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Blog Entries posted by Fleur-De-Lis

  1. Fleur-De-Lis
    I sincerely hope you take the time to read through all this. I just felt the need to talk about it, to have some one listen, and hopefully. to make a true friend.
    Well I will try to keep this respectably vague for the person, but at the same time. I cannot help but want to talk about it. Some one who was very near and dear to me. Some one whom I cherished as a friend so much so, I wished them well before logging off steam and heading out for the night. I would even go as far as to tell them "Goodnight and sweet dreams ______" We were friends for over 2 years.

    What had happened

    After about 4 to 5 days, They finally logged onto Wildstar to add me as friends. Hung around for at least an hour, mostly just being away from keyboard, I did my own thing while they did their own thing (it was one person). Then suddenly in Zone chat, I saw what i felt was bad advice, about selling ore straight to vendors since it would amount to more money than what players were paying for in the commodity exchange, especially when adding the broker exchange. I did not pay attention to who said it, but I had simply said that it was not true, and that the advice should be taken with a grain of salt. I then continued to state how platinum ore was going for 20 silver each about 4 or 5 days ago though was now down to 12 silver each, I did some math and discovered it would have otherwise been 2 silver each from the vendor. This was only but a T3 resource (out of 5). The first two which can be mined/gathered from almost anyone who just started the game, so it makes sense those would be going for dirt cheap. But this blog post isn't about explaining circumstances.

    I will admit that how it was likely phrased a bit more rude than how I recited it in this blog post. I honestly cannot recall how it was structured when I said it in game, though I am certain it was not that bad, but the reaction was excessively bad. I was removed from friends. both from Wildstar and even steam (I checked after exiting the game half an hour later.) I am deeply saddened by this. As I imagine anyone would be if it happened with some one they held quite dear.
    I spoke with a mutual friend (with no response) and told that person to pass along a message for me which was simply "I cared for _____ deeply as a friend, we were friends for years. I am sorry i upset you, I wished you well every night and even said goodnight. But I guess you did not think of me as highly." A message I sincerely hope was passed on. For those who may wonder, wishing a person well, to me, was telling them to have a great day, or a good night, in some cases even to have a wonderful day or a fabulous day, and of course meaning it rather than being empty words.


    All in all, I will not try to re-add my friend ... to respect their decision, but at the same time, I wonder if I mattered to them at all for such friendship to have been so nonchalantly tossed aside.I find myself saddened especially by the fact it ended because of such a minor scuffle. Though I doubt the thought has crossed their mind, or maybe in some faint way it had, I simply find myself thinking ... why would you do this to me?

    In some way, I hope they forgive my mistake, and will add me again, hopefully soon before I am forgotten. I never wanted to upset or offend anyone, but that is what happened. Like some sort of cruel irony that what you least wanted to happen, had happened.
    I do not know what I want from this blog post, though perhaps the closest thing I can find to an answer, is a friend who I can always talk with, maybe about life stuff once in a while, play some games together occasionally, I am even fine with rarely since I understand life doesn't always allow the time to play non-casual games. As I think about it, maybe I would even like re-assurances that its not my fault, that I did not do something wrong. I guess regret is funny that way, thinking "If only I paid more attention" or maybe something more along the lines of, if only I knew .... though I do not blame the other person, I cherished them too much for that. I do not know what to think, not after all this sadness.
    I now head to bed, feeling weak and hungry, and saddened over the loss of a person whom I considered a good friend ... I may remedy hunger before going to bed ...
    Goodnight everypony, and I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this tale of woe.
  2. Fleur-De-Lis
    Wildstar went Free-to-Play
    My story:
    So the Wildstar thread on mlpforums is pretty much dead, I posted in it with the new Free-to-play update in hopes of seeing more of my dear friends from here at the forums to join me in the game! Play together, enjoy housing, all that good stuff. I post status updates about Wldstar, and they go unnoticed (which seem like my status updates in general, which is sad). The EQD guild Space Ponies is pretty much dead. as about 90% of all members have not logged on in 1 year. Even steam friends that expressed interest in playing together (and even got into the Wildstar Free to Play rush). It is saddening when anypony and everpony you know will not even give you the time of day It gets to be exceptionally disheartening. </3
    mlpforums thread here
    But enough about that ... for now I guess. I want to play Wildstar, I wish to invite people to the brony guild Space Ponies (founded by Sethisto, who sadly has not logged on in over a year.) I want to be able to enjoy Wildstar, the fantastic game it is, and talk pony with my pony friends. I play both Exile and Dominion (however I just re-started my Dominion characters since my old ones were deleted in the character cleaning.
    Wildstar is Awesome!!
    There is so very much I want to talk about, so much to explain why the game is worth your time, but I will have to leave that to their promotional videos. Which I will tell you that the trailers live up to the kind of game Wildstar is.even with the free-to-play transition. Which I would like to add, are among the LEAST money hungry companies I have ever seen. They are such wonderful people those developers. Everything in the shop (excluding ONE item; which are gypsy fortune key things) can be bought just by playing the game! Even premium membership! They have a thing called the cosmic rewards program (awesome; good rewards for reasonable ranges just for supporting the game!). And did i mention everything is reasonably priced? Im talking to the point where its quite cheap to just about EVERY other F2P game. Personal bank terminal, use one anyone you are to access your bank! you can buy that with like 30 omnibits ... you can earn like 130 a WEEK, and they are relatively easy to come by since you get them from killing mobs, completing quests, etc. the NC coin (premium currency) prices are quite cheap too! $5 gets you 400, some things are as cheap as 30 or 40, etc. I havent been following all the prices much but overall its quite reasonable. But all things in all, they are great people, and for all that they deserve the money all the more. Especially with how they aren't gauging people for money.
    Free-to-Play currencies done right!
    Platinum/Gold/Silver/Copper are the normal currency earned just from playing the game
    Renown is a currency earned just by playing with people, be it a dugneon, expedition, raid, questing, or even just killing normal monsters together.
    Prestige is a currency earned from pvp
    Omnibits are the currency earned by various means from playing the game (killing monsters, doing quests, etc.)
    NC Coins are the premium currency bought with real life money
    Service Tokens are the currency earned from login rewards, omni bits, and NC Coins, like they are actually only used for convenience (dye clothes, use teleport before their normal cooldown, etc.)
    C.R.E.D.D are redeemable tokens that give 1 month "signature service" which is basically the premium membership of the game. They can be bought using platinum/gold/silver copper through the C.R.E.D.D exchange in-game
    Cosmic Points are earned from spending money on the game, which ranges from purchasing NC Coins, purchasing signature service, and in the spirit of not leaving Free to play players out of the mix, you earn 1,000 Cosmic Points just for redeeming C.R.E.D.D while the person who purchased the C.R.E.D.D with real money earn 4,000 just for buying it. The ratio is 3,000 per the $5 USD, this does not include bonus points for things such as purchasing 3 month+ signature service.
    There are more that do not directly relate to real money, such as crafting vouchers, elder gem points, prestige (pvp currency), and renown, but those are used for different things etc.
    So yea, if your interested just post here or in the Wildstar thread, and show your interest. I would certainly appreciate it, and i sincerely look forward to playing together
    I strongly recommend you watch a few videos from the two playlists listed below to see what Wildstar is about!

