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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by s.slug

  1. hey there,dude! how are you? long time no talk

    1. s.slug


      SCEETHE!! I know, I suddenly stopped everything and disappeared from existence for 3/4 of a year. A lot of people probably think I'm dead. I'll send you a message

  2. Thanks for doing my request, it was fantastic work. c;

    1. s.slug


      You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.

  3. While all of you football fans cry about deflated balls, I'll be chilling and listening to some deadmau5.

  4. While all of you football fans cry about deflated balls, I'll be chilling and listening to some deadmau5.

    1. s.slug


      I know, right!? Deflated balls! No wonder the Pats won by so much!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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