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Posts posted by Velcorn

  1. I don't really care about what my partner likes or dislikes as long as he/she can live with our differences and/or accept or appreciate them. Having differences in a relationship is probably just as important as having things in common.


    Aside from that, I'm currently in a relationship with a brony :P

  2. You're talking to Mr. Paranoid here. Never mind, you're not actually talking to me, I'm just answering this post. Can't keep my brain from random thoughts. Please, someone, help me!


    Seriously though, I can get quite paranoid about stuff and constantly overthink stuff .-.

  3. The thing is, the main problem humanity has is not being able to live together in peace. We never have been and never will be able to see past our differences and work together for something simply because humans have utterly different interests. Look at other animals, they live together in small groups, larger groups or even alone and fight against other groups of the same species or try surviving against their enemies, like predators, in an attempt to survive and reproduce. This is the underlying concept which humanity has altered quite drasitcally, pretty much placing us at the top of the food chain and changing the concept of "survival of the fittest". Even so, it is foolish to assume that we could ever achieve this thing we now call something like "world peace"; living together in harmony while being able to maintain this peace through solving upcoming conflicts. Being able to communicate with every individual on this planet doesn't help, either, but is rather making it even more difficult due to our differences. The world is run by selfish people who only care about themselves and maybe the people close to them which makes perfect sense and is nothing that we will ever change; mainly because we don't want to chage.



    People will never change, no matter what!


    To come back to the original topic: Despite this being completely unrealistic, even applying this in theory will accomplish nothing since it's going no directed at the main problem but rather a "symptom" of the underlying cause.

  4. May I ask, how is the classification "bisexual" even a real thing. Let me explain.....


    Hetero and Homosexual are rather straight forward, yet Bisexual in my opinion sounds like a fancy term for unsure or someone who just wants to be in a bandwagon of some sort. The fact bisexuals tend to say they prefer one over the other leads me to believe they are hetero or homo with a fetish for the other rather than truly impartial. Unless they are split perfectly 50-50, which is impossible since its not measurable and relies heavily on opinion. 


    To me it honestly just sounds like an excuse to have more sex and fool around more than a legitimate classification.


    Classifications are meant to be somewhat rigid, not free flowing and without borders

    This is one of the most common misconceptions I've now heard about bisexuality without even once thinking about them myself - they just don't make sense to me. 


    If you look at this objectively, why would a hetero- or a homosexual person want to have sex with the opposite gender of which they are attracted to (sexually and/or emotionally)? It just doesn't make sense to me. Sexuality isn't a static black-white spectrum but rather pretty fluid. Of course, it's a rare case to be 50-50 attracted to both genders. This is not what being bisexual means. Bisexuality only refers to being attracted to both genders, the percentage doesn't matter. Many/most things in life aren't merely black-white but rather dumbed down or arbitrarily defined because people like simplicity.


    I also don't see the correlation between being bisexual and "wanting to have more sex and fool around". This is something completely different. Only because you can be/are attracted to both genders doesn't mean you want to have more sex. It's also not like you're more likely to cheat on your partner when you are in a commited relationship just because you might find the opposite gender of your partner also attractive. There is just no logical reasoning behind this assumption.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Name: Velcorn (Most call me Vel and my nickname in real-life is Ted)


    Age: 20


    Gender: Male


    Country: Germany


    Likes: Plushies, Music, Series, Science, Games


    Dislikes: Being annoyed, being made fun of, overly emotional/sensitive and also ignorant people.


    Hobbies: Basically going after or doing stuff related to my likes :P


    Other Info: For further information, you can always check my profile for an in-depth description of my person or simply drop me a PM. Be aware that I'm a very shy, anxious guy who's also dealing with panic attacks and possibly a bit depressed. Thus, I'm pretty bad at conversation and rely on you leading it. You can ask me or talk about ANYTHING, I don't mind the most inappropriate stuff.

  6. I am single and thank god for that.

    Not only am I 17, I am way too young to want a relationship.

    But I am not a nice person either, so I would make terrible boyfriend material.

    To make it all worse I play video games and watch cartoons about ponies all day!


    I am pretty attractive, so staying single is harder than it sounds.

    Of course, you are a cat after all :3


    Want to date? ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. To be honest I'm neither a fan of any of the OEM skins nor am I a fan of vanilla Android. I prefer to customize my phone myself. Custom ROMs along with personalization apps and mods usually do the trick. I can't stand being on stock Android for a long time period :P

  8. There has been a pretty cute and slightly suggestive Twi pillowcase for a dakimakura which I really liked. It's just that I'd prefer a plushie looking like that instead of simply a pillow. Also, I prefer "normal" plushies of animals over cartoon or anime characters. I'm very happy to be with my dolphin plushie, Lucy <3


    Anyway, dakimakuras are alright and if people enjoy them that's perfectly fine but they're nothing for me, really :P

  9. - I fell for a guy despite not really being sexually attracted to guys, really annoys me or rather makes me sad :/ 

    - I'm very paranoid and tend to overthink stuff way too much. Makes life unnecessarily more complicated.

    - I'm terrible at talking to people because I can't think of stuff to talk to and yet complain that I'm bored of talking to people :S

    - Still struggling with anxiety and panic attacks which might have led me into depression now too. Reluctant to get help even though I need it.

  10. Its not really being prideful about it in a vacuum, its because its been such a negative and disgraceful thing to have homosexual desires/sexualities.  Being proud of it invalidates this sense of disgrace unjustly pushed by society by showing that not only is perfectly ok to be this way, after all you can't change sexuality, but that you shouldn't be disgraced by it in fact you should EMBRACE it.  Its exaggerated to try and completely overthrow this ridiculousness more than simply refuting it.  Does it work?  Who knows but that is its purpose. 

    I do get your point but not being exposed to much homophobia or any discrimination because of sexuality, I personally don't have a reason to be proud of my sexuality. It just seems or rather feels weird to me. And as I already said, I feel like sexuality is more of a thing I keep private unless it becomes "necessary" to tell people.




    I get that, but when you see a million billion adverts for cologne or whatever where the big strong man is surrounded by women, it always seems like it's trying so hard to say "look at this dude, you should be this dude." Or any number of romantic movies celebrating heterosexuality. I'll be a happy man the day a romantic movie about two dudes or two chicks is marketed towards the family, and not a dramatic thriller that looks at the consequences of 'forbidden love' in society.   Essentially, I wanna see more adverts with dudes about to go down on each other instead of the bog-standard laying a woman down by the fire sort of thing. 

    Well, the thing is that heterosexuality is still the norm so I don't really feel like it's really pushing people to believe that heterosexuality is the only acceptable or desireable orientation. It's simply addressing the broad audience and not specifically a minority. Same goes for movies; it's obvious that movies focusing on homosexual couples are so much less common or rare because it's such a small percentage of the population that it won't be (that) profitable to the producers.

    • Brohoof 2
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