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Blog Entries posted by Mobley

  1. Mobley
    Good morning ponies!


    I'm sorry for my absence in posting both on the forums and on this blog. I have been working on a little music project which is now in a condition ready to be shared with you!




    This is my first ever attempt making anything like this, so please, any feedback would be greatly apprecaited. I intend to revise and extent this at some point down the line, and I know that I've definitely yet to master some of the controls that FL Studio offers!


    Hope you're all well. It's good to be back

  2. Mobley
    I was thinking to myself today during a break in the day about the Royal Guard in the show.


    As the nearest thing that Equestria seems to have to a military, what traditions do they have? Do they have pomp and ceremony, inspections and parades?


    I couldn't answer the question myself, having seen less than half of the show, but it nevertheless served as the inspiration for today's pickings for my blog.


    So without further ado, here's tonight's offering, Piefke's Königgrätzer Marsch...



    ...aand something a little closer to home



    As always, I hope that you're all well wherever you are! Please feel free to comment on either the blog or my choices!

  3. Mobley
    Afternoon ponies! Today I thought I would illuminate one small fragment of music which led to the creation of my original pony, Chirpy Tunes (currently pictured as my avatar, character entry


    Chirpy, though not necessarily reflected in terms of his gentle personality, has a dark genesis in music. Scubert's Der Leiermann (The Hurdy-Gurdy Man) provided much inspiration when I began to conceptualise the pony that would become Chirpy.


    The song itself is set at the end of Schubert's song cycle Winterreise (Winter Journey). It is a lonely finale to a cycle, in which the sorrowful character of the lead singer sees an old, decrepit
    Hurdy-Gurdy player at the edge of the village, and asks if he can leave with him.


    Mythology-wise, the hurdy-gurdy player is often associated with personifications of death, as is the violinist and more importantly the organ-grinder which Chirpy's street organs allude to, and his isolation is reflected in Schubert's chilling writing.


    As I said, Chirpy is no Grim Reaper, but I thought it would be interesting to include this as a footnote in his origins.



    Over there beyond the village

    Stands an organ-grinder,

    And with numb fingers

    He plays as best he can.


    Barefoot on the ice,

    He totters here and there,

    And his little plate

    Is always empty.


    No one listens to him,

    No one notices him,

    And the dogs growl

    Around the old man.


    And he just lets it happen,

    As it will,

    Plays, and his hurdy-gurdy

    Is never still.


    Strange old man,

    Shall I go with you?

    Will you play your organ

    To my songs

  4. Mobley
    It's a lovely Sunday morning here, and I thought that today's blog post should feature an equally lovely pony!


    The final three of the Mane 6 feel a bit tricker than the first for tunes to pick, and I thought long and hard about Fluttershy. There were plenty of calm, pastoral numbers which I could have picked, but I wanted to capture Fluttershy's more fragile side too.


    In the end I decided on this beautiful little piece, Moonlight from Benjamin Britten's Four Sea Interludes, themselves taken from his opera Peter Grimes.



    Please don't be shy! Leave a comment if you like or disagree with today's choice. I hope you're all well and enjoying a good weekend

  5. Mobley
    Welcome to the second post for my little miniseries of blog posts dedicated to the Mane 6. Today's featured pony is the ever-glamorous Rarity!


    Culture, refinement, just a little drama...it was really between two composers; Johann Strauss (II) and Tchaikovsky. I just had to go with my heart in the end!


    So here's my choice! Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think


    Waltz from the ballet Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky


  6. Mobley
    Hello everypony! I'm going away for a couple of days for work and the internet situation is a little uncertain, so it may be that I won't be posting over the next couple of days. Will miss you!


    I'll be playing in Mozart's Marriage of Figaro and it should be good fun, for anyone who's around Berwick-upon-Tweed on the 8th or Edinburgh on the 13th. For those who can't make it, I couldn't resist...



    Take care you lot, and hope you're all having a wonderful summer!

  7. Mobley
    Good afternoon everypony. The sun's out, the flowers are in bloom, so let's go on an adventure!


    Today's going to be a little bit different; the pieces I have for you today are taken from the wonderful world of soundtracks. One film, one game, both Japanese!


    My first choice is something which I actually heard for the very first time last night, recommended by our very own S.F., it's a lovely track from Final Fantasy IX, called You're Not Alone by Nobuo Uematsu. I've never actually played any of the Final Fantasy games, but this goes a long way to convincing me that I'm missing out!




    The next selection comes from an animated film which I'm sure many of you will know and love, and is taken from a scene which I think absolutely breathtaking. Procession of the Spirits from the film Spirited Away, composed by Joe Hisaishi.




