My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: A friend of mine recently mentioned a forum where a lot of bronies would be and since I'm a brony too, I had to check it out, so here I am
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I became a fan of MLP: FiM back in 2011, when it was only a small thing. I heard my friends talking about a 4chan thread about the show and when I had the time, I looked it up and watched a few episodes, it captivated me to say the least.
Hello Everypony! I'm Adam, 22 and I'm from Hungary. My hobbies include archery, diabolo, reading and of course My Little Pony.
I'll do my best to be an active member of this community and be here, chatting with you guys whenever I can.
I'm a bit shy and introvert so I hope I can make friends here.