so i tried avoiding anything else with the Pinkamena tag.  i'm sorry that i was a fool :(  thank you for bringing this up.  is there any decent fanfic you can suggest of Pinkamena?


    There is no need to be ashamed, you were only blissfully ignorant to the finer details due to misinformation is all. There is not need to apologies for something you had no involvement in. I do recommend looking around and looking at Pinkamena tagged things. You will come across true Pinkie Pie/Pinkamena fans that will be respecting both forms of the character. I cannot say myself that I'm huge fan of Pinkie, but I do respect her character whether she is happy or sad. In some ways, she reminds me of myself.


    Though, I cannot openly say that I know any Pinkamena related things outside the 'Cupcakes' stuff, but I am sure there are some out there if you look hard enough.

  4. sig-3868360.Crash_Team_Racing.png


    CTR is awesome, or well... while I had it. The disk kinda gave out from as much as I played the game back in the day. Sonic Heroes went that same route sadly... though there were a crap load of scratches on my Sonic Heroes disk.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I have no tattoos to speak of but I am plaining some non-pony tattoos to get. Though somewhere along the line, I may consider getting some pony related tattoos. I wanna get my non-pony ones out of the way first before planning for pony related ones. I am one who doesn't mind tattoos for a number of reasons. There is a artistic talent behind tattoos. If they have deep meaning to you and your personality in someway. Some tattoos just look really awesome. I'm not one who support tattoo addiction however, especailly if it's just to get tattoos for the sake of only getting ink on your skin, or to look 'cool'.

    I firmly believe that if you want tattoos that they have to have some sort of meaning to you. If you get them for their meaning, then I have no problems with it. Honestly, I would be happy to see others show off tattoos that show meaning on here.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. this was one of my favorite Pinkie Pie episodes, i have to agree with many, that the dark side of Pinkie is something that should be explored again, and since the writers like to pull rabbits out of their hats sometimes to force whatever plot they want, either for the sake of moral, or for their own amusement..  i wouldn't mind just a tiny bit of pandas being thrown at me  xD


    as for the Pinkamena people speak of, if that has anything to do with Cupcakes...  i... i... i just didn't like Cupcakes  :'(  it made me depressed when i first read it...  i love Rainbow Dash btw <3  :wub:


    Well you will be happy to hear that Pinkamena is NOT inspired by 'Cupckes'. In fact I've made posts throughout this thread that clarifies somethings about 'cupcakes' Pinkamena came to be due to both the fan-fiction and show. The shows intentions with Pinkemena were rather pure despite the dark tones involving depression. The cult following for 'cupcakes' is what blew it out of proportion when the episode Party of One came out, since 'Cupcakes' came out before the episode even existed.

    • Brohoof 2
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