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Posts posted by PonyPal123

  1. How about:


    Thunder Runner

    Fire Cloud 

    Cloud Shadow


    sorry i couldn't really think of any good names with the options you gave but here's a suggestion,


    think about where he lives what he enjoys doing what he does for a living and then you might be able to find words that have a meaning or that represents his personality and you might be able to make it a name for example


    (Silver Spoon or Nurse Red Heart)


    hope i helped

  2. Thanks I'll be waiting anxiously to see what you come up with. Now all I need to do is fully flush out the plot for the stories and I should be fine.



    Ok so this is what i have come up with and the reason they dont have colour is cause i wanted to know what you thought of them first  









    So i hope you like them

    • Brohoof 1
  3. well if i were in a new place and had just been turned into a pony then i would try talking to 

    other ponies and find out as much as i could about poniville 


    Then i would try to make a really good friend so that if i had any questions that were sort of embarising or weird

    i could ask my friend


    then i would try to get a job and then since i'm new i would imagine my friend would let me stay with him/her until i found a place to live


    So thats what i would do, i hope i helped

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Have you come up with any already, or some that you like the sound of?

    You should first figure out how you want it to sound. There are elegant names, silly names, peppy names, cool names, etc.

    Also, what does her cutie mark represent?


    Well i would like two names for her like Twilight Sparkle or Pinkie Pie and i would like it to be elegant sounding like Rarity. I think her name should have something to do with snow or ice or anything cold, i like the sound of crystal or aurora cause they are normally seen i cold places.


    Her cutie mark represents her talent of creating special snowflakes that help a certain crystal grow and it also represents her being unique and unlike any pony else.


    So i hope that gives you some ideas to what her name could be  :)

  5. I'l be happy to help,i have a few questions:


    Do you want ideas for names as well or just ideas for the looks of the foals?

    And do you mind what gender they are or doesn't it matter ?


    Btw i don't have a base for a changeling so if i were to give you an idea of what the foals would look like 

    they would both be ponies, is that ok?

  6. I'm not sure if you have read my post on creative resources (  http://Need HELP with names for OC). If you have then if you can think of any good names or come up with suggestions on how you think i can make my pony better then i would love to know them. If you haven't seen my post then if you click on the link above it will explain everything there.



    Umm the post i made before this one may have the wrong link,

    instead just go to creative resources and look for (Need HELP with names for OC)


    it will explain everything there 

  7. Ok so after a lot of work I finally have come up with an OC that I’m happy with and I have almost finished I just need help with her name. Here is some info about her:


    Age: 19



    Species: Unicorn



    As a young filly growing up she lived with her younger brother, mum and dad until he was called away to be the captain of the royal guard for princess Celestia. They weren’t very rich but they weren’t poor either, they lived on what they earned by selling potions and natural medical cures  which her mother made from a special crystal which was only found up in Mount Fairfeather not far from where they lived. They hardly socialized and never went out much due to the cold weather. Most of the time the snow would have frozen over the roads making it very hard to get past.  Although when she did get the chance to go out she spent most of her time in museums and art galleries learning and studying everything about anything mainly to do with history which she is so fascinated by. She currently lives in Vanhoover with her brother.


    Cutie Mark:  Her cutie mark shows three different   and unique snowflakes floating along in the winter breeze.

    Personality: She is a kind and gentle pony, she is open to other ponies ideas and opinions but doesn’t think it’s right for anypony to force their ideas onto somepony else. She knows right from wrong but doesn’t make others feel bad for doing something they didn’t know was wrong. She is very smart and she has a love for animals, she even has a baby arctic fox.


    So yeah, pretty detailed description you would think I can come up with a name myself but I just can’t think of the right name for her. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. BTW her body colour is blue and she has a light blonde mane/tail.






  8. Long story short it's the story of how the EUP came to become a united nation called Equestria.


    Short story long, there are 3 pony tribes, the earth ponies, unicorns and pegausi better known as the EUP.

