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Status Updates posted by TimeyMarey007

  1. I've been running into far too many "Blocked URLs". Or maybe I'm just hallucinating.

  2. Yet I have no idea why a 2015 diary is containing a Cold War-era world map, including the USSR.

    1. Thunderchild


      They probably used it by mistake when they compiled the diary.

  3. A few weeks back on MLP Wiki Chat: "Might I dare say the name of a show better than MLP:FiM?" Then I did, and some pegasister went into a rage. xD

    1. TimeyMarey007


      Then she got banned for 2 hours. Naptime.

  4. Back to watching Knight Rider after a long time.

  5. May 1, it's my birthday. Eh, this might be hard to notice.

  6. I'm always looking for honor. But yet, it is hard to come by.

  7. Early 80s Air Canada livery scheme now seems to look better than TWA's one they had during the same time period. Especially on the 747.

  8. Yeah, I'm totally gonna have the most boring birthday ever tomorrow.

  9. Another goddamn, sodding Thursday. And then tomorrow is my birthday. Unfortunately last year was a Thursday.

  10. I've been yippee ki-yay-ing far too much.

  11. I'm hoping someone would finally draw my OC's mane right.

  12. There are hardly any guys who use Paint.NET. Anyone else uses it?

    1. inactive lol get mem

      inactive lol get mem

      I used to, then I moved on to GIMP. GIMP is better and free too.

  13. I lose my temper when it comes to CGI-ing classic cartoons. CGI isn't always awesome.

  14. I still need to think of a name for Timey Marey's mother.

  15. I wondered what tracing was, until "Tracegate" came.

  16. Ah, the shameless usage of CGI in Bangladeshi adverts. xD

  17. tfw nobody wouldn't want to check my profile for even a nanosecond

    1. Ice Fox

      Ice Fox

      *looks at profile* :3

    2. TimeyMarey007


      Thank you for coming and come again!


  18. So now I'm an assistant to the Cultural Secretary. Must be a test for responsibility.

  19. Playing Ignition really brings back in 2013 brony nostalgia. <3

  20. I really need to update my userpages everywhere.

  21. Aw hell, all those times when you want to update your status but you don't know what to update.

  22. Trashing out Pierce Goldeneye. Back to the Rule of One.

  23. When you're online everyday, people will obviously know you. When you take a 5 day vacation, everyone will forget you unless you clearly state it all over the internet.

    1. TimeyMarey007


      *Hans Gruber intensifies*

  24. 5 days without internet. gg

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