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Aura Nightlight

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Status Updates posted by Aura Nightlight

  1. I'm back after being gone for a while. College isn't something that I'm used to yet, but it's going..

  2. Does any pony play League of Legengs??

  3. Finally made my steam account. Look forward to playing with everypony.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aura Nightlight

      Aura Nightlight

      I'm not sure. Anything you recommend?

    3. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Uh maybe borderlands 2 if ya haven't played it before. You will get crazy hours out of that game if you like it!

    4. Aura Nightlight

      Aura Nightlight

      Thank you! I'll look into it. :)


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