    Wildstar System Requirements
    I recommend especially checking out paths, combat, and housing videos. 
    All my characters are on the PvE server Entity!
  3. Fleur-De-Lis
    I noticed that after I changed between the three different themes for the site, or more specifically, ever since I even tried using the "IP Board" theme, the entire site loads really slowly
    Has it been slow for anyone else? Is this just related to having changed the theme at all? Just wondering what was up with that. I added a poll for convenience sake.
  4. Fleur-De-Lis
    Why I post this here:
    Well it seems stupid windows is giving me trouble. As are my computer fans as mentioned in this blog entry http://mlpforums.com/blog/2269/entry-14827-formatting-computer/
    The frusteration of dealing with it is unreal. The operating system giving me trouble on one end, and my hardware on the other. Though I will likely replace one of my computer fans (the Blue LED one) before dealing with the OS issues.
    Some may be wondering my reasons for posting this, is simply to get it out there, inform my dear friends friends of the poniverse should anything somehow go horribly wrong (to which, heres hoping and praying it will all go smoothly and perfectly!). And naturally of course, to vent a bit about it. I do not really have anyone to talk to about such issues, so I am hoping I can find at least some helpful audience here. I unerstand it is a particularly lengthy post, one that is roughly about 4000 characters. But I sincerily hope that you take the effort to read through this. To make it easier I have categorized major issues with larger text in a headline style.
    Problems with Windows 7:
    After using that windows backup service, or at least I beleived that is my perpatrator, my computer is ocassionally giving me trouble saying that my version of windows is not "verified" and that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. More so since its been verified and geniune since I got my PC (brand new). I do not recommend the "backup and restore" service that comes with windows. The "System image" backup it has is utterly useless. It is essentially a glorified backup of files that you designate to be backed up. Its like your copying files, but in a way that only the windows backup service can use. Then when you restore it, it restores all of those files you chose. Thats it. Its a glorified copy/paste. One that apparently does not work for the entire hard drive (I believe where the OS folders got involved, it just screwed up the whole thing; despite the fact that those files could not be copied).
    Continuation of computer fan problems:
    Unfortunately those problems have only gotten worse since my previous blog post about them. The back blue LED fan has only gotten worse, and is in fact the worst off of my fans. I wish I could share with you how bad it sounds, unfortnately I do not have the means. But believe me when I say, its strongly disgruntling to hear a fan collide with its framework/wire at up to 1200 rpm, in which, it is actually bad enough that It cannot even reach full rotation speed! To a point where you can actually differentiate the blades as it spins! (short and simple I mean its slowed SUBSTANTIALLY!)
    However that Is just the tip of the iceburg, as 3 other of my fans also started having issues, thankfully not to the point of that one blue LED fan. Its just at a poitn where you can hear them whirring (the front panel fans). The top panel however ... well one of those not only whirrs, but twice it has made a grinding sound. I dont think I need to tell you how bad that would be for a FAN.
    Then there is the issue that I have only recently begin to notice for my liquid cooling system. I never put much thought into it, especially upon startup, But I have grown to realize that it is particularly loud upon startup. In such a manner that I do not think its normal, though I believe its been like that for a while (a few months at least.) But thinking back, I think I can recall a time when it never made such sounds. So i believe replacing that may also be necesasry (much to my discontent.)
    Naturally I also begin to think of my video card fan, which can also be particularly loud ... I dont think those are exactly interchangable, and even if it was, how would one even go about replacing that fan? Let alone for a lesser known, less mainstream video card (I believe that anyways since I cannot find an identical model online).
    What needs to be backed up before the Format:
    Naturally this goes for personal files, something I know we can all be paranoid about if we have them all (After all where would we be without our archives of pony music and wallpapers/fanart?), and in my case also my comics (which I beleive I have all backed up). But here is where things get tricky and most devastating. Game saves/data/worlds without cloud support. I play starbound, terraria, fable 3 (though not anymore naturally; more so that Games for Windows Live has died, and with no steamworks integration/storepage). But the biggest of my issues being my X Universe series of games (google it, for a concrete title one is called X3: Albion Prelude; X3: Terran Conflict, X3: Reunion).
