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Posts posted by PonyPal123

  1. That definitely seems interesting.


    However, I must point something out on what you said. Many organ pipes are needed for a single Pipe Organ instrument. You switched the words around.


    Yes, that backstory of how my OC got his cutie mark is interesting. However, I should make it clear that when I had someone create my OC from scratch, I made it simple for the person to make the cutie mark a pipe from a pipe organ rather than an actual organ console (the place where organists play the organ).


    No worries i mean it was just a rough idea and you can change bits and pieces to make the story suit your pony and even though i didn't write it down i meant for his cutie mark to be a pipe from a pipe organ

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Ok how about as a colt he would carry his camera around with him everywhere and he would take photos of just random objects until one day as he was taking a photo of a broken down organ pipe and straight after he took the photo his camera broke down. So thats when the pony that was fixing the organ pipe asked him if he wanted to help fix it, and so he did.

    Once the organ pipe was fixed he tried playing it and when he did he discovered his love for playing the organ pipe and thats how he got his cuite mark

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @@PonyPal123,

    Well, Rocky Road is a flavor of Ice Cream. So maybe he'd be an Ice Cream/Popsicles/Ices merchant.


    His Cutie Mark could be some sort of Ice Cream cone.


    I didn't even think of ice cream but i love that idea 




    I think should own an ice cream parlor. The name alone reminds me of ice cream (doesn't help that "I Love Rocky Road" by Weird Al comes to mind every time i hear it).



    And i did wanna make him an older pony so him owning an ice cream parlor is a great idea 


    thank you both

  4. BIO: My OC is an earth pony and she is very kind and gentle, her special talent is drawing, painting or anything to do 

    with art. Sometimes she can sit down for hours painting a beautiful picture and a lot of the time she express's herself through her art.


    DESCRIPTION: Her coat is light minty green, her mane/tail is jet black and she has a thin braid on the side of her mane/tail which is rainbow coloured, her mane/tail is short and the ends are whispy she has a huge fringe that semi covers her eyes and her eye colour is blue her cutie mark is a blank canvas with a paintbrush next to it.


    ATM i dont have a picture but i hope what i wrote is enough  :D

  5. Ohmigosh Candy Confetti! So cute! I'm picturing her with a white body and a yellow, pink/coral, and blue striped mane. And it has to be poofy. :P Possibly pastel colours? so it's not ridiculously bright. Her cutie mark could totally be a small party hat with bits of confetti flying around it? 


    I dunno I just really really really like Candy Confetti XD



    that is a really good idea thanx i'll probably use it  :D

    And here is a few more ideas



    Rocky Road, i am certain on his name but i am not sure wether to make him a builder or a baker :wacko:  i am having a really tough time so i would like to know what you think what should his job be? 



    Cherry Red is a really extreme pony in that she is either really happy or really sad, really angry or really annoying. I am thinking her mane can be bright red and her coat could be a lighter red almost white but not sure on a cutie mark?

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I am willing to help out but i will need to know how you would like them drawn, based on what you said i would think you want them hand drawn? and in what position? you can always post a picture of what position and that should give me a good idea. And would you want me to color them in or not 


    but yeah i can help :D

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Well a good way to start making your OC is to make one of yourself or to make an OC of who you wanna be. Then you could also think of a 2 word expression like Filthy Rich or Silver Spoon or Granny Smith and then make your OC's personality, cutie mark, colors and so forth based on the name


    thats what i did  :D

    • Brohoof 1
  8. For Pixie Dust I think a hot pink coat and a white mane with a strand of hot pink. Don't know about her cutie mark. Green acres should have a light green coat and a dark green tail and mane, with a cutie mark of a hoe crossed over a deed (just a scroll). Maybe China Tea should Be brown with a yellow-green mane and tail. That's all I have for now. So far, your ideas are great!



    WOW :)  those ideas are great i especially like the idea you had for Green Acres cutie mark! that is totally gonna be his cutie mark and i like the color scheme 


    thanx so much for your help 


    i also came up with some more ideas, so here they are:



    Comic Strip is a colt and he loves comic books as most young boys do and he got his cutie mark while reading his first comic book which has now inspired him to write his own comic books. His cutie mark is a slightly opened comic book but i am not sure what his colors should be?


    Petty Cash is sort of like Diamond Tiara in that they are both rich but Petty Cash is a lot nicer and she doesn't like the fact that she is wealthy to affect the way ponies treat her. I am not sure on a cutie mark or a color scheme?


    Cloud Nine is obviously a pony who is always happy & she is a female pegasus. And i am still not sure on a cutie mark but for colours i am thinking maybe a light blue for her coat and a really bold color for her mane ...


    Anyway i would love to know what you think of these ideas and if you have any suggestions please let me know :D

  9. So lately i have been getting random OC ideas that i think are pretty good but i still would like help with cutie marks and colour, i have only come up with names for some of them and others i have fully thought of but i would like to know what you think and wether or not they are good. but if anyone has suggestions on how i can make them better i would love to hear them and i would also like to know which idea you like the best. 

