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Posts posted by Whiteshade

  1. Why are we trying to choke him in the first place?

    No mind control, just trying to make sense of this thread before I approve or disapprove...


    You are free to make sense of what you wish, but you must deal with the consequences.


    Also the OP is Feld0 in disguise, a clever trick indeed.

  2. Hmmmmm.... there really aren't that many "viable" builds that are similar to Ap rengar.... There are plenty of silly things that kind of work.... Like Ap varus, Ap tris (Which are both really fun, and they work alright...) but none of them really live up to what Ap rengar could do :huh: ... AP Rengar... the God of all silly champion builds... ^_^


    I thought AP tris mid was perfectly viable, as well as quite a few AP adcs


    Anyways... tried taric top yet? It's so broken, you build him as AP tank if I remember correctly.


    Don't wanna double post, so I'll edit this instead:





    Pentakill, and a quadra to boot. Horrible laning phase, how did I get the stats I did? On well I'm not complaining

  3. post-3463-0-92222000-1351306385_thumb.jpg

    Damn. How does his mushrooms do that much damage? 3v1, I run, they pop 2 shrooms, then I turn back, press w, and snipe all 3 for a triple kill.


    I broke my kill record on soraka. Basically every Vayne death was by me, because flash + banana OP. Also was a pretty good 4v5.

  4. I was playing aram, we were gonna win, enemy team aced, 3 left on our side, so we just took down turrets, damaged nexus, and decided to let the 25 or so minions finish off the nexus. We all run into the fountain laser for the lulz, die, nexus has 23 hp left........ then inhibitor respawns. We respawned, got aced, lost.


    This is probably my best throw to date. Also Vayne is my third most hated character now, so broken yet so useless.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Been on a bit of a losing streak lately, but I finally got a decent (team) performance in. Support can be really frustrating, but then you have this:



    I derped really hard as skarner and fiora were focusing mf and I was desperately trying to ult but in panic forgot to actually move my mouse to target mf. We got aced. Other than that, pretty good game, at the end we just ignored baron and split pushed, because we were just that fed.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 2 things, 1, when I checked again I sterilised literally everything. 2, I doubt bacteria since my bedroom/lab is radioactive and has all sorts of chemicals on it (I'll keep it as this, I refined granite for uranium. Don't ask why it's loooooong process...)


    Work for me. Just do it.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe insects have 6 legs. Count the legs, it would well be mites or etc, which to my knowledge are not insects (they fit under the umbrella category of bugs though). Also why are you surprised? Whatever you see under the microscope is likely not rare, but rather common.

  7. Not sure where my reputation stands. I've been known as a funny guy (even though im serious... im serious guys), but then afk bunch, so I bet newer members don't know me now. Also my blog has the most unique and deep topics out of all the blogs, 10/10 snake pony mods academia concur.


    So to sum up my base stats:

    Reputation: 5500

    Suave: 78

    Debuff - Seizure: 100% proc

    Debuff - Confuse: 86% proc

    Debuff - Lists: 59% proc

    • Brohoof 1

    What did you think about this scene? The last 2 episodes just became ridiculous and Mei should of just said who the dead person was, although then again she would of probably would of been killed by lightning or something like that right before saying who it was.



    Anyone one here watching Sword Art Online? If you've watched the last 2 episodes, what are your thoughts on the episodes 15 and 16?


    And does anyone have any anime recommendations that has high quality animation, like Angel Beats, Another, SAO, Gosick, or School Days? I'm thinking about watching Clannad next, but I want to know some other good ones with better animation.


    Apparently one dies per month, but in the end writer is like "meh, just instantly kill everyone that's not the protagonists"



    They should've cut SAO after whatshisface died and the game cleared. I'm still watching though, not liking it.


    As for anime, meh I don't really pay attention to animation. The only anime animation wise that I can recommend is FMA Brotherhood.

  9. "Morgana isn't that good anymore"


    I beg to differ.



