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Status Updates posted by Power_Chord

  1. is Breaking Benjamin seriously coming back? Holy shit.

    1. Danimal


      I first I thought that was a spin off to Breaking Bad lol

    2. Power_Chord


      Lol, isn't there actually going to be a spin off to Breaking Bad?

  2. Why is Snowdrop so damn sad? ):

    1. Malinter


      because its written to be.

    2. Power_Chord


      Well I figured that watching it. Lol. But I wasn't prepared for those feels

  3. I need to snap out of this bad mood.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuardianFenix


      Sorry I was so late responding! >.<

      There's the song. :P

    3. Danimal


      This always cheers me up:

    4. Power_Chord


      @GuardianFenix that song reminds me of when I was younger. lol it's a good one though! and you're okay!


      @Danimal what in the hell? lol, that was so unexpected! haha, that definitely made me laugh!


      Thanks for the cheering up! I really do appreciate it.

  4. Trying to play Legends of Equestria, not doing so well lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Power_Chord


      I guess? It's an online game, like Runescape. But with ponies.

    3. Odyssey


      I'm doing worse. Every time I choose my pony, the game freezes. :c

    4. Power_Chord


      could be the computer you're on. I know my game has been kicking me out of the servers from time to time

  5. Been checking out this band Nothing More

  6. I need to get over this dang cold ):

    1. Danimal


      7-Up and soup always did the trick for me. Or a rough work out to sweat it out followed by a long night of NyQuil assisted sleep.

    2. Power_Chord


      Too bad I have none of those things lol. I have had this cold for almost a week, I figure it might go away soon. I have been drinking water though.

    3. Power_Chord


      Also, Tylenol PM helps a lot.

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