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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Starlight Fan

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Posts posted by Starlight Fan

  1. 9 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle . said:

    Starlight, you could have been great, now your just another one of those ponies who are all following friendship. 

    Will you ever embrace the darkness? 


    EEK! TWILIGHT'S A CHANGELING! I HAVE TO TELL TWILIGH- wait, Starlight, calm down, calm down, we can fix this

    Hi.. Twilight... it's nice to.. see you? 

    Alright, look. I know you're not Twilight, and you could easily go back to Chrysalis and get us all killed, but why not give friendship a chance?

    I know you need to accept your dark side and weaknesses. But you shouldn't let them take over you, and my friends have helped me make sure it won't happen to me! I don't ever want to feel how I felt when I realised I was wrong! Forcing other ponies to do your bidding just isn't right! The real Twilight taught me this! And I can help you! You just need to find some love, and share it!

    640?cb=20170416204809 I hope that worked

    OOC: Ah, alright, I'll do one last reply. Guess I was silly to reactivate the thread as well! Haha silly me, telling people off for doing something then doing it myself! If anyone else wants to take up on being Starlight, be my guest!

  2. On 11/04/2017 at 5:49 PM, Brainstorm said:


    How did it feel defeating Queen Chrysalis?

    OOC: I forgot this existed, it hadn't been active for 2 years yknow, I actually came back to "delete" it (edit the OP), but I felt bad not replying to all these people! So, I'll respond to the current set of questions just for fun! Maybe someone else can take on the role of Starlight?

    It was amazing! And scary. I didn't think I could do it, and I'm still amazed that I could, to be honest. I'm not sure what I would've done without Trixie there. And those other guys too.

    On 13/04/2017 at 2:03 PM, Nightshroud said:

    dear starlight glimmer

    do you believe in witchcraft?

    are you sure that twilight mislead us?

    Witchcraft? I'm not sure what that is! Maybe I should ask Twilight, I'm sure she has a book on it. Spike says she has a book on everything, and I'm pretty sure that's true from what I've seen!

    I used to think that Twilight was only trying to ruin everything I built, and that she didn't understand me, but I see her perspective now. I still think that humiliating me in front of my entire village was not the best way to fix things though...  

    On 13/04/2017 at 11:14 PM, Elric Leaftail said:

    Ms. Glimmer...just how do you plan to enforce your ideals? Are you really going to stop at removing cutie marks? What about the inherent differences between different types of pony, or even non-ponies like us griffons? We don't even have cutie marks.

    I've put those ideals behind me, I hope you can too...

    I just don't like talking about my past!

    On 13/04/2017 at 11:19 PM, Lenny said:

    Have you been to the deep South of Equestria? It's lit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Depends on what you mean by deep south. Do they have good lighting there? Is there a village dedicated to creating lighting fixtures?! Maybe I could get Trixie a custom lamp for her birthday in her image, since she likes to say she lights up the room wherever she goes...

    On 14/04/2017 at 4:35 AM, Nightshroud said:

    dear ms glimmer do you know if you tried to remove cutie marks i'll stop you?

    Oh, I wouldn't try to do that anymore! I'm a changed pony! Just ask Twilight! She'll tell you!

    Do the ponies of Equestria still not forgive me?

    On 14/04/2017 at 3:40 PM, Brainstorm said:


    I hope everything is good between you and Mrs. Cake?

    I know you weren't trying to scare her on purpose, you were just showing your baking skills and got carried away.

    Pinkie helped me apologise to her, ponies in this town are so forgiving! I still think using magic to make cakes is much more convenient, but using baking utensils is actually a lot more enjoyable!

  3. wow look at how things have changed


    For some reason I come back here every three months, so here I am. 

    According to the power of power, I win for the next 5 pages


    >inb4 all the new members wonder who I am

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Hey guys! I got inspired to give Internet Explorer another chance. Today is the 19th of May, and it's the day that the haters finally see that browser isn't as slow as they thought!


    Today may be your lucky day

    Yep. I managed to win without even posting!


     I've never forgotten you, Times. I remember that we had a great time back in the day, doing things like posting the dankest of memes and making clones of each other... No, wait. That was just me making clones.

    Anyways, I claim this Win for the Crimson Syndicate!

    (Also, welcome back!)




    Yee! You're still alive! For now!




    What do you mean it's already August

  5. With the power of picturization I will always win.. 


    "by GashibokA"

    Oh that was drawn by the person who made "Recall the time of No Return"? Wowza geez they're good at everything


    *wins again*

  6. Sorry Times but I only entered in November so I no nothing of you but with a bit of patience and understanding and you can start accepting that I will always win haha


    "by iRaincloud"

    Did you just post a picture of threats towards ducks?