    I am going to ask for some feedback on that actually. I need some one to help chip in to a checklist of things to make sure I have backed up before the format. There may be something I am missing that is invaluable, but overlooked. Such as how on earth I am going to deal with Microsoft Office 2013
    If you have any advice or suggestions (something feasible and real, not a joke like "Should have gotten linux/mac") Please feel free to post it, no matter how minor or trivial you may think it is, it may be helpful/useful.
  5. Fleur-De-Lis
    Well my computer has been giving me problems and boot times have gone up significantly (as high as more than 5 minutes). So i am going to format my computer in hopes things start speeding up and get rid of that unwated data, or whtaever else is causing it to be so slow. I just hope i know what im doing as i format the PC (its not exactly the thing you do often.)
    This is a real problem since for whatever reason one of my computer fan's has an issue with the wire getting hit by the fan blades ... Its not consistent 'nor do I understand why it does that (but I have seen it happening first hand, especially when it starts to make that noise.) And as you know, stupid windows cannot be interrupted as its starting up otherwise the damn thing ends up with a corrupted operating system or otherwise. I am sure you can imagine how 5 minutes of a wire scraping or getting caught by fan blades can be a serious problem, especially when the software can die off on me if i shut it down mid-way.
    First attempt will be to use a complete restore I happen to have saved on an external HDD (when the computer was new), but if that doesnt work as i'd hope; a complete format will be in order. However that in itself may give me trouble since theres all sorts of drivers from my chipsets to video card. And I am also concerned about various software issues (some may go missing, such as my Dolby Home Theater v4; which cannot be downloaded online ...) And dont even get me started on the nonsense im going to have to deal with when it comes to Microsoft Office 2013.
    I started this blog just so that I may get the word out if anything should happen that may prevent me from coming back for a period of time. I am sure I will find a way to come back though (if theres an event that may have complications, but heres hoping there wont be any). So yea, heres to a smooth and simple ride to getting this PC back in perfect working order!
    I look forward to returning with many good times to come!
    Also to whoever reads this, you should respond to my status updates more I share all these hilarious comics once in a while, but I feel no one is reading them since they never get a single response, yet every friend I have gets plenty (whenever I check at least).
    *edit* I now have reason to believe that the reason the wire from that one fan is acting up, is because the ball bearings may be going bad.
  6. Fleur-De-Lis
    So the person who posts horse wife decided to pick up a small project to make a garden out of food! I thought it was interesting So I decided to share it http://thehorsewife.tumblr.com/post/125395912615/my-little-window-garden-i-recently-read-the
    This makes me want to start doing something like that! Just picture it, free food! No pesticides, and as fresh as fresh can be!
    I like how they refer to corn as the "popcorn plant"
  7. Fleur-De-Lis
    Ever have those moments when you just think back on old TV shows and memories? I just spontaniously thought about the good o'l Ed, Edd 'n Eddy. Love that show, the nonsensical humor, the wacky antics, and the lovable characters such as Rolf, Jimmy, Sarah, and Kevin. But you know ... I thought ... why dont we have a pony version of Rolf and the ed boys? now theres something i'd like to see ponified!
    Heres a good example of some moments with Rolf

    Another character i'd love to see ponified, and particularly loved from old cartoons, would be Foghorn Leghorn. How can you not love his rambling and ranting? Most may simply know him as the rooster from Loony Toons. Honestly i'd say classic cartoons such as those were the real peak of cartoons. Honestly most modern day cartoons such as Johnny Test or whatever else they got going on just seem to promote bad morals and just dont have that same kind of slapstick comedy. Heres a good video showcasing his wacky antics.
    Last on the classic beloved characters (excluding the icons such as Bugs Bunny) would of course be Yosemite Sam, remember him? Oh man I can just picture the shenanagins he would get into all ponified like. I think i'll leave this last video to showcase some of his funny moments, though alot also seem intertwined with good o'l Bugs Bunny.

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