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Posts posted by Nightfall

  1. That final shade had latched back into Lite's shadow, as she needed it for her next move. While Nightfall was slashing wildly, Lite disappeared into the shadows for 5 seconds, knowing full well of the 10 second ring rule, appearing just at the edge of the area.


    "Sorry, darling, but not all is fair in life..."

    "There's fair, there's not fair, and then you have your own little category."

    He snorted, and charged up his magic.

    "We can try your own style then!"

    He fired a few shots of magic straight at her and to her side, then teleported to her other side, swinging his pike.

  2. The shadow latching to his forehooves was dissipating into the ground, quickly sinking into Nightfall's shadow. The same went for the shadow that was connected to his torso. The shadow at his backhooves geared back, showing off razor sharp fangs, and sent a mind-numbing bite into Nightfall's right calf (backleg).

    Nightfall staggered.

    "Oh, come on now, Lite. Play fair for one bucking second."

    He sliced at the shade, jumping at Lite and teleporting so he came at her from a different side, slicing almost wildly. He knew what he was doing, but it almost looked like he didn't.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @NightfallShe walked in and sat down on the bed next to him. "I've been thinking about what hapenned earlier today...and what I said. And, well, maybe we can make ir work. I don't know why, but a part of me...most of me...doesn't want to be without you. I love you, even if I'm too clutzy, and may hurt you. I promise, I will find a way to make this work, without harming you. For all I care, I'm just....really...paranoid." She was starting to stammer, as the thoughts came back and began to take over her. She was starting to regret this conversation. But that part of her still wanted to go on."I love you, and you're all that matters to me."She wrapped her hooves around him and pulled her head close to his. She stopped right as her nose touched his.No. Again, this is a road of hurt and pain, and..."I promise," she whispered. "To protect you from me, and the monster I am."She wanted to kiss him, especially after saying that, but her head was screaming no. She just sat there, nose on nose, without doing anything. She froze. Her hooves became loose, almost to the point where they were slipping back to her sides.She just looked into his eyes, paralyzed with the reoccuring fear.

    He blushed. He had wanted her to only be a friend, but it was starting to become a little more than that. She sat there, though, nose to nose with him, and she looked like she was getting unnerved. He gave her a quick peck, then moved back.

    "It's ok, Windy... I, um... I can just... We'll figure something out."

  4. Her magic had went into play, as Lite teleported from the lunge and appeared right behind Nightfall. One of the shades had grabbed Nightfall's waist, while another had grabbed his backlegs, and the final one grabbed his forehooves.


    "Scaredy pony...", was all they had croaked out, letting out another cackle. 


    "Oh, great."

    Nightfall laughed, just about nervously.

    "Well, you got me, Lite. Seriously, though, you have to have helpers to try to get at me?"

    He picked up his pike magically and torn clean through the shade holding his front hooves.

    "If you want to play that way, I'll play that way!"

    His pike tore at the shade holding his torso.

  5. (Aight. I'm unfollowing this topic as the RP is going too fast for me currently. If you want me, quote me.)


    Nightfall sighed, looking out over the back of the ship. His plan to relax felt completely perfect, and to top it off, he had seen many pretty mares boarding the ship.

  6. Cascade smirked. "Well, I don't know. Maybe that book does contain something, but how do we know it's Atlantis? Ocean might be lying. I mean," She shuffled her flippers sheepishly. "She wouldn't even let us touch it, would she? Let's sit by the window," she said, flicking her tail to where there was a muddled view of the dark water outside.


    ((This isn't supposed to be a romantic RP anyway, so that's fine. I just think it would just be interesting for there to be some tension there. But I doubt there'll get to be much more than that. Cascade's rather focused on the task at hand- the biology stuff, that is. I dunno. We'll see.))


    (And Nightfall's being skeptical and jerkish. ;D Let's see how this goes on.)


    "Yeah, sure. Wherever you want to sit."

    He trotted over to the table and slumped down, immediately beginning to eat his food.

    "Looking for exotic creatures down here, Cascade?" He managed between bites.

  7. Scamps had lost everypony a sthey went seperate ways. She had no idea what to do, so she went with her instinct; she returned back to Nightfall's room.


    "Nightfall?" She called out as she opened the door. She hoped he was still there. "I...I need to talk to you. I've made a decision about...us." she stammered.




    He looked at her.


