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Posts posted by NonbinaryDuck

  1. Brony Mate...oh no...not that:eww:


    Honestly...why does that site exist?  It's full of males for some strange reason, and very very few, if any, females at all (very few real ones, that is).  And it costs money.  You have to pay to even read messages on it.  Baloney.  The site tries to block you from typing any sort of contact information on your profile, such as emails, Steam ID, etc.  More baloney.


    Sorry for being ranty, but it seems to me like a lame money-grabbing attempt rather than a way to actually talk to people who like ponies.


    Here is MarineMarksman's experience with the site:  https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/268586/bronymate

    Oh my gosh that's hilariously horrendous. I knew it wasn't a great website, but I'd like to also hear more personal experiences. :P

  2. Okay, for those who don't know what Brony Mate is, it's a dating website as it's obviously self explanatory, for bronies.

    Anyone been on Brony Mate for fun, to try to find love, or because you were bored? Send some stories, I'm actually wanting to know!

    • Brohoof 3
  3. I like to think that Big Macintosh is instead asexual/romantic, but haha yeah. I mean, I can see why people ship them regardless, they would make a good couple. Big Mac in strong, reserved, and protective. Fluttershy is soft, sweet, sensitive, and will protect anypony who gets hurt. I'm personally not too crazy about this otp, but I can see why people enjoy it so much. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. So now that I've submitted an application, am I free to join? :D


    Haha, yes! Sorry, I accidentally forgot to remind you that I now put you on the student roster. :blink: Regardless, welcome to Canterlot High! You may begin joining in the RP whenever you like, but if you're inactive for 4 weeks, I may kick you off of the list. Thank you! :D

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I can see the dislike of bronies, but surely not full on hatred. Regardless of anti-bronies and brony haters alike, they can't really do anything to harm/take down the fandom. I mean, hah, I wouldn't doubt if MLP:FiM continues until 2020! Bronies contribute a lot of financial success to Hasbro, so I'm pretty sure they'll try to beat the crap out of what's left of the show in order to drain more cash from the fandom, therefore it'll be harder for the fandom to die out.


    Not meaning to offend you all, but it's true. The show would of probably ended sooner if there was no audience which are willing to spend $1,000 on a pony figurine, let alone thousands to keep the show going and making greedy hungry Hasbro happy. Capitalism, ah sweet, sweet capitalism-- eh?

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I believe it depends.. For real life humans being in that situation? Probably not because it's weird. If it's cartoon characters which are, well, already cartoon characters.. I'm fine with it. I won't judge anypony regardless, ponify everything and anything in sight. Hah, Hell, I've even see ponification of barbecue grills. :P

  7. It depends what people downloaded themselves. If you're using font that's not common it's bound to cause issues because fonts are client content, and it's difficult for them to see unless if they download said font.


    Here's a list-- assuming most people use windows 7-- of fonts that people do use already:




