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  1. Unfortunately, I can't produce music. I don't have the equipment or the patience to learn how to use something like FLStudio. I, instead used Musescore, so I need two attachments (you also need two so you can read and listen, since there are no audible lyrics in Musescore. Anyway, I wanted to see how people felt about the song, how they react to the individual sections. Background of song: I wrote this song as an inspiration for my newest fanfic idea, where Fluttershy gets captured by Chrysalis and in the end becomes a "changeling queen", but instead feeds off of hatred. Also, the song has a character named Dirge: he's basically the last living changeling at this point in the story. The song is broken into sections 1) Overture: the queen (Chrysalis) is dead/dying. 2) Dirge's lament 3) Fluttershy emerges as the new "queen" 4) Dirge rebels 5) Fluttershy feels her new powers grow wit hatred 6) Fluttershy's imposing goals convince Dirge to stay 7) Closing: Flutteshy ends in a dark tone, signaling her ultimate goal of harming her friends. I accept all types of criticism, but I do like "professional opinions", too. (as in, you know your stuff and can teach me a thing or two about music) Please, like my Fluttershy, have no remorse or pity on me. Give me your undying criticism and anguish on any parts, big or small. I want your opinions! The Last Changeling, Birth of The Anti-Changeling.pdf The Last Changeling, Birth of The Anti-Changeling.wav
  2. So I've started a new fanfiction, and I have a brilliant idea for how I want to develop my characters. So the story goes like this: Queen Chrysalis crashes and barely (as barely as barely gets) survives after "A Canterlot Wedding". She gets back to her castle and sends what few remaining changelings she has to capture Fluttershy and convince her to feed Chrysalis her love. Fluttershy reluctantly agrees. She meets a regular changeling named Dirge, who is a foil so he's more bold and disobedient (but he still loves his queen like everyone else). Throughout the fanfic, Fluttershy slowly loses her compassion and even helped invade Cloudsdale when she saw ponies she didn't like. (maybe the bullies who picked on her) Eventually, Chrysalis sends Fluttershy and Dirge to capture Twilight, so she may have her revenge. (note: Chrysalis never fully recovered, and has been slowly dying) When Twilight is brought to Chrysalis, the queen shows her the queen transformation room, where a large cocoon lies dormant. Chrysalis says this will be her revenge, making Twilight the new queen of the changelings. Fluttershy, however, gets really upset about that and steals into the cocoon herself. She anted to be the new queen, she deserved to be queen. Chrysalis tries to stop her, but dies in the process. Twilight leaves and Dirge cries over his queen. Fluttershy reemerges as an all-powerful version of a changeling: an Anti-Changeling. Her hatred had become her food, instead of love, and she wants to make everyone hate her at all costs. Dirge becomes her submissive slave who does her dirty work. Basically, the only thing I wanted help with is how to go about making Dirge a memorable foil, and also pulling off this foil role reversal at the end? (or actually more like halfway point) What can I do to make Dirge an opposite, but also a partner, to Fluttershy? If you need me to explain more, just ask me. I'm pretty bad at explaining things.
  3. It really depends on if you want to be canon or headcanon. If you want to be canon, I suggest "bouncing" off of one of their famous songs. (Rarity had a nice song in minor called "Life is a Runway") If you want to be headcanon, think about the mood. I had one about changelings, so I changed the key signature and tempo often, to describe the feeling of being able to change. All in all, it depends on mood and, as Thunder Dash said, character. You need to really put yourself in the character's shoes to make it good. I find it the hardest part of songwriting/composing.
  4. My preference for Composing software is Musescore (musescore.org) The software can playback music you wrote as well as play the notes you write on the staff. I've written many songs on it, and I love the rich sounds it produces for piano and voice. (I don't really use any other instruments
  5. I don't hate it, just that it's a large plot hole and a very good reason to appeal to the majority. Why do you think Doctor Who was such a big deal? But, as I just said, it appealed to the populace. I have no jurisdiction here. I simply wanted to vent. This may not have been the place. The majority rules it's a good episode, so be it. I'll just be stuck in the past like the fanfic I'm writing. "As a lazy tailor might say: Suit yourself."