    If you have any recommendations please, don't be afraid to PM me! I'm always happy to hear music that gets you going. I hope you've enjoyed today's instalment!

  8. Mobley
    Hello everypony! I hope this (rather rainy) Saturday finds you all safe and well!


    Today's instalment is from a CD that was lent to me by a friend. The premise of the album (I think) is that the music is interpreted to sound as it may have been played by the Conquistadors and early Spanish settlers in South America. It's a great listen from start to finish, but this selection is for me the highlight.


    I forgot to add earlier, please don't be afraid to leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts!


  9. Mobley
    Hello and welcome to Mobley's Music Blog! My first blog in the history of the poniverse!


    Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. before we get started, I just want to say a word or to about why I decided to start this. I'm naturally quiet, and I usually have neither the energy or the courage to share things about myself. but I decided that here, in this community, I would try and be a bit different from my usual self.


    The trouble now is that most of the stuff I want to be able to share is incomplete. I love to write both stories and musical compositions which completed I would really like to share with you guys, but as someone who either gets distracted easily or gives in because of a perfectionist streak, I don't have anything of the sort on hand.


    Thankfully however, after some thought, I recognised that there was something I could share with you, my love of music, mainly classical. I thought that a little music video blog would be a great way for others to experience a side of me, and also perhaps might in turn give me the chance to learn about others.


    The first piece I wanted to share with you is the 5th movement of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony


    I chose this piece for the feeling of hope that it gives me. When I came to this community I was, and am, at a difficult time in my life, but I was immediately bowled over by the friendship, support, and most importantly hope, that greeted me. I wanted to put this up for those who are also going through difficult times at present. It is a piece that, to me, expresses a deep feeling of hope, and assures me even when times are at their worst that there is a calm after the storm.


  10. Mobley
    “You sure Twilight won't mind the short notice?” Apple Bloom asked her big sister as they cantered up to Twilight's library one Saturday morning.
    “Of course Twilight won't mind!” Applejack replied with her characteristic surety and smile. “I'm sure she'll love to spend some time with you.” The two ponies reached the front door of Twilight's library.
    “Go on lil' Sis, you do the honours!” Apple Bloom knocked enthusiastically on the tree-library's front door. There were the sounds of movement from behind the door, and soon enough it opened, revealing the happy if slightly confused face of Twilight.
    “Applejack! Apple Bloom!” she exclaimed. “Great to see you both! Were we meant to be meeting up today? I must have forgotten to put it on my list for today.”
    “Not at all, this is an unscheduled stop,” Applejack began, her tone of voice indicating that she wanted to get down to business. “Twilight,” she said before Twilight could invite her in. “I have a favour to ask.”
    “Sure, fire away!”
    “We've got a lil' emergency. Cousin Braeburn, you remember cousin Braeburn? I just got a letter today sayin' that his barn burnt down and he needs help to put up another one. Me, Big Mac and Granny Smith are gonna catch the first train to Appleoosa today, but Apple Bloom here still has school when the weekend's up. Could I leave her with you for a couple of days while we're gone?”
    “I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's barn,” Twilight began as she began to think about the request. Apple Bloom, who had been beaming anyway, beamed even more in a 'please say yes!' sort of fashion. “Of course I will! I've got one or two things on, but if Apple Bloom is happy to come along with me then everything's fine.”
    “Yay!” Apple Bloom squeaked, jumping up and down excitedly on the spot.
    “Yay indeed!” Twilight said with a laugh. “I'm sure we'll have great time together!”
    “Thanks Twilight! You're a life saver,” Applejack said, the sound of relief noticeable in her voice. “Well in that case I'd better go and gather the herd and be off!” Twilight nodded in agreement and Apple Bloom turned to her sister. Applejack picked her up and hugged her tightly. “Now you behave yourself lil' Sis, you hear?
    “I promise!”
    “That's my gal!” Applejack put her sister down. “Well I best get going. Take care you two.”
    “And you!”
    “Bye Sis! Say howdy to Braeburn for me!”
    Applejack turned and galloped off back up the road. Apple Bloom's smile faltered. Though not a filly prone to homesickness, she knew that she would miss both her sister and her family. She looked at Twilight, her big eyes swimming slightly, and Twilight looked back reassuringly, and Apple Bloom found her smile and her spirits restored. Together the two went inside as Applejack disappeared down the road.
  11. Mobley
    And so, fillies and gentlecolts, we reach the end of our miniature journey with the mane 6


    Finding something for somepony as dynamic as Twilight was actually quite thought provoking, not to mention a little awkward...I was saving my favourite pony until last, changed ponies halfway through the series and then changed back again.