    • Aharoni Bold
    • Andalus Regular
    • Angsana New, Angsana New Bold, Angsana New Italic & Angsana New Bold Italic
    • AngsanaUPC, AngsanaUPC Bold, AngsanaUPC Italic & AngsanaUPC Bold Italic
    • Aparajita, Aparajita Bold, Aparajita Italic & Aparajita Bold Italic
    • Arabic Typesetting Regular
    • Arial, Arial Bold, Arial Black, Arial Italic & Arial Bold Italic
    • Arial Unicode MS Regular
    • Batang
    • BatangChe
    • Browallia New, Browallia New Bold, Browallia New Italic & Browallia New Bold Italic
    • BrowalliaUPC, BrowalliaUPC Bold, BrowalliaUPC Italic & BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic
    • Calibri, Calibri Bold, Calibri Italic & Calibri Bold Italic
    • Cambria, Cambria Bold, Cambria Italic & Cambria Bold Italic
    • Cambria Math
    • Candara, Candara Bold, Candara Italic & Candara Bold Italic
    • Comic Sans MS & Comic Sans MS Bold
    • Consolas, Consolas Bold, Consolas Italic & Consolas Bold Italic
    • Constantia, Constantia Bold, Constantia Italic & Constantia Bold Italic
    • Corbel, Corbel Bold, Corbel Italic, Corbel Bold Italic
    • Cordia New, Cordia New Bold, Cordia New Italic & Cordia New Bold Italic
    • CordiaUPC, CordiaUPC Bold, CordiaUPC Italic & CordiaUPC Bold Italic
    • Courier New, Courier New Bold, Courier New Italic & Courier New Bold Italic
    • DaunPenh
    • David & David Bold
    • DFKai-SB
    • DilleniaUPC, DilleniaUPC Bold, DilleniaUPC Italic & DilleniaUPC Bold Italic
    • DokChampa
    • Dotum
    • DotumChe
    • Ebrima & Ebrima Bold
    • Estrangelo Edessa
    • EucrosiaUPC, EucrosiaUPC Bold, EucrosiaUPC Italic & EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic
    • Euphemia
    • FangSong
    • Franklin Gothic Medium & Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
    • FrankRuehl
    • FreesiaUPC, FreesiaUPC Bold, FreesiaUPC Italic & FreesiaUPC Bold Italic
    • Gabriola
    • Gautami & Gautami Bold
    • Georgia, Georgia Bold, Georgia Italic, & Georgia Bold Italic
    • Gisha & Gisha Bold
    • Gulim
    • GulimChe
    • Gungsuh
    • GungsuhChe
    • Impact
    • IrisUPC, IrisUPC Bold, IrisUPC Italic & IrisUPC Bold Italic
    • Iskoola Pota & IskoolaPota Bold
    • JasmineUPC, JasmineUPC Bold, JasmineUPC Italic & JasmineUPC Bold Italic
    • KaiTi
    • Kalinga & Kalinga Bold
    • Kartika & Kartika Bold
    • Khmer UI & Khmer UI Bold
    • KodchiangUPC, KodchiangUPC Bold, KodchiangUPC Italic & KodchiangUPC Bold Italic
    • Kokila, Kokila Bold, Kokila Italic & Kokila Bold Italic
    • Lao UI & Lao UI Bold
    • Latha & Latha Bold
    • Leelawadee & Leelawadee Bold
    • Levenim MT & Levenim MT Bold
    • LilyUPC, LilyUPC Bold, LilyUPC Italic & LilyUPC Bold Italic
    • Lucida Console
    • Lucida Sans Unicode
    • Malgun Gothic & Malgun Gothic Bold
    • Mangal & Mangal Bold
    • Meiryo, Meiryo Bold, Meiryo Italic & Meiryo Bold Italic
    • Meiryo UI, Meiryo UI Bold, Meiryo UI Italic & Meiryo UI Bold Italic
    • Microsoft Himalaya
    • Microsoft JhengHei & Microsoft JhengHei Bold
    • Microsoft New Tai Lue & Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold
    • Microsoft PhagsPa & Microsoft PhagsPa Bold
    • Microsoft Sans Serif
    • Microsoft Tai Le & Microsoft Tai Le Bold
    • Microsoft Uighur
    • Microsoft YaHei & Microsoft YaHei Bold
    • Microsoft Yi Baiti
    • MingLiU
    • MingLiU_HKSCS
    • MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
    • MingLiU-ExtB
    • Miriam
    • Miriam Fixed
    • Mongolian Baiti
    • MoolBoran
    • MS Gothic
    • MS Mincho
    • MS PGothic
    • MS PMincho
    • MS UI Gothic
    • MV Boli
    • Narkisim
    • NSimSun
    • Nyala
    • Palatino Linotype, Palatino Linotype Bold, Palatino Linotype Italic & Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
    • Plantagenet Cherokee
    • PMingLiU
    • PMingLiU-ExtB
    • Raavi & Raavi Bold
    • Rod
    • Sakkal Majalla & Sakkal Majalla Bold
    • Segoe Print & Segoe Print Bold
    • Segoe Script & Segoe Script Bold
    • Segoe UI, Segoe UI Bold, Segoe UI Italic, Segoe UI Bold Italic, Segoe UI Light & Segoe UI Semibold
    • Segoe UI Symbol
    • Shonar Bangla & Shonar Bangla Bold
    • Shruti & Shruti Bold
    • SimHei
    • Simplified Arabic & Simplified Arabic Bold
    • Simplified Arabic Fixed
    • SimSun
    • SimSun-ExtB
    • Sylfaen
    • Symbol
    • Tahoma, Tahoma Bold
    • Times New Roman,  Times New Roman Bold, Times New Roman Italic & Times New Roman Bold Italic
    • Traditional Arabic & Traditional Arabic Bold
    • Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet MS Bold, Trebuchet MS Italic & Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
    • Tunga & Tunga Bold
    • Utsaah, Utsaah Bold,Utsaah Italic & Utsaah Bold Italic
    • Vani & Vani Bold
    • Verdana,Verdana Bold, Verdana Italic & Verdana Bold Italic
    • Vijaya & Vijaya Bold
    • Vrinda & Vrinda Bold
    • Webdings
    • Wingdings




    But, to keep things safe, stick with these following:




    • Arial
    • Comic Sans MS
    • Courier New
    • Georgia
    • Lucida Sans Unicode
    • Tahoma
    • Time New Roman
    • Trebuchet MS
    • Verdana

    Thank you, and have a nice day!

  8. What the Hell, there's actually terminology to this? Interesting! But maybe it's more directed towards those who do not already have other mental illnesses which causes the same issues and has the same affects. (Or it's just a label which specifies precisely what's causing the issues of lack of sleep or even in cases insomnia.)


