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Everything posted by Kodiak

  1. God, that show was the best when I was growing up. Back when Cartoon Network actually had entertaining and funny cartoons. I remember getting excited every Friday night for their 3-hour cartoon block with a new episode of the Edds at the end. Amazing times.
  2. Good call with these cases. I'm a Psychology student myself, and I agree with pretty much everything on here. I never really thought of Twilight Sparkle as having some degree of Asperger's, but after looking it over, it fits mostly. However, she doesn't seem to have difficulties in social interactions rather than little experience at it. Difficulties would be Fluttershy's social anxiety, where as Twilight just sees it as another school subject to learn. Pinkie Pie's pretty much on point, but I think I remember a psychological term for her saddened/angry "Pinkamina" side. I don't think it's bipolar disorder, but I feel there's a term for it somewhere. Great post! It's awesome seeing that I'm not the only one that likes looking at character psychology in this show.
  3. Party with Octavia. This is very acceptable.
  4. Totally not biased, but I would have to go with Twilight Sparkle. For one, I would never have to worry about her being late with the rent, and I would love someone to sit down and have a deep discussion on literature and sociology with. That, and I would imagine she'd look cute with early morning bedhair.
  5. I'm loving this. Funny enough, this was one of my most played songs on my iPod a few months back. Excellent choice in clips, and excellent choice in music. I'm surprised I haven't seen this on Equestria Daily yet.
  6. Latest chapter in my audiobook series on Judgement. I know most people don't tend to actually read as often, so have some spoken words instead. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDGAIhmXMsA -- Original story: http://www.fimfictio...31375/Judgement Previous chapters:
  7. I've honestly asked myself the same thing. I have other activities and interests I pursue, but Internet-wise it's all pony. It's a tough call, but I say that if someone asks you, "Hey, what do you do in your spare time," you better have more to say that "hit F5 on Equestria Daily." Really, that's you improving your vocabulary and expanding your range of thinking. Most non-bronies I know can barely hold their attention for a 2,000 word count story. Personally, having read long works like Fallout: Equestria and The Immortal Game, I've learned so many new words and ways to construct sentences. So, nah, I say you're not doing yourself much harm.
  8. Do you enjoy playing with G3 ponies? Indeed I do. I had that for lunch yesterday.
  9. Have you ever swallowed a quarter? It was fun, but I'll never try it again.
  10. Wow, this is pretty awesome. I especially love the city theme you threw in the background. Instant save
  11. Update: We moved to PonySquare now. http://ponysquare.com/audiobooks (Simple URL name, eh?) -- Hey there! Just spreading the word on a new audiobook group on FIMfiction. It's in its early stages in terms of members and uploaded content, but if you've wanted to try doing audiobooks or want to listen to some, check out the link below. For the makers of audiobooks, this group is intended as both a resource for gaining advice and skill improvement as well as being a community. Since I started doing readings myself, I've noticed that the audiobook section of the fandom goes widely unnoticed compared to the other parts (music, art, etc.) http://www.fimfiction.net/group/1170
  12. This is looking pretty accurate for something handmade. I love how you stitched her asleep, very fitting. Keep it up
  13. Wow, 2011 new notifications. I've been away too long. ;)

  14. Hey everypony. I haven't thrown anything new up here on the forums for a while, so here's me glowstringing to Archie V's Christmas in Equestria. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Uxdx--wZL0
  15. Semper Fidelis.

    1. Klopp


      From the Halls of Montezuma, To the shores of Tripoli!

  16. Hmmm, something "striking/action-y." A bit like this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Xnvd7Mmwv7I/TqO7A_N_ZeI/AAAAAAAAPTk/XQrV3pweX7A/s1600/Capture.JPG
  17. You could give my OC a shot (I only had Pony Creator for a reference). His cutie mark is a scroll with a red quill over it at a diagonal. http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg809/scaled.php?server=809&filename=ponywithbackgroundt.png&res=medium
  18. You know, that's how I originally interpreted the meaning of "Love and Tolerate." If you can't love/befriend someone, then just tolerate your differences and live life. Though, Dr. XFizzle up there's completely right about how this has really lost the strong meaning it had a year ago; it's really one of the many things that has changed about the brony community since I joined.
  19. Nothing beats the feeling of dashing down the highway with all the windows down and Rainbow Dash's "Spectrum" theme blasting.

    1. ProjectRKA


      I approve of this :3

  20. +5 cupcakes for you, good sir.
  21. I think it's interesting to note the written language of Equestria. Look back at the way things are spelled in the paper, most of the letters are either backwards or upside down. Maybe it's just the animators being quick about something that isn't story-essential, but I just thought it was a cool thing to notice. As for the episode, they just keep getting better and better. This one kind of hit home; I'm a staff writer for my high school's paper. And, Celestia help me, trying to find interesting stories on a monthly basis to fill an eleven page newspaper is one of the most annoying things to do in life. Great CMC episode with solid involvement from the Mane 6 (Rainbow Dash was exceptionally adorable with the whole "hooficure" and rain cloud gags).
  22. All of my yes, take it. I hope my Soundhound app can grab some of these; I'm loving the tracks in this mix
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