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About draconictome

  • Birthday 1997-11-13

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    I am deeply interested in the show's lore. Twilight may be best living pony, but starswirl is best pony of all time. He could totally do the timey-wimey stuff that everypony wants.

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  1. Alllllllrightythen. Prepare for tl;dr everyone! Cutie marks! The topic on everypony's mind! This episode has made me realize a couple things about these mysterious fate tattoos and COMMENCE RANT. In this episode, it is interesting when you view the results of starlight glimmer's spell. She takes the mark, and the equal sign appears in its place. The main point here is what happens when a character attempts to do something that has to do with their talent. The mark glows dark, and they are unable to perform said task successfully. However, I believe they do still have their talents. The mysterious equal signs are simply restricting the use of said talent. You can see this clearly when Pinkie pie starts to exclaim with joy... and then immediately deflates and retreats to a more conservative and neutral tone and word choice. This shows that the effects of starlight's spell were not to remove their talents, but only to remove the mark and replace it with a glyph that would restrict their original talents. This raises up some questions as to what happened all the other times their cutie marks were messed with. The main 3 points that come up are magical mystery cure, blank flanks, and twilight's kingdom. In magical mystery cure, the mane 5 have their marks switched. However, we can clearly see that they have not lost their talents. They are attempting to perform another's talent, and it is not working whatsoever. When they try out their original job, they remember what their original talent was and BAM! Cutie mark returned. It is here that I believe there is an important point. They gain their cutie marks when they realize their talent. Sound familiar? It should. The process they go through here is the same as that which happens to all foals when they first gain their butt mark, just with the added complication of element of harmony jazz and another cutie mark in the place of the original. Foals may be good at something, but it is when they realize it that their mark appears. ...twilight's kingdom, though, changes things. Ponies' marks are not simply replaced, they completely disappear! I would like to think that during this time, tirek would have been able to steal magic even from foals w/o cutie marks. The idea here is that they still have their special talent, but don't realize it yet. Therefore, they don't have a cutie mark. However, there's more! Tirek takes not only their cutie mark magic, but their racial magic as well. I'm pretty sure these are separate (see pound & pumpkin) but I'm too lazy to gather evidence here. So we've come this far, and there is one question left: what magic is there in cutie marks? In twilight's kindom, the mane 6 are imbued with all sorts of magic from the mystery harmony box, and are covered in tinier versions of their cutie mark. Definitely something there. Also another point: Why would starlight glimmer need the marks if they're just symbols and the original talent is still in the possession of the original pony? I'm missing something here. Now DISCUSS WITH ME. Starlight glimmer is not a communist and [TOWN NAME REDACTED] is not either. It's a cult. I forget who mentioned it in their analysis of the episode, but their wonderful little community has all the elements of a cult. Plus, not everypony in the town in equal. Pegasi, unicorns and stuff. Also their philosophy is specifically directed towards equality by cutie mark, not equality in general. OBJECTION! I disagree! Yes, it is true that the other two-parters had more action, and the villains had plans that threatened "all of equestria!" But seriously, you can only have so many plots for eqine domination before it gets redundant. Starlight is a much more personal and unsettling villain, with a backstory that seems to be intriguing! Also, in other season finales/premieres, they have used a lot of deus ex machina. Crystal heart, love shockwave, element blast x 3, and other sorts of things. *coughcoughrainbowpowercoughcough* Just like the grand galloping gala, this premiere throws away magical princess/super action tropes and does something different. This is good writing and I like the direction they are taking!
  2. Why the heck do I get notifications every time a friend posts a status update? I come back after a week and I have... 123 notifications. Do you guys even have a life?

