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Posts posted by Pone

  1. Hey again ^^ I couldn't resist having one of these for myself :P

    This is quite a complex request but if you feel up to it I'll be very greatful ^^

    Would you please be able to make me:




    Maybe with the tail a liiiitle longer   :P


    But with the hair shape more like this:


    Except I mainly just want the fringe coloured though, the rest can be black also, I also want the tail all black as well please  :)

    If you could do a hoody like this (except mid to light grey), I'd really like that, if not, you dont need to worry about that ^^


    The position of the OC can be whatever you think looks good :)



    And if its not to much to ask instead of having red in the hair, can I please have it rainbow?
    (I know this is a very crazy order so I'm happy to wait a while  :) )
    Thanks in advance, love your stuff!   :)

    P.S. It's a male, I just prefer the mare face shape but if you could get something inbetween that would be awesome   :P



    've been drawing since about middle school and graduated art college last year. 

    Wow, that's awesome! My drawring knowledge pretty much consists of bad pen doodles XD




    being a deer came about because I'm not creative enough to figure out a cutie mark hehe. 

    I like it, makes your OC stand out from the croud :P 

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Oh wow, I really like your OC, I don't know howsome people come up with suck unique OC's like that :P

    Also I love your art style, how long have you been drawring for?  :o

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Worms World Party

    Zelda: Oracle of Ages

    Super Mario Bros. 3

    Starwars LEGO 1 and 2

    Sims 1 and 2


    Minecraft Beta

    C.O.D Black Ops 2 


    Probably my favorite times online where back in in the MC Beta and BO2 days, met some amazing people, wish I was still in contact with them though :c

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Its so hard to choose, there are so many awesome channels!
    But here's a few that I love:


    •  Sips
    • Hat Films
    • Sjin

    (Yes I'm a Yogscast fanboy)

    Reviews and Stuff:

    • Ashens


    • Vsauce
    • Thoughty2
  6. A shipment of kiwi fruit uses more than its weight in airplane fule when traveling from new zealand to europe.


    Human is the healthiest meat for humans to eat.


    Pork is secod due to how similar it is to human.


    In 1567, the man with the longest beard in the world, tripped over his beard and died while running away from a fire.


    There is enough room between the earth and the moon to fit every other planet in a row, but not enough room for just the sun.


    Earth is the only planet in our solar system not named after a god.


    There is very little evidence that says that humans ever thought the earth was flat.


    Earth has 5 moons.


    Strawberries aren't a berry, but oranges are.


    In 1911, 3 men were hanged at Greenberry hill, the surnames of the men were Green, Berry and Hill.

    Bible has been said to stand for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, but there is no evidence to support this assumption.

    I have more but I think this is enough from me :P

  7. Where do I begin, Here's a list of online names I've gone under that I can remember:

    Dvs Basted

    X- Raider98

    Follow me145


    Afking Brb

    VI the sixth

    IX the Ninth


    Its Novahound









    Ded Zezima2

    Robert Frost

    Mark Thomas



    Vinyl Pork Scratchings

    Subsonic Rainboom




    Ebola Fruit







    one of the reasons is that I'm a username hog and the other is because I like to keep different parts of my internet life private


    I know there's more (some may be offencive so I'm not going to post them here and others I forgot) and most of them I don't even use anymore but I have used them all at one stage :P

    • Brohoof 3
  8. This is quite a complex request but if anybody feels up to it I'll be very greatful ^^

    Would you please be able to make me:




    Maybe with the tail a liiiitle longer  :P


    But with the hair shape more like this:


    Except I want the purple on top of the hair and behind the ear black

    And in a position like this:

    sig-3790468.sig-3790468.sig-3790468.vinyIf you could do a hoody like that (except mid grey), I'd really like that, if not, you dont need to worry about that ^^

    And if its not to much to ask instead of having red in the hair, can I please have it rainbow?
    (I know this is a very crazy order so I'm happy to wait a while :) )
    Thanks in advance  :)

    P.S. It's a male, I just prefer the mare face shape  :P

  9. I'll give it a shot :)

    Took me a while to come up with something I'd be to give to someone but after many failed attempts, this is what I came up with:


    If you want me to change anything just let me know, I'll be happy to :)



    Haha... see, I don't even care about that.  I was adopted as a newborn.  I have no connection (at all whatsoever) with my biological parents.  I don't even know who my own bio-mother is.  I used to have the line of thinking where I wanted to have a biological child of my own, but I was young then.  Now I see that adoption is a great option, and I don't care whether or not a child has my genes.  


    Maybe if I have a child and me and my parter end up breaking up, maybe I can have the best of both worlds ;)

    • Brohoof 1
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