  6. Point taken... didn't I explain that part. Where was I? The time travel spell you're describing, which obviously isn't Starlight's illegal version, had a built-in stopper for such an occasion. The second Twilight caused the other one to panic, time would re-order itself and throw Twilight back to the present, so time itself stays in balance. I agree that they technically never lost a viewer. My mistake of using such meaningless drivel. I will still never watch the last episode of the season, but good riddance to anything past it or including. I forever blame the lazy directors who took over for season 5. The directors of the 4 prior are my preference. We are all subject to our opinions, so I will shut my mouth.
  7. Pardon my hatred, but I must get this off my chest. I didn't watch it, but I will make my prejudice here and now, because time travel is involved. Time travel is innately impossible. I can describe exactly why. Imagine you are reading this post and wish you could travel back in time to have never read this post. You spend about a month and discover time travel. You go back in time and stop yourself from reading the post. Now what? You never invented time travel, so the course of events repeat and alter themselves in an infinite loop. The fabric of reality cannot sustain infinity. Every paradox you ever knew ties right back over into this one. I feel I should patent this, but I know it's already been done. For the sake of words, this is the Time Travel Paradox. You can't do anything if you travel backwards through time. That's right, kids, Futurama had it right. You literally can't go back in time for a reason or else you paradoxically never had a reason to. And so far, the only possible way to go forward in time is cryogenic freezing. So kids... Don't F*** with Time Travel. You won't like the results. And if someone wants to challenge the fact that time will repair itself, good luck. The only plausible reparation is going back to before the time travel occurred, so it never happened in the first place. Thus, the cycle ends where it began: nowhere. Ok, got that off my chest. now for the epilogue. I understand this is fiction. We can do what we want, but there's a fine line between what is fictionally possible and what is absolute Bulls***. Season 6 better be redeemable or they lost another viewer. As Discord said once, "Arrivederci!"
  8. Cousin-in-law, but yes. Cadence is Twilight's sister in law making Celestia her aunt. The offspring of an aunt or uncle is a cousin. That clears that up. as for my two cents, I don't know who her family was, all I believe is that they are 1000 years dead. Sunset existed in the past, and all this wibbly wobbly timey wimey junk that I won't go into. IT prefers to stay in my head rather than in text.
  9. Well, I'm not as good as the other', but here's my theory: The Sirens weren't always the sirens, in fact they had prominent roles in Equestrian History. Aria was taking care of the Unicorns in their times of need whilst her father ruled the tribe. Adagio helped the Pegasus Soldiers prepare for any and all military applications and Sonata was the undisputed leader fo the Earth Pony tribe. YES! You guessed it. I'm saying these brats are the leaders of the tribes before Equestria's founding. I needn't have much to show except the unnecessary, and rather oddly placed argument at the climax of Hearths Warming Eve. If I may quote: "Earth Ponies are numskulls!" "Unicorns are snobs!" and, "Pegasi are brutes!" Do I make a connection? Sonata's obviously an idiot, Aria's a snob, hands-down, and Adagio grabbed Aria twice for acting up, and caught Sunset's arm when she tried to touch her amulet. The aforementioned argument also had three familiar faces surrounding them: The Windigos. They are the piece of this puzzle that made the sirens. After the fight, and Equestria was founded, the founders were acting as test subjects for Clover's newest spell. The result ended with three new enemies, and Clover almost losing her life. This is when Star Swirl comes in and stops the trio by locking them away inside the Alternate Dimension. But I won't end there, I'm just getting started. Later, Clover is arguing with Star Swirl that she should have been the one to defeat them, or at least save them. Star Swirl explains the spell she used couldn't if she tried allow them to be saved, and dismisses her. In retaliation, Clover steals the Elements of Harmony and tries to use them on Star Swirl. The failed result is her being sent through time and space to about a millennium later, where Celestia finds her without any memories and takes her under her wings. Once she witnesses the beauty of Celestia's sunset, she decides to name herself Sunset Shimmer, after the brief, yet glorious moment of a setting sun. This took way longer than it should've to create. I went through about 40 messages with some guy just to perfect this theory. (I'm still going insane over the time travel. It's just too touchy a subject to interfere with.)
  10. do you do pencil or digital? I'm looking for digital.
