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Film Reel

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Status Replies posted by Film Reel

  1. If today has taught me anything. It's I should never celebrate my birthday cause it's always not worth celebrating.

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Bad stuff always happens. And it's just a reminder of bad things at this point.

  2. I'm beginning to feel like I'm more of a nuisance to some people than an actual friend. Sucks.

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      It's unfortunate to hear this, but at the same time I can see where it comes from as our friendship seemed to end when you refused to talk to me again and started to ignore me,without even telling me we had a problem.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. It's going to be the worst shift yet, this evening, at work...

  4. I like competitive esports teams sure. But some of the disrespect in the HaloWC Grand Finals is just disgusting. CLG should clean their mouths with soap.

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Renegades are just as bad for it well any team is as it can put the team they are against off.

  5. If you haven't seen it already, make sure to check out the first MLPForums Reacts video right here!

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Hmm something to give me a good laugh tomorrow.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. So much finally happening in my life X3 I've got a long way still to go, but it's nice knowing there's still some light at the end of the tunnel <3

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      @drunk not I am swearing you have communications ban.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. Merry Christmas~! Hope you all had a good day (Mine was alright)

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Yeah it was good glad you had nice time and merry Christmas. X3

  8. Well, EG won the HWC NA qualifiers...but then again, was there ever any doubt? XD

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Well they are basically the god squad so was there any doubt?

  9. Well, to all those who thought the UK was a great country...soon we'll have a law that says we need LICENSES to take pictures of stuff we already OWN. WTF

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. I'm beginning to think my middle name is Deja Vu

  11. One thing I'm loving in Halo 5 is that each multiplayer map has a ton of easter eggs to find. Just sitting in custom games and hunting for them is a lot of fun ^_^

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      So is shooting people on them. XD. The easter eggs give the maps more character and personality.

  12. So tonight is Children In Need in the uk so I spent an evening listening to all these lovely moving stories and hope that after tonight things inprove for some of the children still suffering. But now I find out that 100 + people have benn murdered in france by terrorists why? My condolences to all that died. But I can't see why killing 100+ people is worth it for any deprived reason. I hope these terrorists die in the slowest and inhumane way possible and that they suffer in the hands of...

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Wow okay wrote a bit too much here but basic just of what is missing me making murderous prayers against terrorists and summing up emotions before saying good night.

  13. I don't think it's healthy already listening to christmas songs...buuut, Daniel Ingram's christmas album is divine <3

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Meh always seems out of place till december for me.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. I don't think it's healthy already listening to christmas songs...buuut, Daniel Ingram's christmas album is divine <3

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Sigh and yes it is not healthy not the first of december yet.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. I am sorry my Apple Goddess...Vale is muh new Waifu X3

  16. To me it seems this week FLEW by~

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      yes yes it did.

  17. Missed the train at sleepy time junction X3

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      oh might be able to make the next one XD

  18. Thanks for those who put a smile back on my face =) im off to work see yah later =D

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      Yay!!!!! smiles smiles are good right XD? of course they are good XD. glad your smileing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Sick =/, friends sad, one leaving for good D=! What a great day...

  20. I'm home =D with a whole half gallon of choco milk for myself X3

  21. This vid is just omg...

    1. Film Reel

      Film Reel

      one day that'll be you just maybe 1000 years later XD.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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