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Sky Knight

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Posts posted by Sky Knight

  1. Easy. Subtitles. There would be one. Take South Park for example. It was never dubbed when it came here. But i guess some who hate to read dubbed it. So maybe over time some will dub it, but it will originally be in arabic.


    Which is the effect. They will say "But the original sounds friggin better". Which is the main idea of this world, to give it a flow of that :)

    You should get working on this great idea right away Finia. *boops for being adorable*

    • Brohoof 1
  2. This one time I decided to take part in Halloween I decided to dress up like barbie. I had see through tape all along my legs and arms to give off the impression I was plastic. Then I had all the very girly pink accessories to go with the outfit, I'll never degrade myself like that again. I have a sore head just thinking about it, god that was embarrassing.

  3. Welcome to the MLP Forums Harmonic Alicorn I hope you enjoy your stay! Plenty of friends to be had and Threads to be made! If you need help figuring something out feel free to Private Message me and I'll try my best to help you out! And if you just want to be friends and hangout I'm okay with this too!

    • Brohoof 9
  4. I am under the impression that a lot of people here don't actually know how the military works or how the chain of command works... Judging by some of these comments... There are far more rules, regulations than people are assuming, and people seem to be under the impression that you can be given orders to do just about anything and if you refuse they can kill you or something. The military can not give you orders that violate certain rights. They can not order you to rape someone, or something like that. And you CAN deny a commanding officer without punishment if you can prove that the command was unjust. They DO have court cases when you get court marshal or the threat of discharge. They don't just discharge you and call it a day, they have to build a case against you.


    If you can prove your commanding officer was giving orders that were completely a violation of basic human rights, they are not going to punish you for it. If your CO just decided "hey, I want you to go and murder this upcoming village for no real reason" and you disobeyed, you are not going to get in trouble. You can even be awarded for detaining your CO if they are breaking rules of engagement, and other policies.

    If you honestly believe they would not break regulation then you're dead wrong. The Army can do whatever they freely choose to do, if the Government gives the go ahead, it'll happen. You'll just be fed incorrect information and fantasy about we're doing this under the section of this that or the next thing so don't you worry about it. This wall of being honorable, respectable and for the people is all smokes a mirrors to brainwash you into doing the very things you've said you would "never do because of how much the Army has changed and become very well lined to absolute perfection to avoid all possible flaws that the people say we do". I'm sorry but I REALLY do not buy into any of that.

  5. Uh huh...


    I suppose when I am randomly told to shoot unarmed people for no particularly good reason who clearly are doing nothing wrong, I'll have a better answer to that question. I have not heard of any mass shootings of Christians, or Tea Party Patriots who were unarmed, peacefully protesting and following all the laws. Can you link me to some examples of what you're talking about?

    Sadly that won't matter when you're being told to kill an unarmed civilian since the lower your rank the less information you get.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. True, but this isn't as common as people seem to think. Am I denying that  the US military has given orders that are wrong and questionable? No. It happens, and it will probably happen for a long time. However am I saying that things are changing slowly and improving? Yes. Our policies in the military are FAR better than what they were even 30 years ago. There is still a lot more that needs improving, but please do not try to villainize the men and women serving for the actions of some of the superiors. Not EVERY superior is corrupt, and soldiers/airmen/seamen following their orders are not terrible people.


    Many of the people in the service are there because they are in it to defend our country and protect our freedoms. Unfortunately that means sometimes they will have to do stuff they may not personally agree with, but that doesn't mean their heart is not in the right place.


    When you speak against the military itself and shame the men and women serving, you're not solving the problem. Speak against the politicians who RUN the military. Speak against the fact that our commander-in-chief is the president who is not required to have ANY military experience. Speak against policies that are being proposed by people who are trying to turn the military into their tool to get what they want.


    Don't speak against the soldiers/airmen/seamen/marines that are just trying to do the right thing.

    We're free to speak how we like, the soldiers/airmen/seamen/marines don't get immunities just because they think they're helping the world by doing the Governments dirty work.

  7. I get that question a lot, and no one ever seems to be able to find a time in recent years where the US military orders their men to fire upon innocent civilians. This isn't Nazi Germany, or WWII anymore. Policies have changed significantly, and I feel when people ask questions like this, they are uninformed of new regulations.


    To answer your question as best I can though: the US Air Force is not going to order me to do so. The best scenario I can think of is say having to shoot a child with a bomb strapped to them. In that scenario yes, you would have to shoot an "innocent" but the situation is not that black and white. You have to consider the circumstances. If you refuse, then your entire squad is going to die and the child will die anyways. It's unfortunate, but if the death of one innocent which is unavoidable will save the lives of other innocents then it must be done. The US military is not going to order me to go up to random villages of strangers and just open fire on people for no reason.


    Please do not imply such. There is more to it than that.

    No but they can add different context to it and fool you into believing you're doing it for all the right reasons.

  8. This makes no sense. We aren't going to kill each other because the government says so. If anything, we're going to have the police arrest them instead. We aren't gonna buy war bonds because of terrorist action, or else we would have already during 9/11 or during the Iraqi war or in Afghanistan...


    I have a question, especially since your theories are kinda exploding out of any kind of reasonable sense. I mean no offense by that, by the way. Are you playing devil's advocate, or do you really think that the government is out to kill us? What reason could they possibly have? They aren't the Illuminati, you know...

    That's just fine, you just keep blindly fooling yourself that they wouldn't do any of these things to have their way. I get the feeling you're looking from the perspective of a dreamers world since you're afraid of the hard truth. As for the "Devil's Advocate" thing, I have no clue what that is. All I'm saying is the US Government would harm its own people if it wanted something badly done.

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