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About PaganPony

  • Birthday 1995-05-21

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  • Interests
    Cartoons, reading, gaming, singing, drawing, writing, linguistics, obsessing over fictional things, cosplay, indie rock, rap/hip hop, and PONIEEEES!

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  1. I'm never going to have the girl I love... she has no idea... no idea. auggh.

    1. Coconeru


      Make it known then!

    2. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      Nonchalantly ship you two together until she gets used to the idea.

    3. PaganPony


      Hah. What would I call the ship? Kathily. Emiryn? DykeXEmochick. <3 yes perfect.

  2. Rainbow Dash: Alright, now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet. Speed, agility, guts, style. Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness. Twilight Sparkle: Aren't those all the same thing? Rainbow Dash: You would think that, Twilight. And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet. Alright folks... what exactly is the difference between Coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness? Here are my two cents... I think coolness goes hand in hand with "style", but rather than a visible expression, it's more of a manner. Acting suave, cunning, clever... cool! Awesomeness is a visible act... something that makes your jaw drop while you utter a distant and amazed sounding "woaaah!". Doesn't have to be something that involves a lot of physical strain, just something... awesome. And radicalness is something that makes you shout "Woohoo!!". Dangerous stunts, difficult tasks that make you sit on the edge of your seat! Raddiicccall! I thought it was pretty interesting... linguistics and vocabulary are what earned me my cutie mark after all. Thoughts on the difference between the three?
  3. Here's mine. X) The name's Parlance Verto! Cutie mark comes from my ultimate aspiration: being an interpreter/translator. Pony creator version:
  4. It's funny because everyone will probably think I'm kidding. Unfortunately, I'm not.
  5. Looks like Roid Rage and Chunky are pretty evenly matched. Though, I'd go with chunky. That would actually have a chance at becoming canon.
  6. I'm a shy person in real life as well, but trust me... once you meet these people, they will become instant best friends. In my experience, getting along and having fun with other bronies is effortless, even if you're shy. You're there to have fun after all.
  7. I say Fluttershy because ADORABLE TALL LANKY KLUTZY LEGS AWWW.
  8. APPLEJACK ALL DAY ERRDAY! I think she's got a bit of lesbian deep within her. *giggles* I would say Dashie, but she's a little too sporty for my tastes.
  9. Definitely Bridle Gossip. Also one of my favourite episodes. X) *Deep voice* She's an evil enchantress, she does evil dances!
  10. I'll say this. There isn't one time I've listened to that song and NOT smiled.
  11. Alright, time to unleash some Pagan spiritual jargon. lol! There is a flow in nature, like... a circle of life that everyone adheres to. Fluttershy of all ponies, considering her special talent, understands this. She knows that carnivorous animals eat meat, herbivorous animals eat plants, and omnivorous animals eat both. Fluttershy cares for her animals in adherence to the circle of life. This doesn't mean that she doesn't love each and every single animal. However, she knows how the flow works and which animals it effects. Also, what is worse? Killing a few animals to feed many, or letting a few animals live and destroying the ecosystem by starving many others? It surely isn't done out of cruelty. Only out of an understanding of nature and its ways. That's why Fluttershy is so good at what she does!
  12. Ahaha, yes, I actually am. Don't worry, I won't attempt to curse anyone.
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