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butter scotch

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Blog Entries posted by butter scotch

  1. butter scotch
    Where the hell do I get these pictures from anyway?
    Unknown space=My HDD...
    Secondly: Why are people even reading these random rants?
    Ok so my Mum LOVES going on pointless holidays to not very nice places...
    Admittedly I don't enjoy much and I never will. Now anyway!
    It's Eastleigh in Southampton. Yay.
    I'm not spoilt or anything but this is just torture going for little 1 night holidays staying in little Travelodges.
    A note to pedophiles:
    If you somehow find a photo or something and identify me then approach me or any of my family I will personally see to your VERY painful death. I'm thinking of firing High-Velocity Tungsten slugs into the limbs until they are a mushy pulp. Then cauterizing it with a Plasma Projector before electrocuting you with the projector's extreme-voltage ionizer...
    It's not a nice way to die and trust me it'll make a real big mess on the floor no jokes about it...
    Merry Christmas!!!
  2. butter scotch
    Look ok. I hate it!
    Why do people celebrate something that was religous but is now ruined by corporations.
    Coca Cola owns Santa! It's not about gifts; it's about celebrating Jesus's birth and some other junk which I shall never learn...
    I've been called Scrooge but I just don't see a point in another pointless holiday.
    It annoys me when people celebrate this...
  3. butter scotch
    For X-mas this year I have received an import of stuff that hasn't been recycled from an ancient CRT monitor. Man the amount of stuff you can pull off one of those...
    I have almost all the components apart from integrated circuits.
    I do have ONE 555-timer though!
    I want to do something PRACTICAL with some Peltier cells I'm going to order.
    If there's anything I need then I'm getting even more stuff because my parents don't know too much about my crazy experiments although about half of it's not productive more like mindless destruction of junk!
    One of the things is a USB mini-fridge because despite the fact that my room is about 140c !
    if only it was colder.
    It's not cold for me as I hate being hot!
    I don't want to be building pishy little stuff I WANT MORE!
    Otherwise it'll be me going mad with a 20kV Flyback-transformer!!!!!
    A MADMAN WITH HIGH VOLTAGE? What next a cat with a laser...
    Oh wait that's my cat so it's always amused! Oh I can make a better thing since my cat tends to eat stuff put of it.
    On a side note I don't even know why I am writing this as my blog and also why I'm even posting this at all plus this should really be more of a topic in General Discussion... Meh.
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