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Probably Lee

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Status Replies posted by Probably Lee

  1. A friend of mine just thought i was coming out of the closet to her. XD

  2. Having a fantastic day.

  3. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Yeah, im not too sure she would be even interested in watching though. Thanks for the advice, I gtg. It really helped.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  4. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I don't know if that would help her then, but it probably wouldn't bug us, we are pretty desensitized lol.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  5. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I might be able to get her to watch a movie, or get her some kind of private therapy, but there is no way i could get her to speak to the counselor, she had a hard enough time telling it to me, and I'm her best friend. I wonder if there was an anime similar to Secretary, i could definitley convince her to watch that. Before i learned how severe her issues were i have been trying to get her to meditate. I do it to relieve stress. Im wondering now, if i could convince her to.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Yeah. She went back and forth from crying to laughing to so anxious she would be uncontrollably scratching the table and then going on disturbing rants about the cutting.


      Yeah probably. I do not think there is many ways to help her other than figuring out a way to get her therapy and/or just being there for her, though i think the latter is not really helping.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  7. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Actually, im pretty sure she uses anything that she can at hand. She will not use it, or will not put it back if its not clean though, has she has sporadic germaphobia.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  8. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      @Leafeon Ooh that one is good. That doesn't seem too intrusive as to stress her. Thanks

      @Tavis Agreed.


    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  9. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

  10. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      No, but she likes to watch them bleed or look at them afterwards. She feels like she can live up to others expectations, but is not doing it and it makes her angry at herself.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  11. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I am unsure. I don't think its her wrist as she only has issues with trying to hide it while changing in the locker room. She claims that she is addicted to it and went off on a somewhat disturbing rant about how she needs a pencil sharpener.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  12. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      @Taviscratch Yeah, she has anxiety and some self esteem issues as well, which causes her to cut. It kinda came from my blindside, as she is always acting happy. It keeps making me depressed, thinking that at any given time she could be off and going through living hell, whether i see it or not.

      @The Leafeon Pinkeh Thanks, Its nice knowing I'm not the only one with problems

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  13. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Was having fun with a friend until she broke down and i learned that she has many severe psychological problems.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  14. Does anyone else believe everything happens for a reason? Not as in cause and effect but as in sort of like fate or destiny.

  15. My girlfriend dropped some heavy shit on me today about pschological problems.

  16. My girlfriend dropped some heavy shit on me today about pschological problems.

  17. My girlfriend dropped some heavy shit on me today about pschological problems.

  18. Why can't I get this thought out of my head? It's preventing me from doing anything

  19. The really random and warm weather a few days ago really has thrown me off. It feels soooo cold now. My body is like 'Nope'.

  20. Finally starting dragons age.

  21. WOA crazy luck. I just looked up if there were any new episodes of Steven Universe out and I'm like "awww" after finding out there were none. Then I started browsing the site a bit and literally minutes later the new episodes are posted.

  22. Im gonna go and die on my bed now

  23. I slept 12 hours tonight, and im still tired

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