    Sorry, I love learning stuff like these. Anyway, back on topic-- I'm very sorry, I know this feeling too. Sometimes I can go to sleep at like, 7 p.m. and wake up at 11 a.m. and be still so fatigue I actually cannot move or I start to see stuff that isn't there. (I believe hallucinations are also apart of narcolepsy?) It's been uncommon for me lately, but it still sucks. On top of that, I'm autistic/believe to be autistic, so being executive dysfunction also partakes into this issue, and further increases its negativity.


    Enough of me, I'm trying to think ways to help you, and I won't go with the obvious b.s. like "coffe or energy drinks uwu" because those don't actually help, and sometimes sugar crashes make you pass out?? Well, other than the basic crap people offer, I suggest neuro drinks. Seriously, one time I drank the Energy Refreshed "Super Fruit Infusion", the taste was kinda strange at first because it reminded me of medication, but then suddenly after 15-25 mins later energy kicked in and I actually made it throughout the day without sleeping in class. Things vary for people, so I'm not saying this will 100% work, but it's worth to give it a shot! :)


    Have a nice week, and sorry you have to go through this :S

  9. Yikes, new voice actors-- artificial flavored voice actors, that is. :| If the original voice actors can do the voices, then please! If they haven't changed much, oh yes please bring back the original Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. I don't want new voice actors. D:

  10. Hey, reminder to all of staff members to add me! :D I'll try to add everyone who I see that comes my way, but I do forget. Thanks, also it's an honor hearing the appreciation from others! Thank you so much for the kind messages!

    • Brohoof 6
  11. How to Play


    I will start off this thread by posting lyrics/verse of a song, and then some other pony will have to add lyrics/verse of a different song, and then cut some lyrics out for other ponies to add another verse to fill in the blank and keep the song going. Believe me, I did this before, it's funny and fun as Hell once it delves deeper!




    1. You cannot use lyrics/verses from a song the person before you has already used. (Ex. I say a verse from "Superbass" by Nicki Minaj, you cannot contribute to the verse by adding another verse from the same song.) What is okay is adding the verse from said song if it were already used 2+ comments away.
    2. All genre and variety of music is allowed-- from MLP:FiM original songs, fanmade songs, Hip-Hop, Pop, 70s/80s/90s/early 2000s, Rock (even Heavy Rock/Heavy Metal), to New Age music (please do New Age it's hilarious!). This is going to be diverse with culture and musical taste-- everypony's allowed!
    3. Don't derail this thread. Seriously, I hate it when ponies do this. -_-
    4. Add emphasis to the verses you use. For example, if there's screaming/yelling in the song, make it in all caps. This gets hilarious as you read along, especially if the song verse after is like, from Enya or something lol.
    5. Be careful with language! Do not use racist terminology especially. (Ex. the n word, or any verses of songs which dehumanize people.)
    6. Have fun! (If you don't have fun you're kicked out! Bwahaha)

    Time to Start


    Listen to the little pitter-patter of my feet, as I'm howling like a dog and I'm runnin' down the street

    Hiding in the trees, hiding in the bushes-- I'm sitting under your couch....

  12. *sees "what is your favorite suicide"* Oh.. Ooh.. OOOHHH NOOO

    *reads the rest of the title*. Oh. Whoops.


    Also I've tried mixing Rockstar, NOS (or whatever the Hell it was called?), Monster, and some other energy drinks. Let's just say that literally after that week I lost 5 lbs of fat because I was so hyper and jumping off of walls. Like, I was so energetic I cleaned up the whole house within an hour, and I did 250 push-ups, 337 sit-ups, and I was exercising for 7 hours straight per day. It was insane. I also play fought my cousin and accidentally punched him in the face and left him a bloody and crooked nose because I was actually gaining some serious muscle mass in the process of that whole week and a half.


    In other words, I don't recommend this unless if you want to take the risk of also having a heart attack. Seriously, my heart felt like it was beating outside of my chest. It was insane. I do not recommend I felt like I was dying.

  13. @


    Diamondheart calmed down finally, especially when being hugged, making her feel more secure. She felt embarrassed, once again, and felt so bad for making anypony worry about anything which she does. She kind of giggled to try to lighten up the mood, and replied to Jackie's caring response, "Oh, don't feel bad. I'm just sensitive.. Sorry, sometimes I overreact, it's uh.. kind of a thing about me." A smile lit up on Diamond's face, and hugged the light brown mare back. She stopped hugging after awhile, and then brought back up the issue, "And I'll help you, and there's nothing you can do to change my mind. Another thing is that you're right-- we should be open with each other pony to let each other know what's going on. We need to be better mutuals to help each other out to improve the school's performance overall.


