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About whillyumarie

  • Birthday 1995-06-16

Profile Information

  • Personal Motto
    "Two hands, too busy."
  • Interests
    Mainly its FOOD and we'll be instantly friends :)

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Blast my as- Honestly, I don't get it. Can anypony tell me what that means? I admit I could be ignorant but don't blame me if I don't live in the same area with you guys.
  2. YES. A million times affirmative. I do this joke where I meet new people and I'd ask them how old I am. Most of the time they'd have answers years below my actual age which I get a good laugh from. All my other friends would join in and let the unsuspecting victim guess again. A few minutes later I'd tell them the truth, because there's this feeling called guilt and yes, it exists in me no matter how much of a meanie I am. -WM
  3. If it's a kid's show and has cute and relatable characters, then I don't see why I would love it to bits. The talking ponies are a huge plus too.
  4. No, I don't think so. That could be the case, about people leaning more to the sweet and shy pegasus. It is also understandable that it has something to do with their own qualities. Kind of like how you choose friends. "Tell me who you're friends are and I'll tell you who you are", as how the saying goes. But I believe that it does not only tell you who you are but more specifically the qualities that you deem important. Other than that, they could have qualities that you would love to have or those in which you can relate more. Like if you ask someone to give a word which describes them the most, they could say that they're 'shy' or 'hard working'. The former would sound a bit unappealing contradicting to what the latter said. But a warning for this fickle kind of idea is that people are more than 'shy', 'hard working' and any other adjective. I've met plenty of 'shy' people having more friends and 'hard working' ones that are not easy to approach to. I like Rarity. Why? Out of the six main cast, she's the more creative one. I'm creative so it makes sense (not to brag here every pony). Also, she has a certain kind of confidence that I admire. Her ability to be head-strong when it come to her dreams and aspirations is really awe-inspiring. (Miss Rarity, if you're reading this then congratulations to the new boutique in Canterlot. You deserve it ). I can understand how she is such a "Drama Queen", knowing she doesn't give two bits about every pony out there when her mascara is running on her face. I could say how much a sucker I am for her colors, white and purple (?) are really elegant-looking. If my friends would have to pick from the six on which one is more like me, I'd say I'm a Fluttershy. Not relatable on the actual one that I like but I don't hate her either. But ask me the same question then I'm Team Rarity all the way. -WM
  5. Paperwork is such a bothersome these days that I'm getting way too dead to get up. Oh well! No time to dwell on that!

  6. Me to a friend about her aptitude test scores: Test scores don't define who you are.

  7. I...don't recall. All I know is that I've been sleeping late until 12 in the midnight ever since 1st grade.
  8. At first I was quite astonished with the 'bros who love the ponies'. And still find the people here amusing, to say the least. It was a show that was intended for children, especially to little girls. So a community who also liked watching MLP is surprising.
  9. Ah, yes. One of the main reasons why Friendship is Magic existed.
  10. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, this is your fault for making me sound so fancy when I get tired. *snooze*

  11. How weird would it be if you see you sister laughing while she's fast asleep?

  12. Good mornight.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hug I hope you can get some rest <3 its not happy being too tired=)

    3. whillyumarie


      Yeah. I sound ancient when I'm tired. What about you? You seem chipper.

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Yeah I try be happy =)=)=)=)=)=) because I seen that being happy is more happy than being not happy =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)!

  13. Being weird is normal. Being normal is weird. Weirdness has nothing to be ashamed of. Normal makes all of the stops just to make sure he is not put into shame. I hope I helped clarify your query, friend. :3
  14. Now, onward with the story! The worst injury I had was...well, more of an embarrassment to say the least. I was learning how to ride a bike, and since our neighborhood was quite empty at the time so I had the freedom to do the things where no one had to laugh at me. That meant noob bike riding. I was with my sister. For 30 minutes I was getting the hang of it and we settled for trying my "skillz" at this 10 m long cemented ramp. Now I only got the mechanics with the bike, breaks and such. There were two of them, as how the normal mountain bike goes. I sped off from the top of the ramp. I was going waaay too fast. I did not know which break I was going to push. I tried pushing the left one...or was that the right...I don't know. I really cannot remember the things that transpired after that but judging from my skinned knee and my sister laughing and jogging towards me, it was something that both of us couldn't forget. A time where I accidentally hurt myself while doing an accidental flip with a mountain bike on a cemented ramp. *bows*
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