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Crypty Scribbles

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Posts posted by Crypty Scribbles

  1. I wanna visit EVERYWHERE! I wanna buy a plane and traveling around the world, from Greenland to Tasmania.







    But this is deal of far future (it's plan for 7-10 years).

    In observable future I'd like to visit any pony event in USA or Europe.


    And, yeah, if anypony of you plans to visit Russia, let me know.

  2. I love a lot of different flavors, I prefer herbal tea but I always enjoy tea with a fruity taste, preferably strawberry ^_^


    Awsum! My favorite is green with jasmine and milk, but I think, variety is most important.

    • Brohoof 8
  3. Hey, thanks! I'm actually in the process of figuring out how to mix multiple parts. If I figure it out, I will take you up on that!

    Awesum! I'll look forward. :P

    • Brohoof 5
  4. Recorder's great. X3 Such a fun instrument.

    Yes, funny, but not very variative: only one note at one time. But I still like it. XD

    • Brohoof 5
  5. Do you play an instrument?


    Meh. I used to play recorder, but not very well. I like music very much (especially jazz and neoclassics ^_^) but have not enough free time to train. >_<

    I hope in future I'll have more time. :)

    • Brohoof 6
  6. Welcome! Nice to meet you, Little Red. ^_^


    Introduce yourselves to me, too!


    I'm Crypty and I'm looking for friends too. :P More about me you can check in my profile.

    I read, that you are playing the chello. That's amazing! What do you prefer, jazz, classical music or something else?

    • Brohoof 7
  7. Well I have several "artworks" already. I'll collect them here.


    Wanna be critic? You are welcome!

    Wanna laugh and point with finger? Subscribe!





    Little artwork for @@SweetAnnie. Her OC Blueme and da Mystery Box. Thank you for awesome old-school PS2 gaming.



    My first published art. A bit awkward, but I still like it. ^_^





    Some art for @@fadedRain. Have never heard her opinion. Never mind.







    Birthday gift to @@Stardust*. My best wishes.











    Aaaand late promise given to @. Don't be angry, I did my best, I wanna see you smiling. XP



    Officially my most complicated artwork (because of perspective using).





    Birthday gift card for Dennybutt. And she liked it! W00t!



    Guess who is this guy? Options:

    1) Young Bojack Horseman

    2) Joen Klausen - most notable character of talented pony-artist Clarie Revell (also known as Dennybutt) ^_^





    My adorable pony. <3<3<3







    Finally finished my OC appearance ^_^

    You can check his biography in my signature.






    • Brohoof 12
  8. Welcome to yje herd, Vetris!


    ...I love videogames (I grew up with the Playstation so I'm a bit of a PS fangirl)...

    We all grew up with the PS ^_^

    Do you like Dark Souls?

    • Brohoof 3
  9. Ahaha! Now you know, that friendship is not heresy =)

    Welcome ti the herd!



    Name is Pavel Korolev Michailovich (or simply Paul/Pasha), 18 years old. I live in town called Irkutsk

    Ты бы еще номер паспорта и кредитки указал ^_^

    • Brohoof 6
  10. I do a lot of role playing games. Whatever I can convince my table to play be it the classic D&D, Pathfinder, or weirder ones like Shadowrun. Other then that, I love a good board game like Catan or even card games like Dominion. Anything I can get good group of people around to enjoy, Fun times!

    I was playing wargames at one time. Always dreamed to play D&D, but could not to find appropriate company.

    • Brohoof 5
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