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Poetic Justice

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Posts posted by Poetic Justice

  1. I've recently cleaned out my friends list, and I have plenty of multiplayer games I've never tried that I'd like to with good company.

    I do request that you're 18. I'd like some people around my age (20)

    My steam is https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheSilentCSGOPlayer/

    If it's in my library, I'll play it. If you have a group that plays a multiplayer game a lot that I dont have (like The Division or DOOM), I'll buy it and join you.

  2. I don't know if Octavia and Daring Do are bad, but I know for sure Trixie and Gilda are! If you do want to have a good character turn evil, my suggestion would be Octavia. I would do an evil Princess Twilight or Celestia who would go against some custom made or background ponies. Background ponies that are are not known as well as others. For instance, Lyra and Bon-Bon (and Derpy!) are known more than ponies like Roseluck, Cherry Spices, and Sweetie Swirl! Anyways, good idea to do a poll before you write the Fanfiction, Poetic Justice!

    I totally forgot how to tag people. It's been so long since I've used this site.

    Anyway, they aren't going to be "bad", when I say change the plot, it could be stuff like:


    Protagonist has to go to Trixie for her knowledge on spells to open a gate.

    Protagonist sees Octavia working in a tavern, the song she plays is the same song that he heard while his parents were kidnapped.

    Things like that. Those two are scrapped plotlines, but they're just important turning points in the story, not meant to be the hero or villian. The plotline is more of the "Hero goes in quest for X item:, it isn't necessarily going to be a good force fighting an evil force.


    Although...that does give me an idea..


    I thank you for your input.

  3. I have the opposite of writers block. I have outlined an epic fanfic. (Epic in the sense that it's a long narrative poem written in elevated style. Not that it's epic as in cool. I don't really think cool and mlp fanfics belong together...ANYWAY) Besides dwelling on the fact that my time could probably be spent in other places, like actually going outside, I feel like I have too many ideas that I'd like to shoehorn into this project. I would like your help with gauging on what ideas I should focus on, and if there are ideas that should just be taken out altogether. I made a poll that's 5 questions long, and since I definitely did not read the rules, of course I messed this up. I made a google forms thing, and I can't link to that, so I'm going to type it out here then, since I can't delete threads either.

    Man, I need to read the rules again or something. ANyway

    PREMISE: A stallion, heartbroken about being turned down by his marefriend when he proposed to her, sells the ring and uses the money to get blackout drunk at a tavern. He wakes up the next morning, owing a massive debt to the tavern owners. While drunk, he boasted about once being a brave adventurer. The owner tells the protagonist that if he can recover the money from open tabs from a few ponies around town, then his debt is forgiven. One thing leads to another, and the stallion finds himself going all around Equestria, and beyond, on an epic adventure.

    What Side Characters Should the Protagonist Interact with?

    There will be plenty of characters, but which of these should drive the plot in a major way?
    -Daring Do


    Which of these lands would you like to visit?

    -Griffon Kingdom 
    -Frozen North
    -Cave Cities
    -Zebra Country

    Should there be interaction with the Mane 6?
    There will be a plethera of side characters, and there will be references to the Mane 6, but should there be extended interaction with them?



    Anthro / Humanized / Pony?




    I appreciate the time you took to help me out.

  4. Well, I was not smart for this one.

    While messing with my partitions, I accidentally set my primary partition as the one that isn't the boot drive.

    To pile onto that, my computer doesn't have any recovery times set.

    The primary partition is not big enough to download the OS from the installation CD.

    So, I reach out to you guys, my friends.

    Is there any way I can fix this mess?

  5. I started with a base desktop, then I bought parts and upgraded it piece by piece.

    I call my rig "Justice"



    Processor AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor

    -Manufacturer AMD

    -Speed 3.5 GHz 

    -Number of Cores 6

    Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

    -Manufacturer NVIDIA 

    -Chipset GeForce GTX 760

    -Dedicated Memory 2.0 GB

    -Total Memory 3.9 GB

    -Memory 8.2 GB



    • Brohoof 1
  6. @@BijouGem,@@Rainbow Eclipse, @
    I ordered the tablet today, should come in tmmr.

    I'll start drawing them (in no particular order) by Wednesday.

    I'll send you each a message when it's done. 


    This doesn't mean I'm no longer taking requests, please continue to submit ideas.

    Pro Tip: Your request is more likely to be accepted if it's more than "Draw my OC"


    ohyea, I guess I'm doing yours too. Sorry I forgot your name.

  7. @@SUPERFOX5@@Radiance64, @, @, @@Jay-cross,@, @, @,  
    Here's what I am going to do.
    I decided to sell my PS4.

    *GASP, NO*

    You see, the PS4 is going directly into a new computer chair and a drawing tablet. I am currently using a fold-out picnic chair because my old office chair burned (yes, burned) in an unfortunate accident.

    A lot of people believe that Sony (and Microsoft) will make an upgraded PS4, weather it be in Graphics, Processing, or Memory, no one is sure, but we all know it is comming. Since I work at GameStop, I'm just going to wait for that new system to go Pre-Owned so I can pick it up for super cheap.

    Also, any commissions I make off the drawing thing will help out.

    Also a plus, by then, The Order and LBP3 will be super cheap.

    Thank you all for your input. You really helped me out with weighing my options.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. So, I need to practice my art skills. Since I do not know what do draw, I will leave it up to you guys to help me.

    No guarantee which will be lines, flat colors, sketches, etc. 

    I'll pick a few ( probably at random) and draw them.

    I would like a mix of anthro, pony, cutie mark, and etc.

    I will "Bro-hoof" the posts that I will be working on.

  9. Welp, I joined the forums to make friends, so why not.


    Name: Burney 

    Age: 19 

    Gender: Male 

    Country: Murica


    • Should I even say MLP? I thought it was implied.
    • Video games. (LIKE EVERYONE ELSE
    • Anime
    • Steampunk stuff
    • Technology


    • I really don't have any dislikes....huh...


    • Cosplaying
    • Programming
    • Drawing
    • Writing
    • Video Games
    • Roleplaying

    Other Info: My skype's in my profile, feed free to add me, just please lemme know you're from the forums. 

    • Brohoof 1
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