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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Kodiak

  1. I just realized, MLPForums has over three million pageviews.

    1. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Congratulations! You caught a Slowpoke! Would you like to nickname your Slowpoke? Kodiak was sent to your PC!

    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      We need to hurry up and push it to 5 million before the end of next month.

    3. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      LMAO @ Colton

  2. Just got my whole Psychology class to watch "Smile Smile Smile." ;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zoop


      Only someone lacking a soul could manage to not enjoy that song.

    3. ProjectRKA


      What Zoop said ^_^

    4. Adro2503
  3. I think there was something about a "friendship letter delivery" thing on March 1st with Derpy involved.
  4. Literally all my social networking sites are going on about Derpy being edited from the episode. It feels like someone's died or something; everypony is actually getting sad over it. I can feel that, somewhat.

  5. Want to know something funny? People got offended by a character that they helped create! Derpy was just an animation error that we, as a fandom, latched on to. She was never intended to be a serious character, and now that the guys at StudioB practically see us as friends, we bite the hand that feeds us by lashing out against Derpy. This only discourages future attempts at sharing a closer bond with the people who run the show that we love so much.
  6. I could see your point, but this wasn't really a thread to try and redefine the two words, rather to discuss their meanings when used in casual conversation. "Excuses" and "reasons" already have their negative and positive connotations respectively. I'll change my original argument to maybe their literal definitions could be interchangeable, but someone would be more likely to use the word "excuse" when they think the other persons either lying or not being totally honest; word choice would be left to the user. For example, when Pinkie Pie's friends didn't come to Gummy's "after-birthday" party because they had things to do in Party of One, she says: "The more I think about it, the more it sounds like *gasp* excuses!" Though, when she finally came to the surprise party at the end of the episode, Rarity says something along the lines of: "We had to think of reasons for why we couldn't make Gummy's party so that we could get yours ready." Perhaps the words could mean the same thing, essentially, but one could be favored by the user depending on the situation.
  7. I see a reason as something that you honestly couldn't help if you tried. With an excuse, it's more of you trying to take the blame off yourself; an invalid reason. Example: Scenario: You're late to an appointment. A reason would be something like: "There was a sudden accident on the highway on my way over here," where as an excuse would be: "I had to stop for gas." My logic is that one cannot control the actions of others (car accidents), however one can control things like fuel supply (stopping for gas). If you could have preemptively handled a problem, then it would qualify as an excuse. Though, there's always a gray area. If the response was: "My car broke down," it could go either way; it's a reason because things like that could happen randomly, but it could be an excuse if you already knew that there were problems with your car. What do you guys think?
  8. I could easily see this being like the "Bronies: Make it Happen" video at the start of this year. I'm totally in. Couple of things: 1. What kind of format would you like the video? 2. How long do you plan to make it? 3. Are you going to use one of those "inspirational" music tracks in the background?
  9. Yep, I'll be doing the layout and the article itself. The graphics (pictures) are left to another section of the paper though.
  10. Hey everypony! Well, I'm on the school paper and all, and my adviser allowed me to do an article about charities; anything at all relating to it. So, I said "Why not ponies?" Though, I'm going to need you guys' help and knowledge. I'm juggling around three different articles this time around, and won't have enough time to properly research the various brony donation causes as I would want to. I hate to sound like I'm just passing off my work to you guys, but I could seriously use some help. I know of a few such as "Smile!" and the Humble Brony Bundle, but that's about it. In your posts, please give the name and link of the donation cause, and maybe a small description if you feel like being generous I'll gladly post the completed and finalized article here as well as submit a copy to Equestria Daily. Thanks to all who respond!
  11. "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A MAN?!" God, Yaplap is freakin' awesome. I especially loved the way that one guy put it: "We are transcending gender stereotypes." Best brony quote I've heard.
  12. Snowing outside? Walks dog for an excuse to be out.

  13. Let's see...there was one night where I woke up nuzzling my pillow because I thought it was Twilight Sparkle. Disappointment ensued. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  14. Let's finish our holiday cheer~

    1. NeverNeverland


      Screw your holiday cheer! >:D

    2. Aureity


      Cause tomorrow spring is hereeeeee...wait, no it isn't :c

    3. Slictz


      Because tomorrow spring is here?

  15. Mild sauciness: Image link:
  16. I think this was a good thing for us. It adds a bit of clarification on what this fandom's actually about, yet gives off a sense of humor that shows how we don't let people (or trolls) get to us.
  17. I don't think this was meant to be used as a reference for how bronies actually are. I see this as more of a funny, satirical parody for the fandom to enjoy (hence the use of Yaplap). As for being weird, eh, everypony out there is always going to have something that sets them apart from the rest of their species. Loving ponies just happens to be ours. But hey, everypony's entitled to their opinions.
  18. Fluttershy was my first favorite when I started getting into the show. I mean, how could you be more of a boss when you can make a dragon cry? But, Twilight's just more..."realistic." Maybe it's my logical side talking, but to me, her personality makes the most sense. It's easy to compare her love of reading and, as a result, closing out possible friends to people on the computer who do the same thing. That, and she's just has the cutest scream when something startles her.
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