  11. I'll put my two cents in. I'm working on a fanfic that includes this, so I did a little research. The Dazzlings have very similar personalities as the ones used to describe one another in Hearths Warming Eve when the windigos were shown. Princess Platinum called Hurricane a brute. Adagio, whom I believe is Hurricane, is a brute becuse she was seen grabbing Aria a few times and even Sunset when Sunset tried to touch her amulet. Chancellor Puddinghead called Princess Platinum a snob. Aria, Princess Platinum, is a snob because she sounded like she could care less about anything and everything that doesn't involve her (Sounds like Princess Platinum, doesn't it?"). And finally, Hurricane called Puddinghead a numskull. Sonata... need I explain? I know the insults are worded to be directed at the race in general, but we all know they were meant for each other. So, to answer your question: yes, and no. They are exact replicas of Windigos with different powers and more than one track mind. oops, need to say how they became who they are. So, Clover did it by using a weird spell that she cast on the founders. Their joint memory of the event I explained above altered her spell and turned them into creatures similar in appearance to Windigos, but their personalities and power differ. Perhaps it was an enchantment for the founders, but it instead enchanted their voice and did all this nonsense
  12. 30 moons is 30 x 27.3 days = 819 days 819 days is almost 2 and a half years. But in lamen's terms, it's once in a blue moon. ...IT'S ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!! GENIUS!
  13. Hold on to your britches, because those sirens are the founders of Equestria: In descending rank, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Princess Platinum. Adagio (Hurricane) calls herself "the leader", but Aria (Platinum) begs to differ. I am not explaining Sonata. You should get your head checked if need to explain anything about that imbecile. (Sorry, she dissed the bad guy, so I harp on her) Reasons why: Adagio is a jerk to her fellow sirens and flat out called them idiots. Aria has platinum stars in her hair, as well as acting like she should be the lead vocal. I repeat. I'm not explaining "her". Put two and two together! Quoting the episode: "Earth ponies are numskulls!" "Pegasi are brutes!" "Unicorns are snobs!" In fact, Adagio (the Pegasus of the group) is a brute, as she grabbed Aria's arm to get her attention. Aria (The Unicorn) is a snob, nothing more. And... need I say more. I really have nothing against Sonata, but I have no need to explain anything. she did it during her first minute of screen time. I'd say about how this happened, but I'm still working on it.
  14. Simply put, Sonata is liked because Pinkie Pie is liked. Similar to how Rarity fans love Aria, and Rainbow Dash Fans like Adagio. they relate in personalities. I have a headcanon as to why involving the three founders, but This isn't the topic for it.
  15. I don't know if you will even read this, but I'm bored and need to vent this idea. The Elements of Harmony were once in stone spheres, right? In a place where no light could enter. I think they were sealed there. Their original home was in the Everfree, but maybe that tree was their prison; that, and I've yet to see the Everfree in daylight. My theory is that the Elements were too powerful for anypony's good, rather meant for the exact opposite. I think that the Elements were used sparingly, as not to give them any more power than they already had. Celestia used them, and subsequently returned them to their hidden spot. Now to where I found humor in the fact that you think I'm plucking bits and piece out of my plot: Nightmare Moon, the PILOT VILLAIN, was more sane than Celestia ever could be. I just said that. Nightmare Moon wanted to destroy the Elements, and she almost did by cutting off it's power source: the sun. But the Element of Magic is the superior, hence why it can't even lie on an arm like the other 5. It revived the other 5 Elements and basically altered Luna's personality so she could no longer pose a threat. I'm not done yet. This kinda applies to the other villains, but all I have to say is that the Elements were used over and over again to prevent them from getting strong enough to destroy Equestria. This includes the release of Discord. But I want to touch on the fact that Star Swirl was in on the deal. His unfinished spell, which affected the Elements of Harmony, started switching around the 5 weaker Elements. I think that Star swirl wanted to weaken the Magic by moving it to one of the weaker crystals and breaking it. Then the other 5 would fall from being swapped, as well. Rather genius, if you ask me. And the finished version was even more appealing. All 5 Elements attacked the Element of Magic and destroyed her. IF Celestia hadn't intervened, Equestria would have been saved! F*** You Celestia! Final part, The Box of Harmony. That Deus-ex-Machina in a can that wiped Tirek off the face of Equestria. That was the remaining energy of the Elements that they gained from being in the open sunlight. Hasbro locked it, not the canon. So, the truth is either Star Swirl is a genius, or he's the most vile pony ever for having the skill to destroy the Elements of Harmony in one shot.
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