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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. Even if he was I would at least greet that as some sign of personality in him. Clearly you have much to learn and see.
  2. Well like with many thing in life you tend to get used to something overtime if you have enough exposure to it. I can't say I hate or love the designs but I can live with them. Man do I sound depressed. lol
  3. The only likely scenario in which this would occur would be as some sort of development in EG3, perhaps in relation to either/both of the Twilights. But in my scenario it would only be brief, perhaps even allowing reconciliation with Princess Celestia before she returned after deciding her new home was in the human world. You're not wrong and I'm pretty sure the creators of the show have even stated this a few times(no links unfortunately).
  4. To me she looks like a fusion of Rainbow Brite(but less girly) and Joan Jett(but less rough) that originated from the world of the Nickelodeon show 'Doug'(but less lame). So I can't say I have any real issue with it overall.
  5. Like an Equestria Girls Sims or Second Life? I would at least try it provided it didn't immediately turn me off from sheer lameness. Well you seem excited about that part at least.
  6. Don't forget Filli Vanilli, an episode where her appearance basically just served as recap on a previous appearance. Still, I would like to see her show up sometime during season 5 if possible.
  7. i hope the wait was worth it for this upcoming episode.

  8. The pony version of Flash Sentry only exists because it served as a introduction for his human counterpart in EG. While neither version has had much development(and likely never shall) the human Flash has clearly been given more screen time and dialogue while the pony version has never even spoken to Twilight since EG1. Really? Besides both having experience with the royal guards and knowing Twilight one is a unicorn while the other is a pegasi. Both of them have different coat colors, eye color, body sizes, hooves and have never been seen together in the same shot let alone interacting on any level. Despite this they probably should know each other given that Shining Armor is the Captain of the Royal Guard.
  9. i doubt the creators of the show forgot about one of the secondary characters. Things like budgets, time constraints and story lines usually play a factor in who shows up where, when, why and for how long. She could be a guidance counselor as well along those lines. Flash Sentry was first introduced in his pony form. In fact he's had more appearances as a pony than as a human.
  10. Roughshod

    rainbow rocks Is Sonata really that evil?

    I see Sonata as representing as a sort of 'banality of evil' in her actions. She's clearly the least inclined to leadership or independence of the group and is comfortable in following along, even when she doesn't entirely understand the plan. I believe this may evince an element of trust she has in the others, particularly Adagio, which may be a partial cause for the tension between her and Aria since Aria has shown that she believes herself to be qualified to lead and may view Sonata's general complicity as undermining. I don't know how much I can say about her loving her accomplices since they literally feed on enmity and conflict and obviously desire to increase this for their own gain. It may be that everyone else are ants and her 'sisters' are her world simply because she's alienated from others due to using them as an energy resource and quite possibly needs the other two to efficiently absorb magic. Or it may be that she's so dense that she can't empathize with other beings outside her species simply follows the others out of habit or convenience. She cares more about eating tacos for lunch then she does about causing innocent people distress and suffering. I would say this was approaching the level of a sociopath if I didn't already know it was due to her stupidity.
  11. At least then he might be given some more exposure if only briefly. Since the students of CPA are poised to be antagonists it would make sense to have an antagonist leading their school and possibly add an element to the Midnight Sparkle development(dark magic or the corrupting of the Mane 6's magic perhaps). But I can easily picture Cadance being the current principal and Hasbro keeping the plot simpler for the movie. For starters Cadance is already much more established than Sombra now in the show and a princess to boot(merchandise!). She's arguably a more pliable, likable character and would be a close associate of Celestia's thus serving as a friendly rival. But given the almost negligible presence of Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna - particularly in RR - I have a strong feeling it won't make a huge difference who's in charge.
  12. Considering the way she acted at the beginning of RR that would make sense. Since she's redeemed herself in the face of her peers at Canterlot High perhaps she'll find some closure in the next film. But then again considering how established she's become in the human world and that the films constraints don't leave much room for this kind of development I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing this become a reality. Maybe as a plot device or climax for the next film. Other than something like that it does seem unlikely.
  13. This is all true, but for me it doesn't fully explain why she's never returned even after being reformed by Twilight and the human five. Perhaps she doesn't really have anyone in Equestria to go back to(besides Celestia maybe). This is just speculation, but if she is some kind of orphan than her story would be very similar to that of Sombra's.
  14. I was eight or nine, I was trying to type 'six' into a keyboard and accidentally typed 'sex' and found some interesting things online. My dad walked in, laughed, and told me to go outside.
  15. I basically never make new friends except under very certain circumstances wherein that person and I will have regular contact such as school or a job. I have a handful of real friends. Online friends, I suppose I have a few. Ah, such an alienated and depressing society we have!
  16. I don't cross-dress. I don't care much either way about it though. When I consider that this a community that includes devout cosplayers and other people with unusual dressing habits it doesn't seem very consistent to me to chastise someone for dressing in an alternative manner from that which mainstream society expects. A typical Brony answer.
  17. McDonald's. Not because their food is necessarily better(it generally isn't), but because they have a wider selection and their coffee is decent. Breakfast food at McD's is mostly better in my opinion though.
  18. Well, today's topics were utterly lackluster. I guess I'll go do something else now.

