For me it's probably: (no order)
Apple Family Reunion: How the shooting stars reflected on her deceased parents AND (God, this was a sad ep but it was so good) she tried so hard with the reunion but failed and the barn fell and everyone was so disappointed in her and she covered her face with her hat
Testing, Testing 1 2 3: This was pretty sad. I really enjoyed this ep because we see RD fail and she doesn't have the courage to get back up and she just wanted to give up. I found this episode extremely relatable to me, since I am extremely athletic and (not trying to brag) a track star and vball star named by my coaches so when I fail I have a hard time getting back up.
The Last Roundup: Dang, even the title is sad. She leaves her family which was unbelievable, she lost after always winning, and needs to earn money by working on a cherry farm thing!!!! AHHH so sad and relatable to me (look above)
Twilights Kingdom: Even though I thought this was a sucky season finale, the loss of the library dragged my heart out of my chest. That was unbelievably upsetting, I cannot believe they did that. But I guess they had to, since Hasbro needs money and masking Twilight a princess/alicorn AND ruining her castle AND getting a new one means more toys
There is also a Rarity episode, can't think of the name right now, but that was really sad how she wanted so badly to finish twilights dress but got caught up in her own life and gave her a dress so similar to the potato sack dresses on I Love Lucy (Kudos to you if you know what I'm talking about) and even though Twilight loves it, she is so disappointed in herself and is so ashamed when everyone finds out about her going back and fourth to two parties. This isn't as sad as the other ones I mentioned, but whatever, still reallly sad.
Soooo what are some more sad episodes/moments in your opinion? There are defiantly more, but this is really all I can think of right now.
Thank you:)