    He looked at the ground, then back at her. He patted the bed beside him.

    "I want to hear what you have to say, so I'm all ears."

    At least, that could have been the ideal thing to say. But he stayed silent, waiting for Windy to start talking about what she wanted to say.

  8. @, @@Nightfall


    "Just make sure you don't poke yourself with that thing.", Lite sneered at him. Once the ref had called for the match to start, her grin grew wider.


    "Ohhh, Creeeeepppers!~"


    Just then, three shadowy creatures had appeared from behind her, flat as a board, but taking on the appearances of cynical ponies. "Ready to team with Mother, darlings?" 


    All three had cackled out, ear-splitting and nasty.


    He ducked slightly.

    "They look so skinny I doubt they'd be useful! Let's just hope that their bite is worse than their bark, for your sake!"

    He laughed, and unexpectedly lunged at Lite.

    "Let's hope that killing her or maiming her will make those things go away."

  9. Nightfall hadn't been exactly early; in fact, he had nearly been late, by his standards. He boarded the ship fine enough, and got to his room after walking through the maze that made up the halls. He set his things in his room, then got up and went aft to get ready for departure.

  10. Cascade shrugged as she entered the cafeteria, trotting alongside that glorious... No, she had to keep her mind out of that dangerous corridor. Anyway...


    "Yeah, looks like we're of the same mind," Cascade mumbled, as she grabbed a food tray. The meal looked quite good, but Cascade knew from experience, that the farther they got into the trip, the worse the food would get.


    "Well, then. It's good to know that at least one other pony seems to think the same way. It'd get boring, tedious, and annoying if everyone here trusted deeply in Atlantis."

    He sighed, grabbing a food tray and loading up with some food. He made sure to get some of the good stuff before they got further down, and before others got it.


    (JSYK, Nightfall will turn down romances as fast as possible, and is going to be a slight jerk at the beginning.)

  11. Lorcan smiled as big as he ever did.

    "R-Really? In that case lets do this right." He said as kneeled before her. 

    "Solara, will you do me the honor of being my marrying me and being my wife?" Lorcan said, still smiling big.

    I need to buy her the most expensive ring there is. He thought


    She squeaked a little, went completely speechless, the practically jumped on Lorcan and hugged him, crying happy tears.

    "Oh, yes! Yes!"


    Scamps woke up from her nap...lr slumber, she didn't now how long, and let out a little sigh as she pressed her head into Nightfall's fur some more.


    Nightfall....Why didn't I see this earlier.


    Hello heart. This is brain. What are you doing here? Next thing you know, he'll accidentally fall of the balcony because of you.


    She quickly bolted up. "Oh no." She murmured. "What am I doing? I'm getting too attached. I can' t do this..."


    Hello brain. This is heart. I think you're being paranoid. So shut up.


    When she bolted up,  Nightfall woke up.

    "Hey... Is everything all right, Windy?"

    He truly meant it, no matter how tired he looked.

  12. @, @@Nightfall


    Without even getting to hear what her opponent was saying, Lite had walked out towards the ring, taking the far side of the area. She looked around at the fans, grinning to herself. This will be swell... I finally get to try out.. The Creepers. Let's see what Nightfall has under wing...


    Nightfall didn't get a chance to reply. He was called out and reported to the ring. He grinned, bringing his pike along with him. He got to the ring, and the crowds' cheers soon fell.

    "Hey, Lite!"

    His voice was loud, but it didn't fill the arena at all.

    "Try not to scare yourself!"

    He laughed.

  13. Lorcan froze for a second as he heard her words.

    "I can get you a ring....and an island. As for the colt.Why not me?" He said as his heart was beating faster.

    could she be hinting at what i think she's hinting at? He thought as he looked into her blushing face. Lorcan hoped that she was wanting to be his wife. 


    "Lorcan... there is no other colt for but you; you are the only colt I want to live with forever."

    "Just tell him you want to marry him. Just do it. You've pretty much blown your cover already."

    "I, um..."

    She hesitated, then dropped her voice low.

    "I want to be married to you forever."

  14. Nightfall chuckled at Roto's remark and kept relaxing on a couch.

    "Seriously, mate?"

    "Over confidence kills, but I just gotta remember this: Never interrupt an enemy while he's making a mistake; it's impolite. And this guy... he's making a huge mistake and will get killed quickly."