    The earth ponies provided the food and crop to the pegausi and unicorn, while the pegausi help with the change in the weather and the unicorns magically change night from day. Each tribe didn't really like the other pony tribes until one day their mistrust and hate for one another came to a boil and arguments rose up between them. Their hatred and fighting was feeding the Windigos which are magical creatures that feed off hatred and fighting and it was giving them the power to freeze over their lands and skies. All the snow made it impossible to grow food and left the ponies freezing. Each tribe blamed the others for their suffering. It got so bad that the leaders from each tribe decieded to have a conference and discuss what they should do about the weather and food situation. But it didn't work they just couldn't solve their problems so each tribe leader set off to find new land capable to live in. There was Commander Hurricane played by RD with Private Panty played by Fluttershy. Daughter of the diamond king, Princess Platinum played by Rarity with Clover the Clever played by Twilight, and Chancellor Puddinghead played by Pinkie Pie with Smart Cookie played by AJ. So after a long journey with obstacles and difficulties along the way they each came across a land that was perfect. The Pegausi named it Pegasopalis, the Unicorns named it  Unicornia and and the Earth Ponies named it Earth. Only until they found out that they all wanted the same land. Once again the tribe leaders started fighting over who should gain the new land and before they knew it the Windigos started to freeze over the new land so bad that they had to find a cave, but there was only one cave for miles which meant they all had to share as much as they hated it. But it wasn't long before the Windingos started freezing the entrance of the cave and then the inside of the cave as well. The fighting got so bad between the leaders that they eventually froze over them selfs. it was only the leaders assistants that were left and once they saw what happened to the leaders they admitted that they didn't really want to fight, instead they wanted to share the new land and sort out their differences. So inside the cave they told stories and sang songs which are the carols that ponies sing today and the friendship between them grew so strong that there leaders thawed out from them ice and it even melted their hearts. So they worked out their differences and deceided to share the land and name it Equestria.


    I hoped i helped. :D

  9. Maybe you could make his cutie mark something like a bent silver spoon glowing any colour of your choice to make it look like  

    Silver hoof is bending it.

    Or you could do something like a unicorn horn glowing surrounded by four elements representing air, water, ground and fire?

    I'm not exactly sure how that could be drawn as a cutie mark but hopefuly it gave you some ideas. :)


    I hope i helped

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Ok well if i had to chose a cutie mark out of the options you have shown i would chose option 1


    Reason: If her talent is cloud crafting her cutie mark should show clouds or even one cloud so that it shows her talent.

    And if your still not sure maybe you could change the clouds a bit and make them look like they have been crafted into something,

    maybe like a pony or anything really.

    And since her name is Silver skies maybe make the clouds a bit more silver or grey to suit her name :D

    So i hope i helped and i cant wait to find out the end result

  11. Hey sorry for the late reply i didnt have any internet and seeing all these OC's made me want to make some of my own,

    so now i am currently working on some ponies.


    Anyway a dark, chestnut brown would work just as well. I still think that Pony 3 is the best option and suits Ambers personality the best

    but knowing that you want to include the blue amber you could always give her a blue streak in her mane/tail using the same blue to match her cutie mark.


    I dont know i;m just throwing ideas out but hopefuly i helped. And btw great idea for a cutie mark

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Well after having a good long look around and reading how you described Amber, i have come up with a few suggestions


    If i were to chose a colour scheme out of the ones you have drawn i would chose pony 3

    Reason: I think that the soft blue shows of her shyness while the black shows her thrill of discovery, curiosity and strong ideals.  

    Then again if your not sure the black would suit her personality you could always end her mane and tail with a nice orange or blue to mach her cutie mark.

    I would give her the eyes you used on pony 1 and if i were to give her an element of harmony it would be kindness



    Please reply and let me know what you think. I hope i helped

    • Brohoof 1
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