My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: I googled "ponysona" to find more crazies like me.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: It all started with an ad. I was familiar with the show of old (not super familiar, just enough to have knock-off pony dolls and a castle) and I was intrigued by the new designs. Eventually, I was bored enough to watch the pilot and got HOOKED. A little girl's show where the characters were A) girls and had epic, magical adventures? It made me happy and the analysis kept me interested.
I'm a youngish, femaleish person of the nerdier persuasion (read: friendless childhood). I write, draw, read, overthink things, relocate spiders, love my DS, and possess fond memories of SimCity. Cats rule, dogs literally drool.
If I were a pony, I'd be an earth pony. My special talent would be IDEAS and my entire house would be a half-finished project contructed to contain my other half-finished projects.
So hay! Nice t'meet you. I'm Blue Skies--what's your name?