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  1. I've ended up with INTP-T, "The Logician". 39% Extroverted vs 61% Introverted 55% Intuitive vs 45% Observant 54% Thinking vs 46% Feeling 29% Judging vs 71% Prospecting 16% Assertive vs 84% Turbulent Interesting... There are a lot of things in the descriptors that I can relate to, but I wouldn't say all of them. I'm surprised to be the first INTP on this thread actually, I guesss I thought they would be more common here haha.
  2. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in...

    1. Nice_Watson


      a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”



      ― Theodore Roosevelt

    2. Nice_Watson


      I feel like I have been the critic for far too long. I think that I am dishonest with myself far too often and afraid to put myself out there, to express myself in any way. I am too judgemental of people, including myself, and this hinders my growth.


  3. Hi there Jaxie! What is your favourite passage in the Bible? Are there any you find yourself going back to again and again? Have you ever had any intense spiritual experiences?
  4. Happy birthday and stay awwesome :D

    1. SFyr


      Thanks man! <3 Sorry I haven't responded just yet--been waiting on a good time to watch/enjoy the clip you linked to the fullest. :D

    2. Nice_Watson


      Ayy no worries. <3

      It's a good one I think ^^

  5. Hello there Brian Random, I would like to suggest "Variables" by The Descendant. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/2348/variables Are you planning to use sound effects and background music to your readings like you do in your comic dubs? I love listening to audio readings and podcasts myself, because I'm usually too lazy to actually read. I've not actually read the Variables myself but I think it fits your criteria and I've heard it's good. I would appreciate it if you would do a reading of this story =). Thanks for your time and brony on my friend!
  6. I had a go at this and also got q(x) = x (by induction, but not before fruitlessly trying to equate coefficients using a general polynomial).
  7. I managed to get up before 9am today. Maybe there is still hope!

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I been waking up quite early these days I dont know why

  8. I think this table (taken from wikipedia) on SMART criteria may be of interest for anybody on this thread:Edit: copy pasting a table directly from wikipedia didn't work as well as I'd hoped, so here's a link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_criteria#Other_definitions I think you've got most of it down here, but the underlined part is a bit vague and quite hard to measure (you will only really know if you have succeeded in this after you get your results). Also, if you fail to meet your promise and we want to hold you accountable for it so that you can improve in the future, it will already be too late by then if your exams are over!I think it is easier for others to hold you accountable if your promise can be measured on a weekly or day by day basis. This could also have the benefit of being a motivation boost each time you follow through.Hope this helps!As for me, I promise that this week:I will spend at least a solid 40 hours this week on making physics notes, and practising maths and physics exam papers. I plan to do this by spending 6 or more hours a day towards this goal when possible (today I will only be able to fit in 5).As I have many upcoming exams that are early in the morning, I also promise to improve my sleeping habits by going to sleep no later than 10pm every day and turning off all electrical devices so I can't be distracted at this time.I promise to go jogging on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.Finally, I promise to practise at least half and hour of piano and violin every day with the end goal of being able to play Chopin's 'Prelude No 4' on the piano and Kreisler's 'Midnight Bells' on the violin fluently by the end of the week.
  9. Despite spending a fair amount of time talking to the friendly people I've just met here on mlpforums, somehow I've actually managed to accomplish what I set out to do today! I did have borrow some time off the end of the day I would normally spend reading/listening to audiobooks, though I don't think I would have done as much had I not posted something here first. I'll try doing this more often to see if it works long term or if it was just the novelty that made it work for me this time.
  10. I think I will post my ambitious but specific plan for today. I am going to spend 3 hours doing maths papers, 2 hours making physics notes, and an hour to reacquaint myself with playing music (half an hour for each violin and piano). I am also going to go for a roughly half hour jog as I currently excercise a lot less than I should. That leaves about 4 hours for all the other stuff eating/internetting/reading etc.
  11. GuillermoGage's idea of accountability buddies appeals to me as it seems like a nice way reach goals and maybe it could create some friendly competition. Personally, my goal would be to learn to compose music, or contribute some other way creatively to the brony fandom, whilst also staying on top of my studies. I also think the mentor / mentee scheme could be interesting dynamic and I'm open to being a mentor (although maybe I'll wait until my exams are over first for that) or being mentored for something.
  12. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! This tablet is being impossible, let me dig out an actual computer. Good to know there are people on this little island who are part of the mlpforums! I hope we can become good friends! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll be sure to check out Octavia's Hall a bit more tomorrow (today the servers went down :okiedokielokie: ) As for fan fics, I think I have probably enjoyed some of the dark ones the most while listening to them, as content producers such as ObabScribbler and TheLostNarrator on youtube can use music and sound effects to really create a chilling atmosphere. But I usually can enjoy most fanfics if they are well written and will usually trust the various people in the fanfic reading community on youtube to pick ones that are interesting to turn into audio. An exception is that I have stayed away from clop fics. I also recently discovered royalcanterlotlibrary.net and have been going through and reading through their recommendations. (I've only recently begun actually reading again). I enjoyed "Friendship is Optimal" and "Friendship is Optimal: Always Say No" as they have an interesting concept which made me really think. I'm a few chapters into ponichaeism's "The Mare in The High Castle" and I'm enjoying their take on an alternate universe where there is eternal night in canterlot.
  13. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: By googling "mlp community". How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Around the start of Season 2, some people at the school I attend were fans of the show, so I thought I'd check it out. I've been following the show and various parts of the brony fandom on and off since then, but the people who originally got me into it have since moved on to other interests. I am looking to get involved in contributing something creative to the fandom as it seems a welcoming place. In the past I have not really had much experience with being any sort of artist or content producer and mlp seems a good creative outlet to start doing so. I am also new to internet forums in general as in the past I have only used the internet to consume media (I am a big fan of fan fiction readings as my life involves a lot of walking) or for talking to people I know from real life (for example I have never posted anything on social media sites). However, from what I've heard fans say online when asked what is the best thing to come from the show/fandom, a lot of them say it is the friends they have made from it. After also watching boyinaband's vlog on internet friends, I've decided I do not want to miss out on this oppurtunity! So here I am looking forward to making some new friends and hopefully working on some creative projects with some of you. I was thinking I could try working on musical composition, as I can already play a bit of piano and violin, but I'll probably try doing all sorts of stuff to see what I like/would be good at. I live in England which is relevant information because timezones... Sorry if the post is a bit messy, I've been typing all of this out on a tablet (not very convenient for a post that ends up being a lot longer than expected). Also before anyone asks, my username has absolutely nothing to do with Sherlock.
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