  19. 'Starlight Glimmer, Ruler of Equalstria'?

    1. HereComesTom


      They can do better with villain names, IMO. ...Then again, maybe "Starlight Glimmer" is a pseudonym?

    2. Roughshod


      Personally I'm waiting for the Smooze. That should be entertaining.

    3. HereComesTom


      Oh, would that I could brohoof replies on status updates...!


      Rule #25 on the list of things Hasbro won't let a brony do when making an MLP:FiM game:


      25) Bringing back the Smooze from G-1 as a boss is okay. Defeating him by packing him into a magical steamer trunk is also okay. Having someone ask "What'cha gonna do with all that gunk? All that gunk inside your trunk?" is not okay.

  20. Well like the TV tropes article you posed claims, it's a very subjective matter. So maybe? I personally don't consider her an escapist character for myself, but I do respect many of her qualities and achievements without fantasizing about possessing them. There's definitely some nuance in my case.
  21. A likely possibility: 1) Princess Amore ruled over the Crystal Empire for an undetermined time. 2) At some point King Sombra took over. What the circumstances of this transition of power were haven't been canonically revealed, such as whether he was anointed or chosen peacefully and the then became corrupted, or was a villain from the start and just usurped the throne violently, a mix of the two or some completely different scenario. 3) Princess Amore is either killed and her family/descendants flee the Empire or she is exiled and starts a new life elsewhere. One of these descendants will eventually become Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. (Given the fact that Cadance is supposed to have originally been a pegasus and Princess Amore was a unicorn, obviously some crossbreeding occurred over the ages.) 4) Princess Celestia and Luna end Sombra's reign and the empire vanishes for a thousand years. 5) At some point later in time Candace is orphaned and discovered by Princess Celestia, who may or may not have suspected her royal lineage in addition to her magical connection with love. This could be a cause for her title 'Amore', a title even Twilight Sparkle wasn't familiar with. It seems very plausible to me that Cadance's story could just be like that of Aragorn from Lord of The Rings. A commoner who is discovered to have royal blood and possess a noble spirit and eventually reclaims their long lost throne from a tyrant.
  22. I'm not all that well-known, but those who know me, know me well. Or at least some probably do. I've tried to build a reputation as being somewhat of a contrarian, often arguing different sides of something for the sake of it, indulging in theoretical lines of reasoning for intellectual stimulation while also holding strong views on certain subjects. I'd like to believe most people know I have a fair sense of humour too. Edit: It seems still need to work on my spelling as well.
  23. Well at least it has scientific and philosophical implications. I mean, if someone could only perceive visual light through shades of green for example, how could you argue the colour of the dress with them? You could use the bandwagon claim that most people see he dress similarly to you and thus you're right but that's a logical fallacy. You could also try to account their perception to some sort of disorder in their body, such as their iris or brain chemistry. But this argument could go both ways and only holds water if you ultimately base it on what is average as opposed to what is rare, that is, their unique perception of light. Once again it comes to relying on a sort of bandwagon mentality for establishing a precedent that can be then used to distinguish divergent conclusions regarding an image's appearance. But generally speaking it isn't all that important to me, just an interesting thing to think about.
  24. There's no objective answer. If the dress looks one set of colors under a certain lighting then it is those colors. If it looks a different way under different circumstances then that's how it looks that way. If the image can appear to be taking different colors depending on the way it is shown, why should one trump another? The brain is not static, it's constantly processing in different ways. We're talking about sensory experience, there's no right or wrong, there only is. That's not even an argument. Any direct experience can be called an illusion or a reality based on perception. In fact an illusion is just another version of reality by that definition. Your opinion regarding your visual experience or that of others is not an absolute authority.
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