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Posts posted by AmbientBeat

  1. If you wouldn't mind, I would like you to elaborate.  Do you believe it is an personal issue with your own writing style or is it because of the material given?


    Any character can lose their effect, but that's usually because someone is trotting on old ground, a story we have seen told already, and hasn't really latched onto the possibilities of a character as they are.  There is something to be said about wasted potential, and what I would say is when playing with an established franchise is add a new character when the current elements cant work for the tale you intend to weave.  I think that's why OCs as Protagonists in their own stories make so much more sense than Villains.  Villains of destruction, corruption, consumption, and worse already exist. 


    I guess the core question would be, Why is it that a new villain is necessary for the story you want to tell?  Because if it is, great!  But if it's not, I don't think anyone would want to feel like there was a missed opportunity.


    Thanks for the quick response!

    That's a good point. I never made a reoccurring enemy in my stories, so I never thought of it that way

  2. Hey AmbientBeat,


    I am noticing that you've taken on my old approach to creating villains.  Glad to see I am not the only one who enjoys the occasional psychological villain, but I think you have it backwards.  Starting with an ability is good if you can reverse-engineer the purpose and psychology of the villain based on their powers and how it influences their behaviour.  What I find is more solid though is to work on the psychology first, find where that villain is broken, build them into a full on character, THEN work on their capabilities.  You'll find it a little easier once you get into the gears of the villain's head-meat.


    Glad you are a fan of Changelings as well!  One thing I would ask though is, if the same effect can be done WITH a changeling, why not use a changeling?  Unless I missed something, you stated you would like to make this villain worthy of the MLP franchise, so why re-invent the wheel, rather than explore the unexplored territory with what has been established?  Personally I find Changelings fascinating, and a little disturbing, and I think that's what I love about them!  They serve as a very good plot device and have interesting themes to explore simply by the basis of what they are.


    Originality doesn't need to necessarily come from the character itself, but in it's use.  I am pretty sure we all can think of at least 5 solid plots using Discord, as his themes of chaos, corruption, and misery in Season 2 run perfect with him being able to bring things together that wouldn't be possible in any other way.  We wouldn't need to design a new Villain for it, because the nature of Discord is already presented.


    Just a few thoughts.


    My problem with using old villains is that I ind them easier to drive out of character,  moreso than the heroes, since after awhile, the effect the villain had would start to lose its effect if done incorrectly

  3. When I make villains, I think of abilities it would have that would make people paranoid. I've been working on a good villain I would use ifthe situation would arise where I would have the opportunity of writing an episode of MLP. I want it to make you paranoid, but not super paranoid like my general monsters. After months of concept making, I now know it manipulates inaudible frequencies to make ponies insane. I want to outdo Changelings, which I admired(monsters disguising as people you love? Awesome!)  My point is a good villain has an emotional impact on the audience.

  4. Note that I'm not as upset as I am curious. I mean, none of the people who disliked it left a comment as to why, so Im wondering if it has to do with the way I handled certain situations in the story or if it's just writing style. Since the fic is far from over, I need criticism so I can improve the story in future chapters.

    And I can't link it as it's NSFW.

  5. I'll preface this with the admission that I don't care for fanfics in general, and I especially don't care for the kinds that seemingly throw a bunch of unrelated things into a blender and hit "frappe."  That being said...


    Did you even consider writing your piece as a non-pony story?  Some Brony authors have what I consider a terrible habit of shoehorning ponies into absolutely anything; regardless of whether or not the piece works best as a pony story.  Sci-fi horror meets teen drama meets...  Ponies?




    Yes, I realize that FIMfiction is a site devoted to Friendship is Magic fanfiction.  But sometimes an author will have what is essentially an interesting idea...  And then bend it every which way to make it fit a preexisting fanbase.  Don't do that.


    Start from scratch.  Reinvest the most fundamental elements of your story into a piece that contains nothing but characters and worlds YOU create.  Then submit the rewrite to deviantART or some such site.

    Thing is it was molded around the fact it was about ponies. It's actually a remake of an older fic I made. After a couple years I wanted to flesh out the story more. Everything that happens in the fic is caused by the ponies' mere presence.

  6. Okay, I uploaded one of my most ambitious projects ever on Fimfiction.net, but within the first day of it being published, it got 10 thumbs down. It currently keeps that score, along with another thumbs down Inaccidently gave it and two thumbs up. I can't link the fic since it's VERY NSFW, so I'll give you the specifics.

    The fic is what would happen if Skins met My Little Pony. Twilight Sparkle finds herself in 2015 Seattle and in the company of an ensemble cast of really bratty teens, each one having their own unique problem. Each chapter equals one "episode". Each episode is focused on one of the teens, and the ponys' involvement in their private lives. It's a mixture of teen drama and science based horror. While the horror part is not the main drive of the story, it is the reason behind Twilight's arrival on Earth, and has to do with my recent existential anxiety and interest in noetic sciences. Basically, it supports the theory that several universes occupy the same space, just under different frequencies, and that our "souls" are capable of traveling between them. Of course, my fanfic is not advertising the concept, as I use it for paranoia inducing purposes. I'm not going to go into details other than that it has to with beings from another dimension using this to trigger a doomsday scenario. Of course, I haven't gone into that yet in the story.

    Other than that, the non horror story is a darkly humorous clash between Equestrian and Earth cultures, filled with music references, influenced by Neo noir films and art movies, but the most apparent influences are Skins and Life on Mars.

    If you want to read it, my fic is called Runaway, Houses, City, Clouds, named after the Tame Impala song.

  7. When I started out I used Garageband to make music. I still do, it's a very useful tool.

    Figure is a great app as well. Alchemy is really neat. I use Audacity, but mainly for sound editing. Launchpad is VERY useful. And if you buy the custom sound option ou can add your own samples using Audiocopy, the greatest partner for ios musicians

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