  3. I have discovered something in this episode that may have SERIOUS IMPLICATIONS! Depending on what you think of it... I present my evidence! Twilight's cutie mark, as seen here, is one six-pointed star in the middle with 5 others surrounding it. This represents the elements of harmony and specifically her friends. Hers is the middle one. However, they show her cutie mark a couple times in the episode... with some small changes. I don't know whether the change was on purpose or not, but if it was it has SERIOUS IMPLICATIONS. Pretty freaking serious. Here is her cutie mark as shown through the windows to her soul, her eyes, after she realized what she must do in order to restore her friends' marks. Here is an image of her cutie mark blazing across the sky in all its magical glory. And here is the other final image, of the symbol being bore on the shoulders of the flag bearers at her coronation. Can you spot the difference? It's the stars. On her normal cutie mark, there are five. In all 3 of these pictures, there are six. One in the middle and six around the edges. seven total. Not six. Seven. Does this mean there is another element of harmony? Is this her "true" cutie mark? If this is her true cutie mark, why does it differ from her normal one? Did this happen specifically because she became a princess? Because she did the eye thing before twilicorn happened. It is also on the flags, so did celestia also know about the change? About twilight's true cutie mark? How did twilight not notice the flags did not have her actual cutie mark? WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!! is sunset the seventh element of harmony? Are they just trying to include spike? Do they show this at any other points in season 4? If twilight is not represented by the centre star, what does it represent? This last thought has some more evidence to support it. When celestia is speaking to twilight about being a princess, she says "You've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course the leadership of a true princess." As she says these things, she scrolls past the mane 5 and then twilight. Do the six stars show the 6 elements of... princesshood? wat? maybe... I have no idea what is going on. Someone please talk to me! Also may I point out in regards to this argument that cadence had a similar effect when she achieved her destiny. If you go back and rewatch the crystal empire part 2, you will see this effect. It is the same color as her unicorn magic, and is centered around her cutie mark. Twilight's little glowy thing also was the same color as her normal magic, except hers behaved differently- It came out of her chest, like her soul was the thing doing the upgrading. Her destiny was being fulfilled. Alicornation is her destiny.
  4. I wish to predict and discuss the MAGIC that will occur in season 5! The official website, mylittlepony.com, currently has a theme of "Cutie Mark Magic," so I am assuming that they will explore this concept! I am also very excited for all the slice of life episodes they are promising the next season! exploring characters and their backstories is a wonderful thing! as for the magic thing, we can definitely consider the spoilers that have been shown when predicting the magics that will occur. BEGIN THE ANALYSIS! cutie mark magic comes in many forms, and examples of it have occurred many times in the show. - the first time it comes into play (kind of) is in the second episode! The elements of harmony changed their appearance to the cutie marks of the mane 5, and twilight's element stayed the same! They have a connection to the elements that is related to their cutie marks! - call of the cutie has information too, though not much. basically explains that they appear when you find "that thumpthin that maketh you thpethial!" Also cutie marks cannot be revealed by magic, and judging by the amount of sweat that twilight generated, it was quite difficult for her to attempt to reveal or change applebloom's symbol of her destiny before its time. Could you have described this as a magical resistance or barrier of sorts? - cutie mark chronicles! Not only are cutie marks linked to your destiny, they can be linked with other ponies' destinies as well! How much did celestia really plan of this? The mane 6 have a connection to each other that has to do with their cutie marks! - in the return of harmony, discord causes the mane 6 to become the opposite of their element. Whether this is his own interpretation or an actual journey into the opposite of their elements, it is unknown. We do know, however, that each of the 6 followed a mini magical version of their cutie mark before they finally were changed by discord! - A canterlot wedding part 2: changelings have magic, but don't have cutie marks. - the cutie pox. Cutie marks can be created artificially, and it changes applebloom's destiny in a mysterious way, not exactly revealing themselves as a destiny but as an illness that forced her to constantly perform her talents! The way it solved itself was also strange. - the crystal empire! Just a small tidbit here, some cutie marks have the tendency to be a "prophecy" of sorts, not necessarily showing off your talent! They are revealed when you get your talent, but have an image that speaks of a later event! This is true for both twilight (a picture of the elements of harmony) and Cadence- in this episode we get to see what happens when your cutie mark prophecy comes true! after cadence catches the crystal heart and lands in the centre of the crystal ponies, there is just for a moment a small glowy aura around her cutie mark. - magical mystery cure! A great episode! A mysterious spell from the infamous starswirl the bearded causes the other 5 elements of harmony to switch about as well as changing their memories. And not exactly right, either. When they get switched, they don't actually do what the original holders of the marks did, but do something that seems like what they do! Rarity seems to think that all rainbow dash does is control weather and stuff, even though RD's cutie mark is more about her ability to race than her ability to control weather. Also, RD thinks