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Posts posted by S.F.

  1. I couldn't say what my worst of all time are, but one that springs to mind is Command and Conquer Red Alert 3. I didn't mind the game so much, had some fun with it (and it kept some of Red Alerts sillyness which was good), but what I really dislike is what direction it took the series as far as mechanics. The original Red Alert is pretty much what got me into gaming properly (instead of just casually playing on my uncles SNES). EA just sucked all that was C&C out of C&C, especially considering it followed the (imo) excellent C&C 3. After RA3, I didn't bother getting C&C 4. 

    More recetly, I got the Force Unleashed 2, while 1 wasn't a great game, I had a lot of fun with it (and the story wasn't too bad either), 2 just felt rushed, bland story and I actually got bored with it by the end (at least it came around quickly).

    I wouldn't call them the worst I've ever played (I have no idea what I would say is), but they are two that certainly stand out to me. 

  2. I'm not saying that I need this in my life...but I wouldn't complain if it was: 


    Also, when I last visited my parents, the day I got there they received a new Lavazza coffee machine (with built in milk frother) - it made some pretty good coffee, I'd say slightly better than my Tassimo (but not enough for me to warrant the price of upgrading imo)

  3. sig-4818988.XyYBxCe.png


    While we have yet to know what Ryzen 3 & 5 are capable of, I'm confident that they will lay the smackdown on Intel this generation. It will be very interesting what Intel's response will be. I find it be amazing that Ryzen will perform like it does, and they sell it for dirt cheap compared to Intel.

    Those 1700x/1800x processors look like insane value for money to me, but with them being the more enthusiast processors, I doubt they will hurt Intel the most. If what you suspect is true, I'd imagine they will make Intel sweat the most.


    I think we have already seen Intel start to respond to Ryzen, as I'm sure I read that they are releasing an i5 with hyperthreading. But either way, I'm hoping it will force Intel to price their processors more competitively as it looks like they've been enjoying a rather large profit margin (assuming their r&d costs are similar to AMDs)

  4. Hello  thank you for the welcome, i am in to all kinds of music  almost every artists has at least one song i like and i am always open to new music! id have to say that i do listen to black veil brides and  falling in reverse a lot lately  what music are you into  if you dont mind me asking?

    That's cool, it's always good to listen to all types of music (imo) :) - but can't say I've listened to much in the way of black veil brides or falling in reverse, will have to check them out! (any song recommendations?)


    I'm much like you, I listen to all kinds, most recently have been listening to Gojira (have tickets to see them live next month :D), Fall Out Boy, Halsey and Madeon.

  5. I can't say they're definitely gonna be back in it with Ryzen because it's not out yet lol. I'll wait for a LTT video on them, but their graphics cards are good. Still waiting for the RX 490

    He had good things to say about their demo system that he used (the 4K Doom one) - so hopefully that was a representative example of what the final products will be like.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I'd hope we see some more soon, I loved the design of the crystal ponies (including the mane 6(7)/princess being crystallised).


    So yeah, hopefully they will make a comeback, and I wonder if their names will be crystal related? (If they ever get named that is XD)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I'm just really not sure. I've grown up Christian, but I never really go to church anymore, nor do I read my Bible too much. I've also been around so much culture that tends to side around atheism and agnosticism, that I'm starting to develop certain ideas that most of my Christian friends don't have, I don't know if I'm still a "Christian" or should side more this way. I guess you could say I'm religion/belief "questioning", if that's a good term.


    But, even if I still am a Christian, I won't judge you for being atheist. It makes me curious though.

    For what it's worth, that's how I lost my faith - I started questioning it, and either found no answers, or answers that weren't satisfactory. It seems that many people think that you lose your faith in a 'eureka' moment, where it suddenly happens in an instant, but for me it was a gradual realisation. I'd say that the last year or so I still identified as a Christian, I was actually more an atheist - but either didn't realise it yet, or didn't want to admit it.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to push you in one way or another, nor influence you in any way - just sharing my experience, that sounds like it was similar to how you are currently feeling - I just thought it may help bring some clarity, of course I could be completely wrong too (I'm not you after all' so it could be different).

