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About shionshy

  • Birthday 2001-11-16

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In da clouds
  • Personal Motto
    Uh... I like cake.
  • Interests
    I like cake, ponies, cake, candies, writing stories and cake.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. What 'bout "Endless Clue"? I'm actually not good at names.
  2. I do ship ponies. My favorite ships are RainbowPie and Flarity. Even that, sometimes, like Mami Tomoe said, shipping can be really annoying and/or stupid. Yes Fluttermac, I am looking at you. I like weird ships, don't get me wrong. But some people become so obsessed about a ship and try to convince you that is canon and... it's just... ugh.
  3. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/349/9/e/pinkie_pie_hair_tutorial_by_countschlick-d3jtffj.png Well, does this help? It's kinda complicated, but she'll look lovely.
  4. That awkward moment when you're in the middle of the class and then, your phone starts ringing.
  5. 1 - Awesome as I wanna be 2 - Racist Raise this Barn 3 - Giggle at the Ghosties
  6. The Ren & Stimpy Show. Geez, it can be gross sometimes but that's why it's funny in first place.
  7. *Gardevoir That's what I'm talking about. After all, I bet there's porn about EVERYTHING, even about kids shows. Besides, they should appreciate clop as another kind of art instead of just fap material.
  8. I think is way too overrated. It's just everywhere.
  9. I'd say yes, actually. Even Pinkie barely cares about what she learns.
  10. I think Minecraft screams "overrated".
  11. I don't like anime that much... <.<
  12. Since nopony posted here since a few months, there's some fan art.
  13. Flash Sentry, FlashLight, Equestria Girls, past generations of MLP, grimdark, Twilicorn, etc.
  14. You all are going to need insulin after this.
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