fluttershy keeps a bear... in her house. Along with about every other creature in the forest. They may have "switched destinies" as twilight puts it, but they seem more like they are simply doing what they think that person does. Also, twilight's cutie mark may have been fulfilled. not sure though. Her transformation didn't have much to do with the elements of harmony, they just transported her to that strange other place where celestia chatted with her... and then twilight's "soul" somehow both changed her into an alicorn, and transported her back to equestria. Also you may observe that a giant version of twilight's cutie mark appears in the sky. Weird. Could be the fulfillment of her destiny, as Celestia says, and i think this just may be the case. - Princess twilight sparkle. The tree of harmony has a giant version of twilight's cutie mark on it, further showing that her destiny may have more to do with the elements of harmony than magic. Also celestia and luna's marks are on it. - Bats! in this episode, when fluttershy becomes flutterbat, her cutie mark changes to an image of 3 pink bats. Weird. Was the bats' destiny also transferred to her? does this mean she has lost her pegasus magic? Also, it does not actually change until she becomes flutterbat, not simply right after the spell is cast. Did the magical abilities of her stare have anything to do with it? Is she able to get into creatures' minds when she uses the stare and is that why the spell affected her? Also, her eyes change color to red. random thing. Each of her wings become nearly as large as her entire body. She is still able to hover (not a normal quality of bats and birds (except hummingbirds)) so she must still have some pegasus magic in order to violate physics as such. - Twilight's kingdom: when the princesses give twilight their magic, they lose their cutie marks. when the other ponies of equestria lose their EUP magic, they also lose their cutie marks.Their eyes also become grey, just like how fluttershy's eyes changed to red when her cutie mark changed. This eye thing happens two other times in the series: in magic duel and inspiration manifestation. OK back to the episode: When tirek stole ponies' magic, it behaved in certain ways: when it was only one unicorn at a time, it took the color their magic normally was. When stealing from many unicorns at once, they started out their individual colors but changed to orange, the color of his magic. Also, apparently unicorn magic is easier to steal than the normal magic of earth and pegasus ponies. Tirek could only steal from them once he had consumed a certain amount of unicorn magic. Their magic color simply was always orange. Twilight's magic was different, a combination of many fiery colors. This represented the alicorn magic. Discord's chaos magic is the last thing before our biggest and final point: The rainbow power versions of the mane 6. Their manes did not exactly flutter as celestia's or luna's does, but some other crazy things are going on. The same-looking beams from magical mystery cure fall upon the 6 as if they were giant glass elevator tubes, then the same sort of beams shoot into the box and they all melt in some sort of mist. Now to look at the craziness that is their forms: they gain symbols all over their bodies that look sort of like their cutie marks, but not completely. They also have other symbols on them that don't make much sense. Pinkie's mane has 5-pointed stars in it, and fluttershy has hearts on her wings. Then more crazy happens, with a sonic rainboom-y thing spreading across equestria. you've seen this all before. in a final gesture of awesome...ok that has nothing to do with cutie mark magic, the castle comes into being, magic somehow creating matter in the form of crystal. What does this all mean? THEORIZE!!!! Sorry. I had to go so I couldn't continue. I also lost my previous attempt at writing this, so here's the cliffsnotes version. -the individual races' magicks (Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth pony, and Alicorn) are all connected to their cutie marks. -Your cutie mark is an expression of that magic in you. When you get more of this magic, you get more of your cutie mark. -that's why the rainbow power versions of the mane 6 have little versions of their cutie marks all over. -twilight says that she defeated tirek with the most powerful magic of all - "I carry within me the most powerful magic of all," she says right before she blasts him with her magic friendship beams. We're pretty sure that this rainbow magic is friendship. After all, she does become the princess of friendship right after. I have to make a flow chart. This stuff is starting to hurt my brain. If this is correct, then almost every type of magic (earth pony, unicorn, pegasus, alicorn, elements of harmony crap) is made of FRIENDSHIP. freaking FRIENDSHIP. They all have connections to a pony's cutie mark, and to destiny as well! I kinda don't want to post this now... the kind of revelations this is making could be a wonderful kickoff to my channel. on youtube. which currently has 12 subscribers and no pony vids. I need to draw something. be right back to continue. My mind has simply continued to explode, no matter what I do with it. This has changed from a thing predicting season 5 magicks to simply me ranting about all the evidence and drawing random conclusions. This was what I was talking about when I said we need a separate area for people who overanalyze everything! Dark magic is special, and crystals can somehow conduct magic. They may be an E=mc^2 kind of thing where magical energy can be directly changed into matter in the form of crystals. another random tidbit I discovered while rewatching the crystal empire: the color of the magic that the empire shoots into the sky is the same colors as alicorn magic is.
  5. So much is happening in my life! In the real world... that's none of your business. But in the digital internet world, I have had so many ideas bouncing about in my head that I just might decide to become a brony analyst! I just need a proper OC... check out what I'm talking about on the season 5 predictions/Hopes topic!

