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Nikola Xerdav

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Status Updates posted by Nikola Xerdav

  1. who is that green hair girl in Friendship Games? i like her, she all rocking out and stuff

    1. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      Lemon Zest I believe

  2. not even 9 minutes into Equestria Games i see an issue...

  3. finally got my 4DE Rainbow Dash :-)

  4. 4DE finally sent me an email that they shipped my RD plush, only took like 5 months :P

  5. i think the no singing in griffonstone might be a reference to the no-dancing allowed in the movie Footloose

  6. so apparently there was an episode 2 weeks ago but i only found out about it now...

  7. seriously, why does 4DE take forever to fulfill orders? over 4 months now and it's still "processing"

  8. i love how people who grew up listening to 90s EDM like to judge dubstep and electro as nothing but noise :P

  9. i'm trying to be patient with Reaper, but i just keep wanting Ableton :'( ugh.. i'm not patient enough to learn Reaper, lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      i heard that Garage Band actually comes with some VSTis xD Reaper comes with a single stock synth, that's it... i have to hunt down VSTis, ugh... not only that, but apparently some VSTis don't let you use a computer keyboard to play notes :/

    3. Flutterstep


      That's true for some. Not to mention, how expensive they are. Some of them can range to $200-500 each, not including VAT :P

    4. Flutterstep


      That's true for some. Not to mention, how expensive they are. Some of them can range to $200-500 each, not including VAT :P

  10. EDM fans, Kill The Noise has a new album :D <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flutterstep


      You make some? :0

    3. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      yes, using my month trial of Ableton Live :-) i will show you sometime

    4. Flutterstep


      Awesome! :D I've made some random songs too. Well, more poorly mastered amateur experimental noise, but still I'm a beginner xD

  11. for those old enough to get the reference, i think Sookie from Gilmore Girls is Pinkie Pie.

  12. Brotherhooves Social just became my favorite episode of MLP

  13. good news, my Digital iTunes LP of deadmau5's > album title goes here < finally decided to download and process after months of error messages

    1. Flutterstep


      I thought you didn't like deadmau5? :0 I relly like his 4x4=12 album, followed by > album title goes here < :)

  14. ~sigh~ i didn't like Made In Manehattan

  15. wow, i get more brohoofs when i post on recent episodes, or maybe it's because my opinion was more positive and tons shorter in length to read, lol

    1. Arpeggio Sweep

      Arpeggio Sweep

      Might it be a viewer traffic thing too? A lot more people would be keeping an eye on recent episode opinions, I'd figure.

    2. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      yeah :-) makes sense

  16. so, saw the new episode, it was decent, could have been more interesting

  17. it depresses me to know that Skrillex worked with Justin Bieber, but worse than that, the song sucked

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      i also know that i watched a Skrillex concert and i was digging it until the last 18 minutes when all they were playing apparently were Jack U tracks, and i was like "what is this top 40 urban bullshit? is this club music?". i don't want to hear club music at a Skrillex show man, i hate club EDM.

    3. Flutterstep


      I will always prefer Skrillex's music over Jack U, but I did find the album very refreshing and unique. But I agree, I hate it when he plays music like it in his concerts. He plays such awesome high energy music, but then switches to some weird bongo drum noise followed by hip hop and IDM stuff.. 0.0 It really kills the mood. I would love to have seen him live a few years ago, but I don't think I would now.

    4. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      i mean, IDM is not really something you want to hear at a concert, hehe xD NERO treads that borderline of IDM and progressive house on some songs, i can imagine putting up with it for them because they have a larger than life sound to them, it's kinda like a rock concert but with synth, i actually wonder how good NERO sounds live.. hmm, i should try to find videos ^_^

  18. what ever happened to canapplejack? i heard a rumor that he deleted most of his youtube then left the fandom, but why? :(

  19. weird, someone told me they liked Skrillex - RocknRoll, and at the time i told them i didn't like it, but then i came around and changed my mind about it, lol

  20. after rewatching Wonderbolts Academy, it definitely felt like that episode was cutdown for time constraints :(

  21. FunKo kinda sucks. why does it seem like if you want top tier quality, you have to pay out your ass for handmade custom toys?

  22. i've been distracted with other stuff lately, sorry if i haven't replied to anyone lately :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arpeggio Sweep

      Arpeggio Sweep

      You're all good, mate. You do what you gotta do :)

    3. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      <3 Arpeggio. i listened to the Neverbloom song, but i haven't dedicated a full session of MLPforums long enough to respond to a full message yet. i will get back to you when possible.

    4. Arpeggio Sweep

      Arpeggio Sweep

      haha you don't have to make it an epic long response again, if it takes up too much time :)

  23. I give and give away my unhappiness in color

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      i'm just being cryptic xD would you believe me if i told you that was the lyrics to First Of The Year (Equinox) by Skrillex? apparently the sample was taken from Sonny's earlier solo music before he got into dubstep, so when he made this song, he took the line, reversed the audio backwards, then pitch shifted it really high so you can't recognize his voice. clever eh?

    3. 碇 シンジン
  24. why does it seem like everyone on Ponychan hate the show since season 3? :P

    1. CosmicSpark


      I don't know, maybe they think there opinion matters, I think it has improved since season 3 :) :)

    2. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      i don't think the answer is black and white either, i think the show started off averaging so-so, but then as time went on, it had a lot of bigger ideas, better ideas, and when... ultimately... worse ideas and worse executions... there were always flaws in each season, and S4 and S5 are not immune, but i won't say the show has gotten worse, no more than it has better at the same time.

    3. CosmicSpark
  25. you'll never want to leave my side, as long as i don't break these promises, and they still feel all so wasted on myself

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