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Status Replies posted by RarityFan01

  1. I wish I wasn't creative so I could do something productive.

  2. I feel like a thief. I had a great idea for a TV show, but it already exists. Well, it's pretty similar. I can't come up with any original ideas. My good ideas are so good that other people thought about it without me realizing.

  3. I feel like a thief. I had a great idea for a TV show, but it already exists. Well, it's pretty similar. I can't come up with any original ideas. My good ideas are so good that other people thought about it without me realizing.

  4. Bronies, I am sorry for being everything you hate.

  5. Bronies, I am sorry for being everything you hate.

  6. Bronies, I am sorry for being everything you hate.

  7. Bronies, I am sorry for being everything you hate.

  8. Bronies, I am sorry for being everything you hate.

  9. Some bronies follow stereotypes... Rainbow Dash is gay beacause of her mane? Applejack is straight because she's country? Seriously? Stop stereotyping ponies! Rainbow Dash is not gay, and Applejack isn't even interested in stallions! Sorry. That stereotype still bugs me. Stereotypes are why people hate us.

  10. Some bronies follow stereotypes... Rainbow Dash is gay beacause of her mane? Applejack is straight because she's country? Seriously? Stop stereotyping ponies! Rainbow Dash is not gay, and Applejack isn't even interested in stallions! Sorry. That stereotype still bugs me. Stereotypes are why people hate us.

  11. Some bronies follow stereotypes... Rainbow Dash is gay beacause of her mane? Applejack is straight because she's country? Seriously? Stop stereotyping ponies! Rainbow Dash is not gay, and Applejack isn't even interested in stallions! Sorry. That stereotype still bugs me. Stereotypes are why people hate us.

  12. when I her to the part in my fanfiction where both Applejacks and both Raritys meet, how will I seperate the two?

  13. when I her to the part in my fanfiction where both Applejacks and both Raritys meet, how will I seperate the two?

  14. when I her to the part in my fanfiction where both Applejacks and both Raritys meet, how will I seperate the two?

  15. I'm the worst Rarity fan ever. I'm greedy, selfish, cruel, everything Rarity would hate.

  16. Now that I noticed Rarity's cutie mark in the room of the castle with the map, I can't unsee it!

  17. Is it bad that Twilight went up a level on my mane six list after she kicked Angel into mud?

  18. Is it bad that Twilight went up a level on my mane six list after she kicked Angel into mud?

  19. People should shut up about how generous bronies are until bronies can actually understand what generosity is and realize that Rarity is generous. I'm not saying bronies aren't generous, but if they want to deny Rarity's generosity, people should deny theirs. bronies are never generous.

  20. People should shut up about how generous bronies are until bronies can actually understand what generosity is and realize that Rarity is generous. I'm not saying bronies aren't generous, but if they want to deny Rarity's generosity, people should deny theirs. bronies are never generous.

  21. People should shut up about how generous bronies are until bronies can actually understand what generosity is and realize that Rarity is generous. I'm not saying bronies aren't generous, but if they want to deny Rarity's generosity, people should deny theirs. bronies are never generous.

  22. What if Sapphire Shores always wears clothes to hide the fact that she doesn't have her cutie mark!

  23. Come one, someone! Upload the episode! Then tell me when you uploaded it so I can watch it before it's removed by Hasbro.

  24. Come one, someone! Upload the episode! Then tell me when you uploaded it so I can watch it before it's removed by Hasbro.

  25. Come one, someone! Upload the episode! Then tell me when you uploaded it so I can watch it before it's removed by Hasbro.

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