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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by AquaMinty101

  1. Hey everypony! Please know I'm not ignoring you, my mom just broke her pelvis so I've had to help with the baby and dinner and stuff while dad was on a work trip. So now I'm back!

  2. Hey everypony! Please know I'm not ignoring you, my mom just broke her pelvis so I've had to help with the baby and dinner and stuff while dad was on a work trip. So now I'm back!

  3. Hey everypony! Please know I'm not ignoring you, my mom just broke her pelvis so I've had to help with the baby and dinner and stuff while dad was on a work trip. So now I'm back!

  4. *beathes deeply*

    1. AquaMinty101


      :P My friend has to do breathing stuff for her anxiety so I help her so yeah cx
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


  6. Would Anypony like to be in a FiMFiction I'm writing?

  7. In need of pony caretaker for eternally young, psychotic filly. Must be- -Good with fillies. -Able to work in a hostile fanfiction. -Always aware of the filly's whereabouts. -Trained in disarming and subduing ponies without harming said ponies. -Be willing to work for the bad guys. Wages starting at 35 bits an hour, increasing every day for fifteen days to 127 bits an hour. It is a hazard wage. Benefits include but aren't limited to free health and dental care, housing and general ne...

  8. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

    1. AquaMinty101


      ... How can I help? I want to help. I can't stand this.

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  9. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

    1. AquaMinty101


      But you can make it. I'm a fighter. I'm a loner. Do you know how it is to sit down and other people walk away when they see you? It's terrible, I can tell you that.

      My friend has survived. And she surely doesn't regret it, I can tell you that, too.

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  10. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

    1. AquaMinty101


      11, or Matt Smith. Last line before 12/Capaldi. I'm a bigger fan of 10/Tennant though.

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  11. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

    1. AquaMinty101


      No. Just because it's a want, doesn't mean it's supposed to or it needs to.

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  12. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

  13. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

  14. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

  15. who has a crush in this forum(I dont sadly ive lost love)

    1. AquaMinty101


      I do, but I prefer not to comment on this stuff.

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  16. I wish I could end my book of life cause every chapter is a series of mysteries wonders and negative

    1. AquaMinty101


      Becaus you did, but I don't have Skype. I'm so sorry.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  17. I wish I could end my book of life cause every chapter is a series of mysteries wonders and negative

    1. AquaMinty101


      I'm vey sorry. :(

      But I can say id love to chat sometime,

      But I don't believe your messages work as it won't let me message you.

      Please stay strong :*

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi! I like your OC design. :3

  19. Hi! I like your OC design. :3

    1. AquaMinty101


      ^~^ Thanks! Mind me asking which one? I forgot which ones I put up :/

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. So...much...Adrenaline!

    1. AquaMinty101


      Me right now, you don't even know.

  21. When you realize that even in MLP the Doctor regenerates.

    1. AquaMinty101


      Defiantly. It's so longgggg and someone must be following you, how else would it be moving? Protect Rose for me, okay?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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