    Ps: i would really appreciate it if no one stole these ideas :D so first there is.


    Check Mate is a male unicorn only a colt that loves board games especially Chess, his cutie mark is the chess piece of a horse and he has a off white base and a black mane (btw his mane is just like the mane on the horse piece in the game chess). He is very smart and he always studies before trying anything new and he has glasses.


    Green Acres is a wealthy male pony who owns a lot of properties and pieces of land all over Equestria. I'm not sure what his colors should be i'm guessing there should be some green in the color scheme and his mane/ tail and cutie mark i'm not sure of either so i would like some help with those areas.


    China Tea is a young female pony who travels far and wide finding different herbs and spices to add to her teas. She owns a tea store in Ponyville which is full of teas and she also does perfumes which are all natural her cutie mark is a tea bag but if anyone has a better idea for a cutie mark i would love to know and also her color scheme i'm not sure about either. She a very kind and gentle pony although she doesn't really take no for an answer.


    Candy Confetti is a female pony who loves to make ponies smile she can be a bit of a comedian sometimes and she loves to pull pranks all in good fun, she is defenatly the life of the party and you will never see her upset. she doesn't let what other ponies say about her afect her cause she knows that their opinions don't really matter. I'm not sure what colors should be and the same with her cutie mark.


    Candy Cane is Candy Confetti's Grandpa and is best friends with Granny Smith, he doesn't really have hair but he does have 4 strands of hair that flop around and they are red while his body is white like a candy cane he is always happy. Although i don't know what his cutie mark should be maybe a candy cane but if anyone can think of a better idea i love to know


    Pixie Dust is a joyful filly always wanting to help others. She is sort of devoted to helping other ponies dreams come true. She doesn't help much even though she thinks she does (example: somepony is waiting for a record deal so Pixie will buy a record and write deal on the record not knowing what a record deal really is and then send it in the mail but it never gets to the pony, instead the pony gets a real record deal and is all exited about it and then Pixie thinks i was her gift that made the pony happy). When she grows up she wants a job where she can really make ponies dreams come true. Colors and cutie mark i am not sure about?


      So those are a few of my ideas and i would love to know what you think :D

  10. well if this was my story this is how i would plan it,


    Your pony starts off in Manehatten which is fine but instead of your OC meeting the mane 6 one of the mane 6 goes to Manehatten to meet your OC maybe rarity since she travels there a lot. So your OC and one of the mane 6 become really good friends but they are not together very long and they don't expect to see each other again until on your OC's travels she goes to Ponyville and bumps into the mane 6 and since your OC had already met one of the mane 6 she is automatically brought into the group. She doesn't have to stay with them but my personal opinion is that in your story there should be some contact between the mane 6 and your OC 



    hope i helped

  11. Personally i think both of your designs are good i like the second one better but the first design was ok if anything i have to agree with everyone else and say turn down the green a bit but other than that it was good 


    for the second design i would say change the eye color it doesn't really go with the rest of the colors and i am not really sure what the cutie mark is but if it is something that doesn't have to be green i would say change it and maybe and the slightest bit of colour to her base coat if you want to 


    overall i say good job :D

  12. i have to say PRATICE MAKES PERFECT


    i mean when i was starting out i got so fustrated cause i wasn't really good at drawing so i traced mlp bases over and over again until i sort of got good and now i not that bad although i still correct bits and pieces 

  13. Maybe she could be a babysitter and her talent is putting crying babies to sleep and also telling children wonderful stories before they go to bed so they have wonderful dreams,


    or she could own a mattress and pillow factory and the beds she designs are just so perfect that everyone that sleeps in them have wonderful dreams 


    or she could be a pony that helps ponies who suffer from nightmares and she calms them by helping them overcome their fears so they don't have to be scared when they have nightmares


    i hope i helped 

  14. Hah, maybe she would always be getting into trouble, and telling outlandish stories to try and weasel her way out of taking responsibility.


    Or if you want something more grand, maybe she was just playing pretend one day when other ponies got interested in the world she was building, and before the day was over dozes of ponies, young and old, were all following her pretend story as heroes and villains.


    I actually really like that idea especially the first one :D  but the first idea that came to my mind was that when she was a filly in school she finished her work quickly so in her spare time she helped out the other ponies in her class but got really fustrated seeing all the spelling and grammar mistakes so she went home and rewrote all of the other ponies assignments. But the teacher knew that the only pony capable of doing that kind of work was Quill Burst (keep in mind that her school work was far beyond her year) so when the teacher called Quill Burst into her office and gave her an extra assignment (or detention whatever you think is better) as punishment she lied about it and gave the teacher an over exagerated story, even though it didn't work Quill Burst realized her passion for telling stories and took the assignment with joy and that's when she found her passion.

    • Brohoof 1
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