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. draconictome


      Thank you! My family does not completely approve of me constantly being obsessed with this show, and if they knew i wished to publish my opinions on the subject on a regular basis on youtube, I don't know how they would react. I still want to do it though.

  6. draconictome

    general questions Where are the analysts?

    Thank you! that totally helps! I wish we had a specific board for it though- especially for topics that don't necessarily apply to just one season, and also may not only apply to the show... comics too. I suppose I'll peruse sugar cube corner then- thanks again!
  7. YESSS. we need more on starswirl the bearded! if you read the book "the journal of the two sisters" by amy keating rogers, there's some serious timey-wimey stuff going on! at one point starswirl dissapears with a time travel spell, and when he comes back he no longer has his marvelous white beard, but a short brown one instead! he has become younger! (this was when celestia and luna were just fillies and didn't have their cutie marks). They really have to address this and I really hope they get some timey-wimey stuff going on in season 5. Also, when asked about the symbols on the tree of harmony by the two young sisters, he just has a certain "sparkle" in his eye, meaning he must know something- possibly about the mane 6? awesome! They have to address this.
  8. draconictome

    general questions Where are the analysts?

    I am an aspiring analyst and I need others to talk to! Where are the main bulk of the analyst topics?
  9. I believe that there is a lot more going on than meets the eye that should or may be addressed in season 5 (and the 2017 movie). Celestia and Luna have similar roles and abilites. Cadence and Twilight have similar kingdoms. (friendship, love, harmony) however, twilight's NAME. it's the time between night and day. There's something going on in the future involving twilight and celestia/luna. Her kingdom and responsibilities may be more than simply friendship. Also, there's the issue of sunset shimmer. Her similarities with twilight are too many to ignore. first of all, sunset is the time immediately before twilight, both in the day/night cycle and in when they were students of celestia. also, shimmer and sparkle. Also their cutie marks. they both are mysterious symbols. twilight's is a reference to her element of harmony and to her friends, but sunset's is mysterious. is there and element of harmony in the human world shaped like a sun? just a theory. Also, there's the relationship between friendship, magic, cutie marks, and a pony's destiny. friendship is magic, when a pony's magic is taken away they lose their cutie mark, and a cutie mark shows a pony's destiny whether it has been fulfilled yet or not. seriously. your thoughts? also, sunset saw herself as an alicorn when she looked into the magic mirror in the comics. FORESHADOWING? or just another reference to twilight? I doubt they would make this the last season. The show has only grown in our following of it, so it's most likely just going to be another climactic episode and maybe a trip into some more back story (which I know everyone loves). Also, there is no way they will address doctor whooves. too much room for copyright infringement. it will most likely be lyra, derpy, or bonbon or something.
  10. They need to do more on sunset shimmer! What does her cutie mark really mean?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Oh I know, but being a Sombra fan I tended to think on him moreso than other characters; going by what's hinted at in the episode and what's alluded to or referenced in the comics.


      Given my recent fascination for Sunset, it stands that I'll giver her some thought too.

    3. draconictome


      In further argument of my point, I present a line from magical mystery cure, spoken by twilight after her friends' cutie marks have been switched: "It's not their memories, spike. It's their true selves that have been altered." true selves? If that's not destiny, I don't know what is.

    4. draconictome


      also, the original spell in that episode: "from one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled."

  11. I wasn't done posting that topic! I cannot access it, and I would like to add more before it is posted!

  12. I was mostly having trouble choosing what this pony would do. I think I got a good idea of it now and if I come up with anything big I'll get back to you on it.
  13. I feel like I would have trouble creating an OC that was my ponysona. I'm only 17 and my future is undecided- in the pony world I would have probably gotten some form of cutie mark by now. I think the best idea for me is just to take one aspect I'd like and expand on it. I have had some experience in writing, and I feel I should be able to do it. Thanks for the help AmberDust! I'll get back to you guys if i think of anything.
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