    "Sorry, I just have a hard time discussing my issues, you know? Also I fear whatever I say may stir up problems, that's all. I have nothing much to talk about for now, but if I ever do, I'll be glad to run up to you first for any help. You can also have me for emotional assistance as well, I'll be glad to aid!" She had a gleaming smile, hoping that Trade would understand. "Well, it's getting pretty late-- almost time for next period. I'll see you soon?" she asked, hoping Jackie would oblige.

  14. @


    Diamondheart immediately stopped what she was doing and looked directly in the mare's eyes, which is actually impressive considering she always had issues with eye contact. She just kept staring for a short time-- you can definitely tell she was thinking while she spaced out. Instantly, you could see tears in her eyes. "O-Ohh.. I'm very sorry.." she said, quietly sniffling, "Ugh.. I've been wanting to give you an earlier notice, but thin-things just been out of hoof.." She somewhat stuttered as she talked. She became extremely embarrassed from crying in front of her, but she couldn't hold it any longer. Her hooves kept rubbing her eyes and she tried snapping herself out of it, but it was difficult. She was still shaking from being so bothered by what's going on so far, she was just flustered.


    "You don't have to w-worry about the list, either way, i-it can be held off later..." she said, "I-I'll take care of half o-of the list, so that will put l-less stress on you. You can al-always complete it a few days f-from now, it's really no big deal.." She somewhat stop shivering and stuttering, and was thinking about what Jackie said. She always wanted help, but from other staff members with their own problems? No. She was a bit stunned regardless. She knows better that she shouldn't bring up personal issues into such a huge and complex workplace that is Canterlot High, so she was quite embarrassed.

  15. *shrugs* I personally despise red eyes for her, considering red is too abstract for blue-related colors, I personally love magneta more for her. Magneta has the passion of red in general, but the calm and coolness just like how blue colors do, but yeah. Hasbro had a better choice, and I agree, but yeah just like how everypony else here said banners here are made by members, not by staff. :P Sorry, my good friend who has actual taste in colors!

    • Brohoof 4
  16. You're confusing "stereotype" with "archetype." An archetype is the background characterization/tropes of a character. A stereotype is a caricature of a character; these are worse because they take characters and create a false representation of certain attributes or real life.


    Stereotypes in this show exist like the dragon bullies from Dragon Quest, Tree Hugger acting as the plain hippie in Make Friends, Sunset Shimmer as the half-dimensional alpha bitch in EQG1, and Flash Sentry being a half-dimensional Gary Stu. The Mane Six, however, aren't stereotypes. They take certain archetypes and create fresh and unique takes of the character. Rainbow Dash is no exception. She's brash and egotistical, but very sensitive and takes her reputation really seriously. Episodes like Sonic Rainboom, Sleepless in Ponyville, and Wonderbolts Academy show how deep her characterization is.



    Did you swallow a dictionary? :blink: Nah just kidding, but tyvm for the correction! I never heard of archetype before, so this is very informative. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  17. @


    While the light coral-brown pony was talking, Diamondheart started to arrange some stuff around in her office. Even though she worked with the Jackie for awhile, she could never get used to her own staff members cussing. Not that she mind, it just always would give her a jolt because she definitely knows that the staff acts completely different around with fellow members versus average students. The thought of it also makes her laugh.. While her mind was on that, she responded back to Ms. Trade's question.


    "Uh.. hehe nah I think I'm fine..." she said, sounding very weary. "There's.. just alot going on back where I live-- that's all. Nothing to be of concern." She once again flashed a cheesy smile, trying to keep positive spirit. "I'd also like to apologize for not speaking with.. well.. anypony much, to be honest. Just.. paperwork, and.. you know, small things build up and add stress. Also I'm pretty sure you're a busy mare yourself, yes? I wouldn't want to disturb great teachers." She started to relax more as she slowly sat back down on her chair, and slowly a realistic calm smile started to reveal on her face. "Oh, where are my manners-- please, sit down." she somewhat giggled, pointing towards one of the cushioned greyish red chairs that faced towards her office desk.

  18. @


    The mare's eyes glared at Jackie, somewhat confused. 'That's strange, usually nopony comes in here just because they actually want to..' Diamondheart thought, 'well, this is a nice surprise I suppose'. "Oh yeah, hehe, sorry.." Diamondheart said, somewhat flustered, "I don't know why, but it's been pretty busy back at home." She had a cheesy, sheepish smile and awkwardly stared at Ms. Trade for awhile. 'I hope she doesn't get on my case about that actually.. I don't want to scare anypony off.. Let's see how I can change the subject here..' she continued to wonder. "Ah hah!-- I mean.. Uh.. So, how have classes been? Any students misbehaving, or perhaps do you need help with something? I can always be of assistance!"

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