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Status Updates posted by TimeyMarey007

  1. Forum games, timekillers. I think I can be back there again. That was my golden age on TO.

  2. I wonder how stupid would I even be at my very own wedding. xD

  3. Why the hell am I so ignored wherever I am?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TimeyMarey007


      Everyone seems to ignore me, including friends.

      I even feel like the loneliest person on the planet now.

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      sometimes things arent the way they seem they are *hug

    4. TimeyMarey007
  4. Watched Live Free or Die Hard. Yeah, way more Bond over Die Hard. 7/10

  5. I need to find a guy who like me prefers commercial aircraft over military. x-(

  6. Watched Die Hard: With a Vengeance. Okay, this one felt more Bond than Die Hard.

  7. See the new episode. That more felt like a nice way of starting Season 5 instead of The Cutie Map.

  8. How many of you understand that drawing ponies isn't that hard?

  9. Since one thing led to another, I might wonder what would have happened if I still continued to like Minecraft...

  10. Seen Die Hard 2. I'll rate it equal with the original Die Hard. 9/10

  11. Yeah... now I see why people now switch to commissions over request shops... the flooding.

  12. Why is this site a ghost town always at this time?

  13. I just love the reaction of Hans Gruber's face when we falls to his death. xD

    1. Plageius



  14. Me at Timothy Dalton: OI YOU TOO HANDSOME! <3

  15. I keep seeing myself as a politician. I just wonder why...

  16. Hasbro already confirmed Season 6 this early? It would be better if it has been confirmed after the end of the current season.

  17. There's always a reason why I never watch anime.

  18. So finally I realized I wasn't talking my native language at all, lest it be code-switching.

  19. That's a Boeing 777-200ER as your background, right?

    1. DubWolf


      It's hard to tell if it's a 200 or 300, but yah it's a 777.

  20. Augh, goddammit, hardly any request shops, and little-to-none alerts. Damn, I missed it when I once got 1437 alerts on Terraria Online: http://i.imgur.com/lj8QFHL.png

  21. April 4 in this area, and now to wait an entire 12 hours. Yippee ki-yay, timezones!

  22. I really need to adopt one certain accent.

  23. I keep thinking that "whipped cream" is a form of capital punishment.

  24. First, James Bond, now, Die Hard. Ah well, another group of enjoyable movies I'm gonna watch.

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