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Everything posted by Landon_pinkieshy

  1. thanks i think this forum seems so cool it is great to have found a forum for bronies i only know one other person who liked mlp, though she isn't a mega big fan!
  2. i loved reading this, it totally makes sense to me! fluttershy is great & i identify with her, I myself am a quiet shy thing always have been & being bullied & coming from an unloving uncaring family just has made it all the worse! I too like fluttershy have my moments though! I can have confidence at times (though quite rare) and I can snap when pushed, but i really prefer not to! I am quite the internal, shy, animal loving creature, who just wants a simple life, and some close friends & such.
  3. awesome, thanks i love that pic of fluttershy, so cute
  4. well my user name is my surname Landon (also the surname of the world's greatest actor Michael Landon) and pinkie shy comes,.. you guessed it.. from fluttershy & pinkie pie put together (my 2 fave ponies) I am shy & quiet & an animal lover like fluttershy & i have a mad sense of humour like pinkie pie (although she is far more outgoing than i am) I just kinda thought it would be cool to add both names together to come up with a user name
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome guys <3 i appreciate it I am sure I am gonna like it here
  6. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hi there my name is Chantelle I'm 29 years old & live in a place called kingston upon Hull, In England, U.K My fave ponies are fluttershy & pinkie pie (hence my user name here, which is a mix of both & my surname) I feel I am mostly like fluttershy, but i do have a mad sense of humour like pinkie pie (although she is more positive & outgoing than me) I grew up watching the old mlp but hadn't watched it for ages, then i got chatting to someone online who was a fan of mlp fim (who i since have stopped being friends with long story) and i was reminded of how i used to like mlp & i caught it on tv one day & as they say the rest is history!
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