  8. Oh noooo, atheists must live such unhappy and unhopeful lives in my opinion  :(

    What makes you say that? I used to be Christian (was brought up a methodist), and I'd say I've been happier in myself since giving up the church. Also, without the existence of God to explain everything, the universe has become a much more wondrous place imo.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Hi there and welcome, I've heard of Ambient White (and have seen the trailers) - it definitely looks like an interesting game!


    Just had a quick look at your DA - looks cool too dude :)


    At any rate - I hope you enjoy your time here, and will be seeing you around the forums :D



    • Brohoof 1
  10. @Silver Swift @Cloggedone



    As we see here, ATX is not a bad option for anyone, first time or seasoned builder. It has the largest variety of boards and cases, and pretty much anything will fit in said case. Mini ITX (IMO) is best if are planning a custom loop and you intend on using a single graphics card, and most people buy only two sticks of RAM anyway. You can even get a X99 chipset mini ITX board, but only Asrock makes it and I'm not sure why. :okiedokieloki:  The biggest drawback is if you intend to use air cooling, it can get toasty due to the cramped space of an Mini ITX case. Although, you can use a mini ITX board in an ATX case, but I think it looks dumb and I don't know why people do that. (It's mostly pre-builts are guilty of this though.) Micro ATX is the nice middle ground. You can have a smaller PC, but can still have multiple GPUs (even though I wouldn't recommend it unless water cooling due to temperature concerns) and up to four sticks of RAM.

    Cool, if I do another build while living where I currently am, I'd probably go m-ATX for now (due to the afore mendtioned space issues), as I don't have much of a desire for an SLI/Crossfire setup, but do like RAM expandability (have 4 sticks in my current).

  11. My good ol' MSI 970A-G46 motherboard (yeah, I know not everyone has a good opinion of MSI motherboards, but I like mine), is pretty expandable, but that's a totally different factor. I think it would depend on the size of the motherboard, but I'm not THAT knowledgeable on building PCs - I know how, but only normal ATX ones.

    To be fair, it all depends on what sort of space I have - currently I'd go for an m-ATX or m-ITX, but that's because my computer room isn't the biggest. If space is no issue, I'll go for a full size ATX too

  12. Buying Ryzen CPUs might be out-right cheaper, even for Apple, but as we all know, they don't really make huge hardware upgrades to their desktop models often enough. And when they do, it's pretty much hardware that's been around for a few years that they pass of as new.


    As far as motherboards, there seems to be a push for mini ITX since a lot of builders are going with that just because of the small size.

    True - especially their latest few updates, but you never know, Ryzen may be the reason for the gap since their last upgrade (unlikely, but possible - they did switch to Radeon from Nvidia, so I'll be interested to see).


    It's been a while since I've done a build, so my knowledge may be a bit rusty, but aren't the mini ITX boards less expandable than the m-ATX ones?

  13. I think AMD have said they would support Thunderbolt, but since it's shared between Intel and Apple, it is unlikely. It might also come down to whether motherboard manufacturers would actually use it. I just hope there will be decent X370 chipset M-ATX motherboards since I definitely am not swapping my Mastercase 3 anytime soon.

    If Apple decide to adopt Ryzen, the there may be more scope for TB I guess (and their desktop lines are due a refresh - so, who knows).


    I'd be surprised if there weren't any M-ATX motherboards, especially with manufacturers liking to show of their small form-factor gaming rigs, so I'd expect to see some

  14. I'm thinkin the Ryzen 7 1700X, and an RX Fury X, or whatever is going to take on the Titan X, and then put waterblocks on them for a custom loop. Oh, and an AM4 motherboard.


    But always remember the golden rule, wait for benchmarks. AMD could very well be cherrypicking every one they are doing in order to increase hype, and probably stock prices.

    I'd be interested to see a Vega card vs an Nvidia one on a game running on DirectX, for instance.


    I'm also hoping some AMD motherboards come with Thunderbolt - I know it's an Intel technology, but hopefully they will be able to licence it considering Intel might be using Radeon for their integrated graphics (I have a TB raid drive that I kinda want to keep being able to use XD).

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