    I had 142 cs at the 15 minute mark, and I could've broken 400 is bot didn't feed horribly, lose lane, then run to my lane (and shamelessly farm) and camp there for the rest of the game. I finally died near the end, as I got caught by a cho q and feast, teemo went for me, ez went for me, sona ulted, basically all 5 focused as hard as they could. I still managed to ult+zhonyas somehow, and got an instant trip and set up an ace.


    Also our Shen kept giving Teemo blue instead of me. Annoying, to say the least.


    Also this


    TL;DR Jungle Amumu, derptastic, somehow won handily idk.


    Macro is good, micro is bad. Bandage toss too hard k? I need build advice and maybe common jungle paths, etc.

  10. Be shunned. No, just no. Just leave my sight at once and never return!!!!!!! But anyways I don't like new Soraka. She had always been viable, but none of the pros use her sadly...


    On a semi-tangent, I ran a Soraka-Jayce top once. Top turret got downed in 5 minutes, Jayce was also 4/0/0 at that point. Too stronk. I've also ran Soraka-Jayce on bot on several occasions, I have yet to lose with that combo. Everyone seems to play sona+corki/ez/graves though, because copying meta ftw.


    Also apparently a meganerf patch is incoming, but meh, I don't play sona, main tris adc, wukong mostly on top, and on mid it's still oh DFG nerf why Riot.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.


    Watched the 1st episode so far. My impression? This shit is SO FUCKED UP. Think cupcakes, but instead of ponies its anime. Definitely watching till the end. Interesting storyline and good setting.

  12. From what I see, Ezreal is quite a good laner and early-mid game carry. His late game though kinda falls off.

    Nice match though, did you consider getting Quicksilver Sash to counter Warwick's ulti?

    Also, THAT RIVEN BUILD....... :o


    Riven and Leona were both trolling hard. Despite trolling, they were fucking amazing, albeit Leona dropped significantly by late game (she was 6/1/something at midgame).


    Also I never considered qss, its an odd item I never tend to build. It seems to be a good item though for ww ult.


    Also how to raise cs? I see the pros getting 300s and even 400s, yet im farming as hard as I can and only have 223 at 40 mins. Mind you that's still 56 cs per 10 minutes, so me playing adc is still viable, but its not great either. Also I ulted top lane at one point for no reason and at a bad angle, but that 3 cs was totally worth it.

  13. Hmm Ez is free this week, I wonder...


    Hmm my first game with Ez (well if you con't count a coop vs ai a couple months ago). Basically...

    Good damage output, I'd say use his ult first to initiate, since you instantly get max passive stacks, then e in and proceed to ace. He's totally weak vs hard cc though, WW's minute long suppress combined with that Riven and/or Sona... game was almost thrown since after that my team does no damage, and we got aced 3-4 times like that. Gotta be careful vs ww, renek and the likes. Also if you miss a lot I can forsee some laning trouble, but that's not a problem with me personally. Also Soraka and Sona best supports, nunu poked a little but was mostly repelled back during most of laning, so meh. Ali, Taric, Leona also work, but I generally don't go for aggressive playstyles out of preference.


    Also bonus, an interesting philosophical debate among academia:

    (politically incorrect)




    Contrary to public perception, I am not black, nor am I a midget. I rest my case.


    • Brohoof 1
  14. I run up the rails on the stairsskip 1 step, because ninjalazy.


    Also random fact: I have never fallen down stairs. I've lost my footing several times, but always recovered. The worst I've ever got stairwise was a sprained ankle, and I had to one foot hop down the rest of the stairs.

  15. I'm horridly offended by your comment!!




    You actually made me shoot Vodka out my nose right now.


    I hope you're happy.....it burns terribly.


    I do apologize for any physical pain inflicted. Clearly you are more masculine than I am, as I would never attempt drinking vodka through my nose. Well played.


    Also that was a pretty fast response, albeit a fast response was what I predicted.

    • Brohoof 3
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