    How could you?

    Ducks are sacred creatures!



  7. The opening post has been updated for Season 6 Starlight! Also all images are now replaced with GIFs as Starlight cannot be captured in a mere static image! Only GIFs can do her justice!




    • Brohoof 5
  8.  y-edgeworth-tsk©.gif


    It is me who wins *maniacal laughter*




    With the power of Yee I declare that I ALWAYS win!


    Technically speaking though, everyone has won at one point or another. Everyone has been last poster at one point or another.


    So maybe it isn't a competition of who is the last poster currently... it's who's the last poster the most. *gasps*

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Hello, Times.  :twi:



    went through a few pages. the thread isn't quite the same nowadays but eh at least it looks like we still have some memes here

    • Brohoof 2


    *people begin staring at me*


    It's me! I was appointed Thread Bard like 500 pages ago or something like that!
    Yknow? Times?


    *still gets the blank stare*


    Sigh. Wait a minute...


    *takes out scroll of past display names*
    Prism? Does that ring a bell?

    That person who likes ducks?


    *people shake heads*


    Wait... I don't even recognise anyone anymore! I have some serious catching up to do...



    Do y'all still have time ruling overlords and hypnotism and destruction and power tools and memes here? Cause that's literally the only reason why I logged back in.


    Either way...



    I win again

    • Brohoof 2

    Honestly, if she was just pretending to be redeemed so she could secretly convert the Mane 6 and carry out her evil plans undercover, that would be awesome... but I don't think they're going to put that much depth in MLP because children watch too. But still looking forward to the new season as the finale hinted that she would be a part of the Mane 6, or at least a friend to them, so that's practically ensuring future appearances.



    I literally loled out loud when I saw that. Best face ever. I need a vector of that to plaster all over everything.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. On 01/11/2015 at 0:14 AM, Simon said:

    Once we get in a decent pile of applications for a position and see some people we'd like to interview, we'll contact them and schedule a Skype interview, and then decide whether they will be brought on.  As we fill positions, we'll be notifying people who were not selected by PM.

    Stupid question, but does the interview have to be on a video call? 

    • Brohoof 1
  13. We seem to have a tendency of saying things that seem normal at the time, but seem really dirty when taken out of context. :P

    Hm. It wasn't dirty until you pointed that out. Goddamnit AI!



    We are dying, Times. Mainly because no one is effing posting or spamming anymore. I loved the spam. Now it's all gone.




    • Brohoof 2
  14. Pixel wants me? Oh dear. I don't know if I can...


    I need experience anyway. Oh wait, I need experience to sign up...


    oh very dear

    Update: handed in form, saw the word "interview", instantly went "oh no what have I done"


    I am afraid of interviews hope I get the spot *awkwardly laughs*

    • Brohoof 1
  15. *obligatory hi-I'm-back-again-what-did-I-miss*



    Confucius — 'True wisdom is knowing what you don't know'


    I know a lot, but there's also a lot I don't know.

    that's too deep man, too deep

    Wait, didn't we already see Scare Master arrive weeks ago?

    itunes is a loser and let the episode slip when it shouldn't've

    Hooray! Time for a Hearthswarming eve episode before a Nightmare Night episode. Because apparently Equestrias Christmas comes before Halloween.

    Whoo logic. 


    Yay! Timesten wins, and AI loses! I, a completely neutral, unbiased third party have decreed it thuslly! 

    See guys? Storm is the best. 


    This result is non-debatable, AI. 

    Sidenote: how did we only do two pages in this amount of time I remember back in the day we'd have like 5 pages in 1 night

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Great, you discovered X10's special ability; Duplication



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    It's not like I can't do that. Besides, quality over quantity. Let me show you what I can do!


    *quickly runs over to deviantart to get a somewhat cooler physical form*

    *me and my clones begin singing 100 different songs at the same time at such volume that your ears will explode and fall off*

  17. You don't. I have an army of clone lookalikes.

    *Cue Star Wars Clone Wars theme or something*

    So I'm fighting against a clone army of myself? Fine then.


    *right-clicks an alternate version of myself and selects 'copy'*

    *pastes 99 times*


    Now I have a better clone army!

  18. Oh, X10 disagrees



    *Hundred duplicates greet Timesten in unison*



    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi!

    Oh hi! 

    *slowly begins putting the clones into a very large box*

    Wait, so does that mean I have my own legion of slaves now?

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