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  1. @@The Jar, The purrsian noticed Jar seeming to be deep in thought about something, and wondering what he was thinking about, before listening in interest as the pony old him that Daring Doo was a famous fictional adventure pony. Gaizi would give a big smile at the compliment, liking it when others called him a real adventurer and this was no different as Jar told the purrsian he was the genuine article before answering involving the book series, "Maybe I can buy the books whiles here in Canterlot or seeing if the library has any copies." Gaizi watched as the earth pony walked up the one seating everyone, explaining what he wanted and feeling a bit nervous at tale Jar was spinning. Sure it wasn't completely false but it also wasn't all truth, yet at the same time it wasn't like he hadn't been forced to like before. Still, such cases were normally when his life was in danger and never in a situation where he lied just to get something he wanted. Still he trusted his friends and didn't feel the pony's words actually hurt anyone, it just meant others would have to wait if Jar got away with it.
  2. @@The Jar,@@EquestrianScholar, The feline would offer a purr, pleased with being complemented about his gem and finding the praise nice to hear. The gem was nice, and while he had gone to see how much it was worth Gaizi don't as much care about that as much as it being his first treasure. The purrsian's smile was wide as he walked by the said of the pony he had met, though he did not know the effect his honest manner and postive words were having over Jar. Gaizi would give an even greater purr, smiling as he heard the earth pony agree that yes perhaps they could be friends. The feline had admitted it, but while he wasn't so shy about meeting others it did leave him a bit uncertain knowing he was different from those around hims. Equestria was a wonderful place, but he was a foreigner in a place different from his home. Those this love of adventure and discovery lead him to many places, there was times he wanted to hide from the gaze of others. The winged feline would give Jar a quick nuzzle, as was common for purrian in showing affection for friends or family. Once they were inside the restaurant though Gaizi was a bit uncertain, given how busy it was and on his friend's words he would tilt his head to the side and ask, "Daring Doo, who is that?" This words and expression would make it clear he didn't know who Daring Doo was, or how he had any connection to her.
  3. @@The Jar, “No,” Gaizi would say has be shook his head before the feline would admit with a smile, “Unlike many of my race, my job is much funner.” Flying up into the air and agile grace moving behind before gliding back in front to continue, “I'm treasure hunter, isn't that so much more awesome?” He holds up a bracket exotic design and red gem before offering, “I got this during my first expedition!” With his paws back on the ground Gaizi would say as they continued to walk, “I admit to being nervous though, since I have never been here before and I have heard many ponies aren't nice. You're nice though, so I like you.” The feline would smile brightly, before rubbing shoulders with the pony and finishes with the words, “Maybe, we can even be friends, Mason.”
  4. @@The Jar, "All things considered the foul meant no harmed, Gaizi thought before smiling and with a lifted paw he says,"Wait!" He would walk up to the two, he would chuckle before giving a playful boop to the foal's muzzle and continues as he looked to the mother, "Its okay, there is no harm. I am a friendly sort, and I have had similar reactions." The feline would walk back to the pony who offered to helped him, and says, "Sorry about that, I just wanted to let them know their words didn't bother me." He would consider the pony's words before smiling and offering, "That is fine, if you could show me I would like that. Also, what is your name? My name is Gaizi Softpaw."
  5. @@The Jar, “Yes I am, and in the last city I was in they had my favorite restaurant. It is called Sapphire Fosters, do you know if there any here,” Gaizi would ask the earth pony, before jokingly adding, “though instead of a hoof it would be a paw.” As he says this the purrsian would hold up a paw and smile, yet an embarrassing gurgle of his tummy would show why the feline was asking. Looking around once more he would say to the stallion, “If I could sing I would do so, but I'm not very good at doing such at the drop of a hat. That and getting something to eat is more important.” Gaizi would hover in the air a bit as he talks, the purrsian's agile movements perhaps noticeable by the pony.
  6. Morning - June 18th - Canterlot, Train Station "This is beautiful! Canterlot capital of Equestria! said Gaizi as he exited the train. Gaizi being a foreigner to this city. he has never seen a place of such beauty. he as already been on adventures before, but he wanted a vacation so he came here his chosen place. It was a city sitting upon a mountain where ponies could experience many interesting sights and interesting places within. " I am starving I have heard there is a Sapphire Fosters here maybe I should ask for directions."
  7. Just got back from school hi guys

  8. anypony want to rp with me and my brother

  9. shadow, wind, thunder, river what clan do you belong in?
  10. Thanks for adding me as a friend /) :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      NO NEED FOR ACCEPT! Adding me and your a friend^^

    3. OmegaPony


      YAAAY! again!:D

    4. OmegaPony


      eating a hershy bar


  11. A psp and 3ds both i have like 15 games each for them
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