hey my first roleplay! so first the title says it clearly Celestia vs Luna so which side are you?
rules :
1 no haters including alicorn haters nobody likes those people %90 sure(except haters who would love haters)
2 there is no limit to what you can be!! from dragon to royal alicorn to even a magic item(muffins are too op so no muffins sadly they rekt everything)
3 not too op like he/she can't die or he/she never dies because they have like a resurrection stone (harry potter idea) nobody wants that
4 no reserving a place or leaving at the last minute that's just annoying and mean
5 have fun!
to join make a comment like this:
oc name and link:
team solar or lunar:
if team solar why?:
if team lunar why?:
there i will be two carecters at once my two ocs:
oc 1 :sunfury
species :alicorn
team solar
if team solar why?: he was born in the sun
if team lunar why?:
oc 2 : moonshock
age :18
species :alicorn
team lunar
if team solar why?:
if team lunar why?: he was born in the moon