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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

8-Bit's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Sounds like you've just been super unfortunate with the furries you experienced. I've been one for 10 years now, most of us are actually pretty awesome XD check this out! : http://www.npr.org/2015/07/12/422311437/the-furries-have-landed-and-pittsburgh-is-giving-them-a-bear-hug "Anthrocon raised a new record total of $36,684 [NOT FINAL] for The Western PA Humane Society, our supported charity this year." We can do amazing things <3 Not sure what the total was in the end, but that's in one weekend. On the other hoof I've had mostly bad experiences with Bronies, but thanks to the furry fandom I've learned just to give things a chance because not everyone is gonna be a bad egg.
  2. Some are. Some Bronies are just as bad. *shrug* Not all of us. Species dysphoria is more a therian/otherkin thing, very very few furries feel it and those that claim to are often therian. But it's no more a waste of your life than being religious or spiritual. People can't help what they feel. Even if it's a little delusional.
  3. How would anyone know it's you in it? XD The best thing you can do is really exaggerate your movements, given that talking in them is somewhat unreliable your actions have to speak for you. Big movements! And MASSIVELY IMPORTANT: don't approach kids, let them come to you. The ones that are unsure will freak out if you go up to them, and then the parents get pissy DX Crouch down to their level and let them come to you. If anyone (child or adult) shows signs of being uncomfortable around you, avoid them and give them space.
  4. So I would say it depends on your energy levels when wearing a boiling hot fursuit but if you made a decent pinkie pie and bounced around in it, really gave it a good performance, it would be the best one My advise is make your character however you want it. A good maker can make a suit from your design. As for conventions etc keep saving up because they are so much fun! I've had to work hard for my suits and funding going to conventions and it's only really been since I graduated uni and got full time work that I've been able to put good money into it (my new hamster head cosy me £560 in total and I'm going to be paying for a bodysuit for him in a few months time, paying off a £600 head for my wolf suit atm as I want a semi realistic one) but for years I wanted it all so bad. Don't give up. As in making the character or making a fursuit? C:
  5. Probably should start posting on here! This is the most recent piece I've done of my own OC 8Bit. Mods please move this if there is a better category to post under <3 More of my art can be found on my Facebook art page "The art of crazywolfgirl" and I'm open for pony commissions!
  6. I should update that I got the new hamster head X3 Why it's sideways I'm not sure sorry... Stupid phone :s
  7. Cool fursuits. owo

    1. 8-Bit


      Why thank you owo <3

  8. I had no idea that the Finns hated wolves so much it's clear in many of the states but I didn't realise they were a problem in Finland I'm not sure how I'd deal with a wild one face to face. It would be rare indeed but I guess our captive ones are actually more dangerous given they haven't got the fear of man wild ones have. Not that they've ever hurt me
  9. I doubt they'll become a common fear XD although the amount of people with a fear of mascots or similar is probably fairly high, granted. I'd say pick which animal or animals you like, and then what colours you like and get drawing! Dude, total brohoof this comment is the best! <3
  10. Are they? Having been one for 10 years or so now, I'd say there are many things worse about the fandom than the suits XD Not at all Aw I dunno, suits like Pumzie (http://24.media.tumblr.com/4c22ea3c3cb59bb79c6c244d0292fa23/tumblr_n4b3l1Qcvg1tunx1ko2_1280.png) don't strike me as souless ^^ There are a great many that are awful yeah but many that are cute too ^^ Honestly I'm sure it's the same reason people like to cosplay or dress up at all, for me it's just I enjoy the public reaction ha! It's fun to just let go and pretend to be someone else for a little while ^^ others do it for different reasons, but as I say for me it's just a laugh <3
  11. I don't really have a list, or any specifics :3 My SSP got me into the fandom, but we are both furries that's how we met. We are very different people, but we love and care for each other and make one another happy - and that's what matters to me I guess
  12. Little bored, I'm at work and it's very quiet today. Stressed as I have a lot of work to do outside of work... Tired, not sleeping well :c
  13. Me again Anyone else here a fursuiter? I've got two, a full suit of my sona Medosai the wolf, and a partial of my Hamster OC Edward (but I'm getting a new head for him at confuzzled!) Some photos! :3 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/io9pimdc23ap0ww/AABQhgxVJ1DcNAvJSRUUa9aWa?dl=0 Do you fursuit? Is it something you'd ever be interested in? On the contrary, do you not like them? If so why? *sadface*
  14. I have a little black and white cat called Neko. I've had cats in the family my whole life but she's my first very own one, I bought her when I got my first flat I love my baby! I also have a hamster (syrian) called Dave, I'm hamster mad although my special somepony has kinda declared Dave is his now... which is adorable! I was so pleased he liked Dave and he's now my SSP's first pet Moving into a house together in May, where I'll be able to have Neko back from my Gran (she's staying there right now while I don't have my own place :c) I can't wait <3
  15. I love Pinkie <3 Whenever I'm feeling blue, I watch my favorite Pinkie episodes. She honestly taught me to smile again. <3
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