My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: Googling ponies and stuff...
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: A friend who, who actually wasn't a brony, sent me the music video for "Discord". I had already thought about trying out the show before and I happened to have plenty of free time on my hands when I listened to that song, so I tried the first episode and was immediately hooked.
Hey guys, I'm new here! Ergo, I thought I might as well introduce myself. My name is vision and I'm really excited to see the community on this board and meet its members. I spend a lot of time gaming and programming (kind of off and on, issues with self-motivation in making myself learn). I watch anime a fair bit. As far as musical tastes go, I'm usually listening to Vocaloids a lot of the time. I occasionally like to write as a hobby and when I'm stuck without my PS3/3DS/PC or generally don't feel like playing anything, you'll probably find me reading or browsing the internet. This is all of course assuming I'm not doing homework, but I digress. As for pony stuff:
1.) Trixie is best pony.
2.) I personally find Derpy vastly overrated, but I guess that's just because she doesn't come off as "adorable" to me or anything. Personally, my adorable is either Fluttershy, or outside of ponies, Hanako from Katawa Shoujou.
3.) I'm beginning to believe I'm part of a race running to extinction who doesn't really care for Rainbow Dash. Not to say she's a bad character, but she's definitely the lowest on my list of favorite Mane 6 characters. Right behind Applejack. And she's probably not even in the top 20 for all characters overall imo.
Anywho, sorry if this is a pretty long introduction, I'm working on trying to keep my points succinct when writing. Can't wait to get to know everyone here on the forums.