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About Heliodor

  • Birthday 1986-04-19


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    Herald of the Anzuishou

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    Transgender - FTM

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  1. In my opinion it doesn't need any, because this show is female-focused (unlike 99% of everything ever). There are good male characters like Spike and Big Mac they just aren't the complete focus of the show. And that's fine.
  2. To me, you know what I think about it? So what if it's biassed towards females? When 99% of everything else is biased towards males, I find it a little refreshing island.
  3. Of course. I'm very into making my body the best, and strongest, it can be. I really plan my life around it because my body is what gets me around and how I interact with the world, therefore I want it to be the healthiest and best it can. I also have very severe mental illness and working out helps me control some symptoms, like depression. My day is not complete until I have been at the gym for 2 hours. I can't sleep (I have really bad insomnia and working out tires me out) or feel really good until I've worked hard at the gym and pumped those weights! I want to do more things too, like run and climb some mountains.
  4. I'm 28 and having a good time. Glad the teenage years are dead and gone, thank god.
  5. That would kinda offend me... o_O pretty sure that isn't pony material.
  6. I'm wondering if Celestia is on Dumbledore level sometimes, honestly. With her plans for Twilight and all... you really start to feel like she was planning the whole thing for something big. Now, I actually like her a lot, but I just feel like we're missing something of her character. She's a little too good, etc.; you just start to wonder. But that makes her interesting.
  7. It's just fan beings fans. Don't try to rationalize ships or you'll hurt your head. People will ship characters that haven't even MET, talked to each other or been in the same scene. I'm not crazy about that happening, in fact i hate it, but Derpy/Doc is a fanon ship the fandom made me love. Man, I haven't even watched Dr. Who, I don't know shit about it, I just think they look cute together and hell, I ship it. Not Discord Whooves though, I really hate him.
  8. I LOVED season 4. Even if I didn't like an episode, it's not like I hated it, I just didn't enjoy it as much as some other ones. I liked s1 just fine, but I feel like the show hadn't matured yet. I actually don't feel like the show has lost any "magic" whatsoever; to me it has just continued to develop that magic. It's different from s1 sure, but it's still there; I'd even say it's bigger and better than ever.
  9. I feel like there's potential in the storyline but I don't think they'd ever do it. They also did a personality swap, at least with the other five, when they got Discord'd. We saw Twi just get depressed with that, not evil, but idk. I feel like since they did Luna already they won't do Twi. But really some of the stuff we saw in the Crystal Empire was really creepy -- I mean the whole concept of "dark" magic. They haven't really explained how it works and I want to know more about that. It seems like unicorns/alicorns like Twi and Celestia (of course Luna) can access that magic and I want to know about its potential and corrosive effects. Sombra was like engulfed with dark magic... how did that happen and why? And how dangerous is it? Is it kinda like the Dark Side or something? But it does appear to have its uses, so it isn't downright banned... I'm kinda getting on a tangent, but yeah, more worldbuilding on dark magic, I'm behind G1 villains, I don't think they'd make Twi evil but they definitely opened up some strangeness with the dark magic which they haven't yet explained. There is some potential there.
  10. For me personally Somnambula and Nightshade were the creepiest bad guys. I know Nightshade was just a tool, but the effect of stealing shadows was HELLA creepy and the way Nightshade was manipulated and also had that angry mob come after him was like WTF. I guess G4 has kinda used the "steal shadow" effect with Tirek. But those two villains really stayed with me because of their creepiness and the way they lied and manipulated the ponies. Yeah Tirek just took what he wanted...Nightshade was like friggin' child exploitation + stealing your soul, and Somnambula was imo every kid's nightmare lol, she scared the hell out of me.
  11. I think she should be, but she should probably be in the reserve. It's clear her duty to help Twilight as an Element is more important, but I want Dash to get to accomplish her dream too.
  12. You can add "Luna Eclipsed" to that list as well...
  13. I love shipping! I can roll with multiple ships at the same time, like Appledash or Rarijack or Flutterdash, but I usually have an OTP I put a lot of energy into. Most of my ships are based on something canon-ish also (don't ususlly like it when they've never met or talked in the series -- Doctor/Derpy is my only exception to this). In the case of MLP my OTP is Rarijack.
  14. Because it's not the same tired Romeo/Juliet het BS? Pretty straightforward.
  15. Heliodor

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Aww, well thanks, that is very kind of you. I was really harassed about it growing up but people get over it more quickly now, I think. Yeah, it can be hard to break down stupid stereotypes/gender expectations. Even when I don't agree with those stereotypes I'm still mindful of them and get anxious if I don't have anything femme to accent my outfit...mainly because I don't want people to stir shit up, which I've had happen -- IN PUBLIC -- before. Terrible. All gender expectations suck!
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