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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. crimson had been trying to sneak another drink out of his flask without lifting his mask all the way. when he heard somepony ask about combat, he raised his hoof "I can fight." he said thinking of the years he had spent in a gang on the streets of ponyville. he put his hoof down and nervously adjusted his mask,
  2. Crimson blade galloped through the empty town, heading for the town hall. as he grew short of breath, he thought about why he had come here. once he had a lover from here he had forgotten her name of course but still it merited the trip from ponyville. he just hoped that he didn't miss the meeting which would have probably already began. crimson stopped for a moment and leaned against a wall panting, he pulled out his flask and lifted his mask to drink. once he had drunk his fill he put It away, lowered his mask and kept going soon reaching his destination. he burst through the doors panting and wheezing "hey guys! I made it I'm not late am I?" crimson looks around and notices that he had created quite a spectacle. "I'm just gonna go sit down..." he mumbles and walks over to a empty chair and sits in it, trying to be unnoticeable.
  3. if your still taking applicants. I would like to sign up with my OC crimson blade. link in my sig
  4. sounds cool. I like the idea behind it would like to sign up with my OC crimson blade. link in my sig
  5. I Pledge allegiance to the mask,

  6. never, ever I would stay there until I died it would be absolutely amazing all of the epic quests would be mine
  7. I have a iPhone and im used to its screen style but I do hate the whole fingerprints on the screen thing
  8. nope. simply nope this fandom will stay alive even if the show is canceled the fandom will live on through brony artists pencils
  9. something I learned today: if a girl asks you if her butt looks big say no NEVER say yes
  10. I mostly forget there on my feet, I have some comfortable shoes so yeah I wear my shoes on inside all the time
  11. a pair of older skull candy headphones there a little quiet but the quality is surprisingly good
  12. meh I believe it was a pewdiepie video, he cracked me up. like always BARRELS!
  13. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: dat google search engine How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: watched it,liked loved it I am a brony and a part timer at dennys. im laid back and lazy I don't have much of a social life but then again, who does anymore? I can roleplay but not super well. I love my xbox and my iphone they are my bae
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