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Crypty Scribbles

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Posts posted by Crypty Scribbles

  1. Welcome to yje herd, Vetris!


    ...I love videogames (I grew up with the Playstation so I'm a bit of a PS fangirl)...

    We all grew up with the PS ^_^

    Do you like Dark Souls?

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Ahaha! Now you know, that friendship is not heresy =)

    Welcome ti the herd!



    Name is Pavel Korolev Michailovich (or simply Paul/Pasha), 18 years old. I live in town called Irkutsk

    Ты бы еще номер паспорта и кредитки указал ^_^

    • Brohoof 6
  3. I do a lot of role playing games. Whatever I can convince my table to play be it the classic D&D, Pathfinder, or weirder ones like Shadowrun. Other then that, I love a good board game like Catan or even card games like Dominion. Anything I can get good group of people around to enjoy, Fun times!

    I was playing wargames at one time. Always dreamed to play D&D, but could not to find appropriate company.

    • Brohoof 5
  4. Welcome! Join to our "Like Twilight Sparkle" club.

    If you wish to talk about everything, write me, but be ready to talk realy about everything  ^_^.

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Why not a Catalina?






    My grandparents have a cabin on a lake. I've always wanted to show up one day in this.

    Funny thing, but wikipedia says, serial produsing was only before 1945.

    Servise for this toy would be absolutely custom and, I guess, much more expensive.


    And I like biplans, aesthetically.

    • Brohoof 1
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