In the comments name some unpopular my little pony opions.
I'll start with this one,
I don't think we should be jacking off to horses.
Best ones will be on the top here.
@Yamet said "Luna, Derpy, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are overrated. Especially Luna."
@NotoriousSMALL said "I think having a waifu is ridiculous."
Angry Cartoon Nerd said "I don't hate Seasons 1 and 2, but I feel they get too much love, and that Seasons 4 and 5 are much better."
Manman20x6 said "Since season 3, the songs have been getting more boring. I can't remember how half of the recent songs go. Compare that to season 1 songs like Winter Wrap-Up which every brony knows by heart."
Pokekid534 said "Ditzy Doo is a better name."
Sunsetmaster said "I never really liked Spike... but he has his moments but never really liked him."
Chirox the pony said "Well as far as I'm concerned Granny Smith always ruins Applejack episodes, seriously she's just a generic elderly character what's so great about her? "
Envy said "These characters were not created for your sexual/violent fantasies. They were created to show girls that there are many different ways to be yourself, and that there's nothing wrong with any of them." Whoever has this opion dose'nt understand the internet in genral. Porn and internet goes hoof and hoof and sometimes we need to accept it and ignore it.
FlutterstepHD said "Dragon shy was by far the worst episode ever. It made me hate Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie and Twilight as well as turn me off the whole show, at the time. It could have prevented me becoming a brony :("
Night mist said "Queen Chrysalis was the best villain. She had a good plan, and she had a good motive. The only reason she truly lost is because the plot required it."
Wow so far 10 unpopular opions woo hoo
JonasDarkmane said "Sombra is really underrated "
Megas75 said "Magic Duel was a turd of an episode."
If we get to 25 unpopular My little pony opions I'll do a Unpopular Equestria Girls opions.
Rarityfan01 said "Earth Ponies are the best race."