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Status Replies posted by RarityFan01

  1. Anti-bronies think try to make everyone watch bronies. I personally think you should have no opinion on My Little Pony until you've seen it.

  2. Anti-bronies think try to make everyone watch bronies. I personally think you should have no opinion on My Little Pony until you've seen it.

  3. Anti-bronies think try to make everyone watch bronies. I personally think you should have no opinion on My Little Pony until you've seen it.

  4. I want to quote mlp for a speech, but I'm not sure who to credit. The charter or the writer. I would think the writer, but I don't know.

  5. I got a sprout on my jalapeno plant when there was supposed to be no way for that to happen. :o

  6. I drew a human eye, and I think I did a great job. though my main problem with eyes is the second eye

  7. Today is one of those days I hate being autistic.

  8. Bronies use asthetics to compare characters. Zoe from LPS is nothing like Twilight Sparkle except for color scheme. She's more Rarity. Seriously people! Sorry.

  9. I can't even choose what to do for my graduation dinner. Seriously? My YOUNGER sister chooses that?

  10. I can't even choose what to do for my graduation dinner. Seriously? My YOUNGER sister chooses that?

  11. I can't even choose what to do for my graduation dinner. Seriously? My YOUNGER sister chooses that?

  12. I can't even choose what to do for my graduation dinner. Seriously? My YOUNGER sister chooses that?

  13. I can't even choose what to do for my graduation dinner. Seriously? My YOUNGER sister chooses that?

  14. I can't even choose what to do for my graduation dinner. Seriously? My YOUNGER sister chooses that?

  15. I know why Applejack isn't popular. Farmers are most likely to relate to her, and knowing the brony fandom, if a farmer hates bronies, I don't blame them. Bronies say things like Applejack can't read and practices incest because she's a farmer. I hate stereotypes... Applejack can read, and she never showed interest in anyone, family or not.

  16. I know why Applejack isn't popular. Farmers are most likely to relate to her, and knowing the brony fandom, if a farmer hates bronies, I don't blame them. Bronies say things like Applejack can't read and practices incest because she's a farmer. I hate stereotypes... Applejack can read, and she never showed interest in anyone, family or not.

  17. Right after I accomplish something big, my sister also accomplishes something big. Now everyone will be talking about her and not me. No one ever talks about me. I'm not good enough.

  18. Right after I accomplish something big, my sister also accomplishes something big. Now everyone will be talking about her and not me. No one ever talks about me. I'm not good enough.

  19. Right after I accomplish something big, my sister also accomplishes something big. Now everyone will be talking about her and not me. No one ever talks about me. I'm not good enough.

  20. Right after I accomplish something big, my sister also accomplishes something big. Now everyone will be talking about her and not me. No one ever talks about me. I'm not good enough.

  21. I'm going to write a non-pony story about a cat!

  22. Right after I accomplish something big, my sister also accomplishes something big. Now everyone will be talking about her and not me. No one ever talks about me. I'm not good enough.

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