  15. Lorcan laughed a little.

    "I would like that. I would like that a lot." He said 

    She has been perfect to me. I must repay her somehow.

    "Solara, what is the one thing you wish you had right now ,but didn't have the money for it?" Lorcan asked as he breathed in Solara's wonderful scent.

    Before she could think and stop herself, she spoke.

    "A diamond ring, an island, and a colt to be with forever."

    She froze and blushed very deeply, but said nothing to retract the words that she had said; they were all true. She wondered, though, why she said a colt to be with forever, considering that that didn't cost money...

  16. His wings...around me. I could stay like this forever. If only I could.But you can.Are you kidding me? I would kill him!On a tropical island? Live right now and love him while nothing can go wrong.

    She allowed herself to be wrapped in his wings, and she buried her head in his chest and wrapped her own hooves around him.

    He smiled, and hugged her back, holding her with his hooves and his wings. He soon found that he was getting drowsy, and while Windy had said that she didn't want him gone, he wasn't sure if he should fall asleep with her in his hooves. But as he was debating, sleep crept up, so he eventually gave in and fell asleep with Windy cuddled up next to him.

  17. She hated this. She should have listened to her brain. She now felt the need to be with him, to love him, and for them to be a happy couple. She wanted all that, but knew that since she was her, it was going to happrn. Not without even more pain, caused by herself.

    An impulse. Her heart was taking over.

    She grabbed his hoof. "No. Please stay with me. I need somepony to comfort me."

    His blush grew a little, but his wings wrapped snugly around the both of them, though allowing space between them in case Windy decided to get up or stay a little back for her own reason.

    "I'll do my best to try, Windy..."

    This made him blush ever so slightly more, but he felt the heat in his cheeks, and it was obvious that he was blushing.

  18. Scamps cried into Nightfall's shoulder as he wrapped her wing around her. She would look back on this and see that she enjoyed having somepony to support her, with no words having to be spoken.

    Everything was forgotten but sadness and depression. Soon, even the reason for being depressed was forgoteen; she just knew she was.

    A couple minutes later, she tried to stop crying, and sat up a bit.Okay, just look up, that always help. Anywhere but...

    Eyes lock. His eyes. Those beatiful, big, caring eyes.You are about to go down a road full of suck and hurt.

    She moved in closer, those eyes mesmerizing her. And those eyes made her do the unthinkable; she kissed him gently. She pulled away shortly after beginning. "Just to know what it's like..." she mumbled.

    He held her, and eventually noticed she had stopped crying. He looked down, their eyes locked, and Windy kissed him quickly and gently.

    "Just to know what it's like..."

    He blushes slightly.


    He kept looking into her own eyes.

    "Thanks, Windy..."

    He smiled slightly, then hesitated.

    "Do you want me to..?"

    He gestured slightly at the foam mattresses as if to say, "Want me to get back down there so we can sleep in peace?"

  19. You can make Nightfall a non-alicorn. I'm not big on the alicorn thing, man. No offense meant, but as of the S3 finale, alicorns are royalty and naught else. That's the way they're cemented in my head-canon. Sorry bro.



    Cool. I'll add ya to the list.

    Sign Nightfall up as a unicorn, then. I'm flexible with using him like that.

    No one ever likes alicorns...

  20. Cascade shrugged. "I guess we'll find out when and if we find the place what we do there." She flicked her tail lazily towards the colt, and turned to walk to lunch. Why was Nightfall even humoring the possibility? Nothing was going to be there. It simply wasn't possible for there to be something at the bottom of the ocean.

    He chuckled. And since he had no questions, he shook his head and left for lunch as well. Without realizing it, he was eventually again next to Cascade.

    "Hey. I don't know if you know, but honestly, I don't-"

    He looked over and realized he was talking to Cascade and not another member of the crew.

    "- I don't care for Atlantis. I know it isn't there, so I'm honestly just here to expand my work experience."

  21. Lorcan let himself get lost in the kiss

    "Your wings are so soft...and your lips are...awesome" he said as he rubbed against her.

    She makes me happy and comfortable...maybe she could be my wife? If only.

    Lorcan was still ashamed about his actions but he was starting to forget about it thanks to the moment.

    "And you... You're perfect all around, Lorcan. Don't ever change; that would only make you worse."

    She smiled, getting as close as physically possible to him. She smiled at him, and kissed him a couple times more.

    "I wouldn't mind staying on this island with you... Forever."

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