    I was going to originally choose something about magic or orderliness, but in the end actually I felt that it was better to have something that represented Twilight's friendship, though the choice has a magic all its own! To that end, here's By The Sleepy Lagoon by Eric Coates, also known as the theme tune to the BBC's Desert Island Disks. If I were marooned on a desert island, I can't think of any pony better to be marooned with



    I hope you've enjoyed this miniseries. Don't worry, my musical blog will continue. I wish you all good health and a prosperous Thursday

  12. Mobley
    Good morning ponies!


    Today's featured pony is Rainbow Dash! She was definitely the most difficult of the Mane 6 for me to come up with something. The most obvious was Ride of the Valkyries, but since that already appeared in the show (S2:E7- May the Best Pet Win) I thought I'd challenge myself to find something else.


    In the end I decided on something a little bit obscure, the 4th movement of Borodin's 2nd Symphony.


    I'd tell you why I picked it...but I'd rather hear your opinion as to whether it was a good choice


  13. Mobley

    Forgotten Tunes


    Hello and welcome to the title page of what I hope will become my first fic written 1) in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe, and 2) for you ponies


    I thought I would do this in a blog format as opposed to a thread just so I can keep it neat and tidy, and feedback can be left easily at the end of each section. That's right! Please leave feedback when I get a chance to put stuff up, it's really valuable to me and helps me stay confident in my writing. That reminds me, if anyone would like to proof read, I would be really grateful and would of course reciprocate the service!


    The story is mainly to complete the story arc that began in my OC's backstory. If you don't know who that is, don't worry, the story will hopefully make that clear eventually. In terms of when it's set, I've only watched up to about halfway through S2, so I can only base Equestria off what I've seen!


    I hope you guys enjoy the story. Here's a little foreword to get the ball rolling:


    Strange noises are drifting on the wind from the Everfree forest that only little Apple Bloom can hear. The adventure to finds its source takes her to a place forgotten by the everypony in Equestria...everypony but one.

  14. Mobley
    Evening ponies, you didn't think I would forget it's blog day did you?


    I actually had to put quite a lot of thought into a tune for Pinkie Pie...that was until I remembered this little number.


    In recognition of Pinkie Pie's ability to cheer ponies up and of her one-pony band skills, here's Fucik's march, Entry of the Gladiators. Enjoy, and as always, please, if you have a good tune to associate with today's chosen pony, please say below, I'm really interested to see what other people think!


  15. Mobley
    Hello ponies! I thought, just for fun as a little series in my blog I would see if I could match a little 'classical theme' to each of the mane six.


    I thought I'd start with Applejack who is rapidly becoming my favourite pony (sorry Twilight!) My opening choice is the Hoedown from Aaron Copland's



    I hope you enjoy the music, and if you have any suggestions for Applejack please, don't be shy, leave your suggestions in the comments


  16. Mobley
    Good afternoon ponies!


    So last night I hinted to my other half that I liked watching MLP. It was a spur of the moment decision. It didn't go well, but nor was it the end of the world!


    As an ode to impulsive decision-making in Rarity-style drama-queeniness, today's instalment is Taken from Puccini's Turandot. To criminally sum up the scene, the Prince is going to announce himself as a suitor for Turandot (who he saw for the first time a couple of minutes ago) while everyone else is trying to stop him, as if he fails to answer the riddles posed by Turandot, he will be executed!


    I suggest listening to this on full volume. I'm back now from my music rounds so I can post a little more often again. Take care ponies. Glad to be back with you


  17. Mobley
    Hello again everypony, and hoping that you are all happy and well! I currently find myself in a small (but much appreciated) lull in what's turning out to be a manic few summer weeks. I thought that I would spend some of this free time to put up another post in my little blog for you


    A cool summer's night is falling where I am, and it's put me in the mood for some night music, so without further ado here's a Chopin Nocturne to share!


    Chopin Nocturne in E-flat, Op.9 No.2

  18. Mobley
    Back to Europe we come with tonight's post with Joaquín Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez.


    The piece was inspired by the gardens at the Royal Palace of Aranjuez, Spain, and its beauty is all the more remarkable because Rodrigo was from the age of three almost completely blind.


    It's as beautiful and vivid a portrait of a place as you can find in music. I hope that it brightens your day, whatever the time may be!



  19. Mobley
    Well, this is still going, and as a reward in the name of my...um...persistence, here's a double whammy!


    For today's pickings, I chose movements from two of my favourite classical pieces that were composed by film composers, William Walton and Erich Korngold. Enjoy!


    Korngold Violin Concerto, 3rd Movement


    Walton Viola Concerto, 3rd Movement

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